07.2.2013 - Official Opening of New Small Animal Imaging Facility (µCT/PET)
A new µCT/PET system in Institute of Physiology AS CR
New small animal imaging facility was officially open during 89th Physiological days in Prague. The new facility provides µCT/PET analysis and housing of mice and rats undergoing longitudinal imaging studies. µCT/PET is diagnostic imaging technique using a device which combines in a single gantry system (Albira, Bruker BioSpin) both an x-ray computed micro-tomography (µCT) and a positron emission tomography (PET). The system is dedicated for the tudy of experimental animal models of human diseases, such as metabolic disorders (Type II Diabetes, Obesity), nervous system disorders (Epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease) and cardiovascular disease (Ischemic Heart Disease, Hypertension). The facility was established within project OPPK BIOMODELS (CZ.2.16/3.1.00/24017, European Regional Development Fund).
Author: flachs@biomed.cas.cz
02.12.2013 - The J. E. Purkyně Honorary Medal
Prof. Pavel Mareš, MD, DSc, has been awarded by The Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medal
21.11.2013 - Jan Kopecký, M.D., DSc. awarded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
20.10.2013 - Everyday Jet Lag
Paper from Department of Neurohumoral Regulations, Institute of Physiology, was cited in New York Times Magazine
20.8.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology
Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology.
20.8.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Biochemistry of Membrane Receptors
Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Biochemistry of Membrane Receptors.
16.7.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Bioenergetics
Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Bioenergetics.
16.7.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Computational Neuroscience
Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Computational Neuroscience.
18.2.2013 - Call for a Junior Team Leader – Start-up Program of the Institute of Physiology:
Institute of Physiology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) announces call for Start-up Program
29.1.2013 - 89th Physiological days in Prague
The annual meeting of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Societies
09.1.2013 - 2013 Prof. Helena Illnerová received the J.G. Mendel Medal for Achievements in the Biological Scien
Prof. Helena Illnerová awarded by President of the Academy of Sciences