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Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083
14220 Praha 4
Telefon: +420 24106 1111
+420 24447 2270
Fax: +420 24106 2488
E-mail: fgubiomed.cas.cz




Nabídka práce

19.12.2013 - Vedoucí oddělení chovu a zoohygieny laboratorních zvířat

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

Název pozice: Vedoucí oddělení chovu a zoohygieny laboratorních zvířat

Pracovní náplň:

  • Odborné i administrativní vedení chovu laboratorních zvířat a souvisejících provozů

  • Ve spolupráci s veterinářem péče a kontrola zdravotního stavu zvířat

  • Aktivní komunikace s vědeckými odděleními

  • Aktivní komunikace s orgány státní správy

  • Zodpovědnost za vysoký standard péče o laboratroní zvířata

  • Vývoj a standardizace pracovních protokolů a dohled na jejcih striktní dodržování

  • Pravidelný reporting hospodaření


Profil vhodného uchazeče:

  • VŠ veterinárního, zemědělského nebo přírodovědného zaměření (minimálně Bc.)

  • pracovní zkušenost z obdobného provozu min. 3 roky za posledních 6let

  • zkušenost s vedením týmu

  • držitel osvědčení o odborné způsobilosti podle zákona č. 246/1992 Sb. na ochranu zvířat proti týraní v platném znění

  • znalost anglického jazyka na komunikativní úrovni

  • schopnost práce na PC (samozřejmostí je MS Worda a Excel), skladové hospodářství výhodou

  • dobré manažerské a komunikační schopnosti

  • samostatnost, flexibilita, spolehlivost

  • znalost stávající související legislativy


  • zajímavou, kreativní a zodpovědnou práci v tvůrčím akademickém prostředí

  • stabilní zázemí veřejné výzkumné instituce

  • finanční ohodnocení odpovídající výkonu

  • benefity: týden dovolené navíc, příspěvek na stravování, odborné kurzy a školení (v ČR i v zahraničí)

  • místo pracoviště Praha 4 – Krč

  • nástup dohodou, možné od 1. 4. 2014

  • pracovní smlouva na dobu určitou se zkušební dobou a možností prodloužení

V případě zájmu o tuto pozici zašlete svůj životopis a motivační dopis na adresu parobec@biomed.cas.cz do 31.1.2014.

Vybraní uchazeči budou pozváni na ústní pohovor během ledna/unoru 2014.


personální oddělení, tel. (+420) 24106 2225 ; sekretariát, tel. (+420) 24106 2424 ; E-mail: parobec@biomed.cas.cz


Kontakt: Eva Parobečková
Tel./e-mail: (+420) 24106 2225, (+420) 24106 2424, parobec@biomed.cas.cz

17.7.2013 - Purinergic P2X receptors- Postdoc position available

The Center of Biomedical Research (OPVK CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0025), Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic is seeking applicant for postdoctoral position (starting October 1, 2013) with an excellent ability and strong motivation to lead research on purinergic P2X receptors. EU-funded, possibility to proceed research in the new biotechnical and biomedical research centre BIOCEV in Prague (see http://www.biocev.eu/). The position includes teaching of undergraduate students.

Details can be found >>>>>

The application in English should include a cover letter summarizing the applicants’ career, past research accomplishments, statement of motivation, and research interests (1-2 pages), CV and a list of publications, copies of certificates and grades, and contact information for two references. The entire application should be sent as one single PDF file to Hana Zemkova (zemkova@biomed.cas.cz and a copy to cbv@biomed.cas.cz) before September 30, 2013.



20.8.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology

Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology.

Institute of Physiology (www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu/en, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) announces call for a Senior Research Team Leader position to be taken up at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology . Senior team leader’s basic salary (taxable) is expected to be approx. 30,000 – 40,000 CZK per month; Institute’s remuneration rules apply (exact salary depending on candidate’s experience and research performance). Additional salary supplements may be covered by external funding. Eligibility: PhD degree in relevant field. Selection criteria: Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic merit, as documented by peer-reviewed publications, quality of their research proposal and its relevance to Institute of Physiology, capability to attract external funding in a relevant research field, leadership/management skills. Two-stage application procedure: Stage 1: Submission of the following documents to fgu@biomed.cas.cz by 19 September 2013: (i) professional CV, (ii) list of up to 8 most important publications with a brief outline of their scientific importance (up to 2 pages A4), (iii) current research funding relevant to the research team, the possibility to transfer it to Institute of Physiology (external candidates only), and a list of submitted and anticipated grant applications, (iv) Names and e-mail addresses of at least two academic referees. Stage 2: Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit full proposals (up to 15 pages A4) and deliver a public lecture as part of their interview at the Institute of Physiology. Final results will be announced by 30 November 2013. Successful candidate will be expected to take up his/her position on 1 January 2014. Full details governing this call can be found at www.



20.8.2013 - Call for Leader of the Department of Biochemistry of Membrane Receptors

Institute of Physiology announces call for a Senior Leader of the Department of Biochemistry of Membrane Receptors.

Institute of Physiology (www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu/en, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) announces call for a Senior Research Team Leader position to be taken up at the Department of Biochemistry of Membrane Receptors. Senior team leader’s basic salary (taxable) is expected to be approx. 30,000 – 40,000 CZK per month; Institute’s remuneration rules apply (exact salary depending on candidate’s experience and research performance). Additional salary supplements may be covered by external funding. Eligibility: PhD degree in relevant field. Selection criteria: Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic merit, as documented by peer-reviewed publications, quality of their research proposal and its relevance to Institute of Physiology (http://www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu/en), capability to attract external funding in a relevant research field, leadership/management skills. Two-stage application procedure: Stage 1: Submission of the following documents to fgu@biomed.cas.cz by 19 September 2013: (i) professional CV, (ii) list of up to 8 most important publications with a brief outline of their scientific importance (up to 2 pages A4), (iii) current research funding relevant to the research team, the possibility to transfer it to Institute of Physiology (external candidates only), and a list of submitted and anticipated grant applications, (iv) Names and e-mail addresses of at least two academic referees. Stage 2: Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit full proposals (up to 15 pages A4) and deliver a public lecture as part of their interview at the Institute of Physiology. Final results will be announced by 30 November 2013. Successful candidate will be expected to take up his/her position on 1 January 2014. Full details governing this call can be found at www.


