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PPP BRIDGE 2020 – Information Day in the CR

Published: 6/29/2013

PPP BRIDGE 2020 – Information Day in the CR

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Technology centre ASCR organized an Information Day on public-private partnership on Biobased Industries – PPP BRIDGE (Biobased and Renewable Industries for Development and Growth in Europe).

The aim of the workshop was to inform relevant stakeholders including Czech companies, universities and research organizations about the upcoming proposal for a Biobased PPP, its potential, and the benefits derived from a close to EUR 4 billion investment over 2014-2020.

The event presented PPP BRIDGE vision and plans. The intention was to promote a structured dialogue, identify potentially interested partners who can actively contribute to the multiple biobased value chains and pave the way for collaboration.

For the speakers list see the invitation in the enclosure.

Prezentations from the Information Day are abailable here . 

L. Ch. Hansen (Novozymes), Ms. C. Burel (Roquette Frères), B. Verachtert (EC)L. Ch. Hansen (Novozymes), Ms. C. Burel (Roquette Frères), B. Verachtert (EC)


The AudienceThe Audience