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Department D 6 - Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics

Logo ECPETheoretical and experimental research of electromechanical conversions; analysis, modelling, and control of electric drives, rotating machines, and variable-speed electric generators for utilization of renewable energy sources; analysis and diagnostics of power and control circuit structures for solid-state power converters and their digital control algorithms; research of interaction of electronic power converters with electric machines and power grid. Experimental investigations dealing with dynamics of electric arcs and jets of high temperature gas (thermal plasma), nonstandard numerical methods for solving electromagnetic fields and algorithms for solving coupled problems in heavy-current electrical engineering and electrical power engineering.

10th Symposium on Electric Machines, Drives, and Power Electronics

Conference - Hannover, October 9-11, 2012

The 10th Symposium on Electric Machines, Drives, and Power Electronics was held in Hannover, Germany, on 9 and 10 October, 2012. The objective of the Symposium is to provide forum for gathering of professionals and researchers from the fields of electric machines, drives and power electronics and enable exchange of experience and new ideas from these areas.  »»» 

Sliding mode control for electric drives

Lecture - April 11, 2012 (Wednesday), 14:00
Prof. Sergei Ryvkin

The Department of Electric Machines, Drives and Power Electronics cordially invites you to attend the lecture by Prof. Sergei Ryvkin on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 14:00 in the Lecture Room A of the Insitute of Thermomechanics ASCR. The lecture is entitled "Sliding mode control for electric drives". Prof. Ryvkin currently works as a leading scientist in the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.  »»» 

Professor Valouch awarded IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award 2011

The Czechoslovak section of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) has awarded the PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award 2011 to professor Viktor Valouch from the Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR for his excellent performance in the fields of active filters in the industrial network and education of young power engineers.

European Seminar on Coupled Problems

Conference - Jetřichovice, July 8-13, 2008

Organizer: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR
Co-organizers: University of Texas at El Paso, USA and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS)
Secretary: Ivo Doležel

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