Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic › Science and Research › Research plans › The solved research plans of ASCR institutes (2005-2011)
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Genetic, functional and developmental potential of animal cells, tissues and organisms: their use in medicine, ecology and agriculture
Research in physiology and genetics in four basic directions: 1) Growth and maturation of oocytes including their proteomic analysis, gene expression during early embryonic development and study of organ specific stem cells. 2) Development, differentiation and function of mammalian cells and organ tissues along with study on the role of cell proliferation and programmed cell death including their signalling pathways, both in physiological development and cancerogenesis. 3) Detailed phylogeographic study to understand evolution and distribution history, population structure and developmental stability of model fish and mammalian populations, including studies of expressed and candidate genes influencing production of farm animals. 4) Research of gastrointestinal microflora and endocrine disruptors with the aim to exploit the results in area of food quality and safety.