Year 1999. Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages. Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined. Updated 12.4.2013 1. Zicha J. - Kunes J. - Devynck M.A. Abnormalities of membrane function and lipid metabolism in hypertension: a review. American Journal of Hypertension, 11(12), 315-331, 1999 IF = 2,083(99) 2. Fuhry L. - Nedvidek J. - Haburcakova C. - Glasauer S. - Brozek G. - Buttner U. VOR gain modulation in the monkey due to convergence of otolith and semicircular canal afferences during eccentric sinusoidal rotation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 871, 398-401, 1999 IF = 0,964(99) 3. Stieglerova A. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J. - Milerova M. - Pelouch V. - Ostadal B. Activity of cytochrome c oxidase in the right and left ventricular myocardium of male and female rats exposed to intermittent high altitude hypoxia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 874, 269-277, 1999 IF = 0,964(99) 4. Tervaniemi M. - Radil T. - Radilova J. - Kujala T. - Naatanen R. Pre-attentive discriminability of sound order as a function of tone duration and interstimulus interval:A mismatch negativity study. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 4, 303-310, 1999 IF = 0,776(99) 5. Bures J. - Fenton A.A. The gap between episodic memory and experiment: can c-fos expression replace recognition testing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 445-446, 1999 IF = 11,276(99) 6. Miniaci M. - Scotto P. - Bures J. Place navigation in rats guided by a vestibular and kinesthetic orienting gradient. Behavioral Neuroscience, 113(6), 1115-1123, 1999 IF = 2,719(99) 7. Mikulecka A. - Hlinak Z. - Mares P. Behavioural effects of a subconvulsive dose of kainic acid in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 101, 21-28, 1999 IF = 2,318(99) 8. Linnertz H. - Lanz E. - Gregor M. - Antolovic R. - Krumscheid R. - Obsil T. - Slavik J. - Kovarik Z. - Schoner W. - Amler E. Microenvironment of the high affinity ATP-binding site of Na+/K+ -ATPase is slightly acidic. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 254, 215-221, 1999 IF = 3,161(99) 9. Siemen D. - Loupatatzis C. - Borecky J. - Gulbins E. - Lang F. Ca2+ -activated K channel of the BK-type in the inner mitochondrial membrane of a human glioma cell line. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 257(2), 549-554, 1999 IF = 3,161(99) 10. Antonicka H. - Floryk D. - Klement P. - Stratilova L. - Hermanska J. - Houstkova H. - Kalous M. - Drahota Z. - Zeman J. - Houstek J. Defective kinetics of cytochrome c oxidase and alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential in fibroblasts and cytoplasmic hybrid cells with the mutation for myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibres (MERRF) at position 8344 nt. Biochemical Journal, 342, 537-544, 1999 IF = 4,349(99) 11. Drmota T. - Novotny J. - Gould G.W. - Svoboda P. - Milligan G. Visualization of distinct patterns of subcellular redistribution of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor-1 and Gq alpha/G11 alpha induced by agonist stimulation. Biochemical Journal, 340, 529-538, 1999 IF = 4,349(99) 12. Musilkova J. - Kriegerbeckova K. - Krusek J. - Kovar J. Specific binding to plasma membrane is the first step in the uptake of non-transferrin iron by cultured cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1369, 103-108, 1999 IF = 2,59(99) 13. Lansky P. - Rodriguez R. The spatial properties of a model neuron increase its coding range. Biological Cybernetics, 81(2), 161-197, 1999 IF = 1,199(99) 14. Migliore M. - Lansky P. Computational model of the effects of stochastic conditioning on the induction of long-term potentiation and depression. Biological Cybernetics, 81, 291-298, 1999 IF = 1,199(99) 15. Obsil T. - Amler E. - Obsilova V. - Pavlicek Z. Effect of aminophospholipid glycation on order parameter and hydration of phospholipid bilayer. Biophysical Chemistry, 80, 165-177, 1999 IF = 1,498(99) 16. Magliore M. - Lansky P. Long-term potentiation and depression induced by a stochastic conditioning of a model synapse. Biophysical Journal, 77, 1234-1243, 1999 IF = 4,58(99) 17. Floryk D. - Houstek J. Tetramethyl rhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) is suitable for cytofluorometric measurements of mitochondrial membrane potential in cells treated with digitonin. Bioscience Reports, 19(1), 27-34, 1999 IF = 2,958(99) 18. Jelinkova-Vondrasova D. - Hajek I. - Illnerova H. Adjustment of the human melatonin and cortisol rhythms to shortening of the natural summer photoperiod. Brain Research, 816, 249-253, 1999 IF = 2,302(99) 19. Koroleva V. - Korolev O. - Mares V. - Pastalkova E. - Bures J. Hippocampal damage induced by carbon monoxide poisoning and spreading depression is alleviated by chronic treatment with brain derived polypeptides. Brain Research, 816, 618-627, 1999 IF = 2,302(99) 20. Bures J. Leao s spreading depression of EEG activity. Brain Research Bulletin, 50, 459, 1999 IF = 1,977(99) 21. Kubova H. - Druga R. - Haugvicova R. - Skutova M. - Mares P. Changes in NADPH-diaphorase positivity induced by status epilepticus in allocortical structures of the immature rat brain. Brain Research Bulletin, 48(1), 39-47, 1999 IF = 1,977(99) 22. Dolezal V. - Tucek S. Calcium channels involved in the inhibition of acetylcholine release by presynaptic muscarinic receptors in rat striatum. British Journal of Pharmacology, 127, 1627-1632, 1999 IF = 3,722(99) 23. Lysikova M. - Fuksova K. - Elbert T. - Jakubik J. - Tucek S. Subtype-selective inhibition of [methyl-3H]-N-methylscopolamine binding to muscarinic receptors by alpha-truxillic acid esters. British Journal of Pharmacology, 127, 1240-1246, 1999 IF = 3,722(99) 24. Bacakova L. - Mares V. - Lisa V. Gender-related differences in adhesion, growth and differentation of vascular smooth muscle cells are enhanced in serum-deprived cultures. Cell Biology International, 23, 643-648, 1999 IF = 0,731(99) 25. Dobiasova M. - Frohlich J.J. Advances in understanding of the role of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) in cholesterol transport. Clinica Chimica Acta, 286, 257-271, 1999 IF = 1,035(99) 26. Vaneckova I. - Kunes J. - Jelinek J. Function of the isolated perfused kidneys from young or adult rats with post-DOCA-salt hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 21(4), 407-421, 1999 IF = 1,171(99) 27. Urbansky M. - Proska J. - Ricny J. - Drasar P. Truxillic acid derivatives, neuromuscular blocking agents with very high affinity for the allosteric binding site of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 64(12), 1980-1992, 1999 IF = 0,717(99) 28. Kubinova L. - Janacek J. - Guilak F. - Opatrny Z. Comparison of several digital and stereological methods for estimating surface area and volume of cells studied by confocal microscopy. Cytometry, 36(2), 85-95, 1999 IF = 2,843(99) 29. Bernaskova K. - Slamberova R. - Mares P. GABA uptake blocker NNC-711 exhibits marked anticonvulsant action in two cortical epileptic models in immature rats. Epilepsia, 40(9), 1184-1189, 1999 IF = 3,218(99) 30. Hort J. - Brozek G. - Mares P. - Langmeier M. - Komarek V. Cognitive functions after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus: changes during silent priod precede appearance of spontaneous recurrent seizures. Epilepsia, 40(9), 1177-1183, 1999 IF = 3,218(99) 31. Pirk J. - Kolar F. - Ostadal B. - Sedivy J. - Stambergova A. - Kellovsky P. The effect of the ultrashort beta-blocker esmolol on cardiac function recovery: an experimental study. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 15, 199-203, 1999 IF = 1,134(99) 32. Palecek J. - Abdrachmanova G. - Vlachova V. - Vyklicky ml. L. Properties of NMDA receptors in rat spinal cord motoneurons. European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 827-836, 1999 IF = 3,899(99) 33. Michal P. - Lysikova M. - El-Fakahany E.E. - Tucek S. Clozapine interaction with the M2 and M4 subtypes of muscarinic receptors. European Journal of Pharmacology, 376, 119-125, 1999 IF = 2,047(99) 34. Baumruk F. - Flachs P. - Horakova M. - Floryk D. - Kopecky J. Transgenic UCP1 in white adipocytes modulates mitochondrial membrane potential. FEBS Letters, 444, 206-210, 1999 IF = 3,72(99) 35. Jezek P. - Zackova M. - Rehakova Z. - Ruzicka M. - Borecky J. - Skobisova E. - Brucknerova J. - Garlid K.D. - Gimeno R.E. - Tartaglia L.A. Existence of uncoupling protein-2 antigen in isolated mitochondria from various tisssues. FEBS Letters, 455, 79-82, 1999 IF = 3,72(99) 36. Obsil T. - Hofbauerova K. - Amler E. - Teisinger J. Different cation binding to the I domains of alpha1 and alpha2 integrins: implication of the binding site structure. FEBS Letters, 457(3), 311-315, 1999 IF = 3,72(99) 37. Pesanova Z. - Novotny J. - Cerny J. - Milligan G. - Svoboda P. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced depletion of Gq alpha/G11 alpha proteins from detergent-insensitive membrane domains. FEBS Letters, 464(1-2), 35-40, 1999 IF = 3,72(99) 38. Matejckova-Forejtova A. - Kinclova O. - Sychrova H. Degradation of Candida albicans Can l permease expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 176(2), 257-262, 1999 IF = 1,673(99) 39. Sychrova H. - Remirez J. - Pena A. Involvement of Nha1 antiporter in regulation of intracellular pH in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 171(2), 167-172, 1999 IF = 1,673(99) 40. Krenova D. - Jirsova Z. - Housa D. - Liska F. - Soltysova L. - Kasparek R. - Bila V. - Pravenec M. - Kren V. Genetic analysis of the rat hypodactylous mutation. Folia Biologica, 45(3), 81-86, 1999 IF = 0,493(99) 41. Pausova Z. - Kunes J. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Pravenec M. - Tremblay J. - Hamet P. Endotoxin response in spontaneously hypertensive rats: A role of the TNF alpha-gene region. Folia Biologica, 45, 3-6, 1999 IF = 0,493(99) 42. Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Bila V. - Zidek V. - Simakova M. - Musilova A. - Van Lith H.A. - van Zutphen L.F. HXB/Ipcv and BXH/Cub recombinant inbred strains of the rat: strain distribution patterns of 632 alleles. Folia Biologica, 45, 203-215, 1999 IF = 0,493(99) 43. Zidek V. - Fucikova A. - Musilova A. - Bila V. - Kren V. - Pravenec M. Hematocrit and hemoglobin values are negatively correlated with insulin resistance in spontaneous hypertension. Folia Biologica, 45(6), 247-251, 1999 IF = 0,493(99) 44. Kotyk A. - Lapathitis G. - Krenkova S. Glucose- and K+-induced acidification in different yeast species. Folia Microbiologica, 44(3), 295-298, 1999 IF = 0,402(99) 45. Lanz E. - Slavik J. - Kotyk A. 2,7-Bis-(2-Carboxyethyl)-5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein as a dual-emission fluorescent indicator of intracellular pH suitable for argon laser confocal microscopy. Folia Microbiologica, 44(4), 429-434, 1999 IF = 0,402(99) 46. Bacakova L. - Mares V. - Bottone M.G. - Pellicciari C. - Lisa V. - Svorcik V. Growth and differentiation of the vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells cultured on fluorine ion-implanted polystyrene. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, 53-56, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 47. Bacakova L. - Pellicciari C. - Bottone M.G. - Lisa V. - Mares V. Different responsiveness of male and female rat aortic smooth muscle Cells (SMCs) to repeated passaging in culture. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, 56-59, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 48. Jirsova Z. - Zemanova Z. - Pavlikova D. Functional specialization of the epithelium in the mesonephric tubules. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18(-), 105-108, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 49. Krajci D. - Mares V. - Lisa V. Ultrastructural response of the nuclear envelope(NE) of C6-glioma cells to Cisplatin-induced apoptosis. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, 59-63, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 50. Lovcinsky M. - Borecky J. - Kubat P. - Jezek P. Meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin in Liposomes as a Suitable Photosenzitizer for Photodynamic Therapy of Tumors. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18(1), 107-118, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 51. Soukup T. - Jirmanova I. - Mrackova K. - Zacharova G. - Thornell L.E. Expression of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms in rat intrafusal muscle fibres after neonatal deefferentation and subsequent denervation. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, 81-83, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 52. Zacharova G. - Mrackova K. - Jirmanova I. - Soukup T. Stereologic evaluation of the soleus muscle isografted into fast extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle in rats with different thyroid status. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, 84-86, 1999 IF = 0,4(99) 53. Skatchkov S.N. - Krusek J. - Reichenbach A. - Orkand R.K. Potassium buffering by Muller cells isolated from the center and periphery of the frog retina. Glia, 27, 171-180, 1999 IF = 4,245(99) 54. Muller R.U. - Poucet B. - Fenton A.A. - Cressant A. Is the hippocampus of the rat part of a specialized navigational system? Hippocampus, 9(1050-), 413-422, 1999 IF = 4,979(99) 55. Houstek J. - Klement P. - Floryk D. - Antonicka H. - Hermanska J. - Kalous M. - Hansikova H. - Houstkova H. - Chowdhury S. - Rosipal S. - Kmoch S. - Stratilova L. - Zeman J. A novel deficiency of mitochondrial ATPase of nuclear origin. Human Molecular Genetics, 8(11), 1967-1974, 1999 IF = 9,359(99) 56. St.Lezin E. - Zhang L. - Yang Y. - Wang J.M. - Wang N. - Qi N. - Steadman J.S. - Liu W. - Kren V. - Zidek V. - Krenova D. - Churchill P.C. - Churchill M.C. - Pravenec M. Effect of chromosome 19 transfer on blood pressure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension, 33(1), 256-260, 1999 IF = 4,913(99) 57. St.Lezin E. - Griffin K.A. - Picken M. - Churchill M.C. - Churchill P.C. - Kurtz T.W. - Liu W. - Wang N. - Kren V. - Zidek V. - Pravenec M. - Bidani A.K. Genetic isolation of a chromosome 1 region affecting susceptibility to hypertension-induced renal damage in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension, 34(2), 187-191, 1999 IF = 4,913(99) 58. Costa A. D. T. - Nantes I. L. - Jezek P. - Arruda P. - Vercesi E. A. Plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein activity in mitochondria isolated from tomatoes at different stages of ripening. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31(5), 527-533, 1999 IF = 3,664(99) 59. Jezek P. Fatty acid interaction with mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31(5), 457-466, 1999 IF = 3,664(99) 60. Jaburek M. - Varecha M. - Gimeno R.E. - Dembski M. - Jezek P. - Zhang M. - Burn P. - Tartaglia L.A. - Garlid K.D. Transport function and regulation of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins 2 and 3. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(37), 26003-26007, 1999 IF = 7,666(99) 61. Thoenges D. - Amler E. - Eckert T. - Schoner W. Tight binding of bulky fluorescent derivatives of adenosine to the low affinity E2ATP site leads to inhibition of Na+/K+ -ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(4), 1971-1978, 1999 IF = 7,666(99) 62. Pravenec M. - Zidek V. - Simakova M. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Horky K. - Jachymova M. - Mikova B. - Kazdova L. - Aitman T.J. - Churchill P.C. - Webb R.C. - Hingarh N.H. - Yang Y. - Wang J.M. - St.Lezin E.M. - Kurtz T.W. Genetics of Cd36 and the clustering of multiple cardiovascular risk factors in spontaneous hypertension. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 103(12), 1651-1657, 1999 IF = 10,921(99) 63. Kren V. - Pravenec M. - Moisan M.P. - Krenova D. - Szpirer C. - St.Lezin E. Report on rat chromosome 8. Journal of Experimental Animal Science, 40, 69-76, 1999 IF = 0,176(99) 64. Krenova D. - Jirsova Z. - Bila V. - Kasparek R. - Pravenec M. - Kren V. Genetics of rat hypodactyly. Journal of Experimental Animal Science, 40, 44-47, 1999 IF = 0,176(99) 65. Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Zidek V. - Kurtz W.T. - St.Lezin E. Derivation of SHR-chromosome congenic sublines for fine genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci with major effects on insulin resistance and blood pressure. Journal of Experimental Animal Science, 40, 41-43, 1999 IF = 0,176(99) 66. Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Hedrich H.J. - Szpirer C. - Levan G. - Stahl F. - St.Lezin E. Report on rat chromosome l. Journal of Experimental Animal Science, 40, 5-18, 1999 IF = 0,176(99) 67. Zicha J. - Sang K.H. - Kunes J. - Devynck M.A. Membrane microviscosity, blood pressure and cytosolic pH in Dahl rats: the influence of plasma lipids. Journal of Hypertension, 17, 785-792, 1999 IF = 3,039(99) 68. Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Zicha J. Multicomponent analysis by off-line combination of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis of collagen glycation adducts. Journal of Chromatography A, 836, 161-171, 1999 IF = 2,52(99) 69. Hamrnikova I. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z. - Kasicka V. Binding of proline- and hydroxyproline-containing peptides and proteins to the capillary wall. Journal of Chromatography A, 838, 167-177, 1999 IF = 2,52(99) 70. Miksik I. - Deyl Z. - Herget J. - Novotna J. - Mestek O. Binding of lead to collagen type I and V and alpha2 (I) CNBr (3,5) fragment by a modified Hummel-Dreyer method. Journal of Chromatography A, 852, 245-253, 1999 IF = 2,52(99) 71. Miksik I. - Deyl Z. Separation of proteins and peptides by capillary electrophoresis in acid buffers containing high concentrations of surfactants. Journal of Chromatography A, 852, 325-336, 1999 IF = 2,52(99) 72. Miksik I. - Vylitova M. - Pacha J. - Deyl Z. Separation and identification of corticosterone metabolites by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 726, 59-69, 1999 IF = 1,666(99) 73. Asemu G. - Papousek F. - Ostadal B. - Kolar F. Adaptation to high altitude hypoxia protects the rat heart against ischemia-induced arrhythmias. Involvement of mitochondrial KATP channel. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 31, 1821-1831, 1999 IF = 2,923(99) 74. Novotny J. - Bourova L. - Malkova O. - Svoboda P. - Kolar F. G proteins, beta-adrenoreceptors and beta-adrenergic responsiveness in immature and adult rat ventricular myocardium: Influence of neonatal hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 31, 761-772, 1999 IF = 2,923(99) 75. Bourova L. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P. The decrease in the short variant of Gs alpha protein is associated with an increase in [3H]CGP12177 binding, [3H]ouabain binding and Na,K- ATPase activity in brown adipose tissue plasma membranes of cold-acclimated hamsters. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 22, 55-64, 1999 IF = 2,331(99) 76. Bourova L. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P. Resolution and identification of Gg/G11alpha and Gialpha/Goalpha proteins in brown adipose tissue: effect of cold acclimation. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 23(2), 223-229, 1999 IF = 2,331(99) 77. Chraskova J. - Kaminskij J. - Krekule I. An automatic 3D tracking system with a PC and singl TV camera. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 88, 195-200, 1999 IF = 1,362(99) 78. Bukcharaeva E.A. - Kim K.C. - Moravec J. - Nikolsky E.E. - Vyskocil F. Noradrenaline synchronizes evoked quantal release at frog neuromuscular junctions. Journal of Physiology, 517(3), 879-888, 1999 IF = 4,552(99) 79. Vyklicky st. L. - Vlachova V. - Vitaskova Z. - Dittert I. - Kabat M. - Orkand R.K. Temperature coefficient of membrane currents induced by noxious heat in sensory neurones in the rat. Journal of Physiology, 517.1, 181-192, 1999 IF = 4,552(99) 80. Vanecek J. Inhibitory effect of melatonin on GnRH-induced LH release. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 4, 67-72, 1999 IF = 1,908(99) 81. Zidek V. - Pintir J. - Musilova A. - Bila V. - Kren V. - Pravenec M. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for seminal vesicle mass and litter size to rat chromosome 8. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 116(2), 329-333, 1999 IF = 1,908(99) 82. Novotny J. - Krusek J. - Drmota T. - Svoboda P. Overexpression of the G protein G11 alpha prevents desensitization of Ca2+ response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Life Sciences, 65(9), 889-900, 1999 IF = 1,774(99) 83. Jacobs R.A. - Schaad N.C. - Vanecek J. - Leaver S. - Aubry J.M. - Korf H.W. - Dahia P.L.M. - Chew S.L. - Grossman A.B. Pineal nitric oxide synthase, but not heme oxygenase, mRNA is suppressed by continuous to light. Molecular Brain Research, 70, 264-272, 1999 IF = 2,539(99) 84. Aitman T.J. - Glazier A.M. - Wallace C.A. - Cooper L.D. - Norsworthy P.J. - Wahid F.N. - Al-Majali K.M. - Trembling P.M. - Mann C.J. - Schoulders C.C. - Graf D. - St.Lezin E. - Kurtz T.W. - Kren V. - Pravenec M. - Ibrahimi A. - Abumrad N.A. - Stanton L.W. - Scott J. Identification of Cd36(Fat) as an insulin-resistance gene causing defective fatty acid and glucose metabolism in hypertensive rats. Nature Genetics, 21(1), 76-83, 1999 IF = 30,693(99) 85. Kubova H. - Mikulecka A. - Haugvicova R. - Mares P. The benzodiazepine receptor partial agonist Ro 19-8022 suppresses generalized seizures without impairing motor functions in developing rats. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 360, 565-574, 1999 IF = 2,414(99) 86. Bohdanecka M. - Schuck O. - Chadimova M. - Kunes J. Cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity in rats with genetically fixed hypertriglyceridemia. Nephron, 82, 188-189, 1999 IF = 1,696(99) 87. Valouskova V. - Gschanses A. Effects of NGF, b-FGF, and cerebrolysin on water maze performance and on motor activity of rats: Short- and long-term study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 71, 132-149, 1999 IF = 2,805(99) 88. Folbergrova J. - He Q.P. - Li P.A. - Smith M.L. - Siesjo B.K. The effect of alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone on bioenergetic state in substantia nigra following flurothyl-induced status epilepticus in rats. Neuroscience Letters, 266(2), 121-124, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 89. Jelinkova-Vondrasova D. - Hajek I. - Illnerova H. Adjusment of the human circadian system to changes of the sleep schedule under dim light at home. Neuroscience Letters, 265, 111-114, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 90. Novotna R. - Jac M. - Hajek I. - Novotny I. Arginine vasotocin activates phosphoinositide signal transduction system and potentiates N-acetyltransferase activity in the rat pineal gland. Neuroscience Letters, 262, 97-100, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 91. Popivanov D. - Mineva A. - Krekule I. EEG patterns in theta and gamma frequency range and their probable relation to human voluntary movement organization. Neuroscience Letters, 267(1), 5-8, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 92. Stastny F. - Hinoi E. - Ogida K. - Yoneda Y. Ferrous iron modulates quinolinate-mediated [3H]MK-801 binding to rat brain synaptic membranes in the presence of glycine and spermidine. Neuroscience Letters, 262, 105-108, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 93. Vlachova V. - Vitaskova Z. - Vyklicky st. L. - Orkand R.K. Procaine excites nociceptors in cultures from dorsal root ganglion of the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 263(1), 49-52, 1999 IF = 2,085(99) 94. Urazaev A.K. - Naumenko N.V. - Nikolsky E.E. - Vyskocil F. The glutamate and carbachol effects on the early post-denervation depolarization in rat diaphragm are directed towards furosemide-sensitive chloride transport. Neuroscience Research, 33(2), 81-86, 1999 IF = 1,726(99) 95. Palecek J. - Paleckova V. - Wills W.D. The effect of phorbol esters on spinal cord amino acid concentrations and responsiveness of rats to mechanical and thermal stimuli. Pain, 80, 597-605, 1999 IF = 4,02(99) 96. Lansky P. - Weiss M. Does the dose-solubility ratio affect the mean dissolution time of drugs ? Pharmaceutical Research, 16(9), 1472-1478, 1999 IF = 2,847(99) 97. Lansky P. - Rodriguez R. Two-compartment stochastic model of a neuron. Physica D, 132, 267-286, 1999 IF = 1,361(99) 98. Adamcova M. - Pelouch V. Isoforms of troponin in normal and diseased myocardium. Physiological Research, 48, 235-247, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 99. Bacakova L. - Herget J. - Wilhelm J. Influence of macrophages and macrophage-modified collagen I on the adhesion and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. Physiological Research, 48(5), 341-351, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 100. Bohdanecka M. - Schuck O. - Chadimova M. - Sedivy J. - Glagolovicova A. - Skibova J. - Kunes J. - Dobesova Z. - Stuchlik M. - Vesela J. The efect of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E on the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin A in hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats. Physiological Research, 48(6), 437-443, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 101. Drahota Z. - Rauchova H. - Sedlak V. - Koci J. - Cervinkova Z. The effect of triiodothyronine on changes of membrane fluidity in regenerating rat liver. Physiological Research, 48(2), 167-170, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 102. Haugvicova R. - Kubova H. - Mares P. Antipentylenetetrazol action of clobazam in developing rats. Physiological Research, 48(6), 501-507, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 103. Konrad M. - Pavlik V. - Mares P. Kainic acid increases activity only of some cortical neurons in the rat. Physiological Research, 48, 395-398, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 104. Kubova H. - Mockova M. - Mares P. Midazolam suppresses spike-and-wave rhythm accompanying three different models of epileptic seizures. Physiological Research, 48(6), 491-500, 1999 IF = 0,521(99) 105. Maresova D. - Mares P. 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