ACPD update

1. 1. 2009 Čt 23.23 | Conferences | | 515x

We are opening the registration for ACPD from the beginning of 2009. For info check the ACPD website.

International conference ACPD 2009

2. 7. 2008 St 15.44 | Conferences | | 631x

ACPD 2009 logoWe put a first information about the international conference Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development on the web. It will be organized by the Institute of Experimental Botany and our laboratory in Prague in July 2009. Check the ACPD 2009 web.

Just for your information: There have been almost 180 participants from 27 countries from 5 continents last time. :-)

The talk of Ing. Andrea Hricová, Ph.D.

30. 5. 2008 Pá 16.17 | Guests | | 519x

Andrea Hricová From our correspondent: May 30, 2008, Prague. Ing. Andrea Hricová, Ph.D. from the Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Nitra, Slovak Republic, is giving presentation about her research on the genetic transformation of Amaranthus – a plant possibly useful for alimentation or as a source of renewable energy.

Another highly cited publication!

22. 1. 2008 Út 14.22 | Our achievements | | 650x

In a short period of time we have reached a considerable succes with another paper. The Journal of Chromatography A has classified the publication by

Journal of Chromatography A

P. Ivanov Dobrev, M. Kaminek: Fast and efficient separation of cytokinins from auxin and abscisic acid and their purification using mixed-mode solid-phase extraction. Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 950, Issue 1–2 (2002), Pages 21–29

among the „Top-50 most cited articles“ as published in Journal of Chromatography A from 2002 to 2007. Congratulations to Petre I. Dobrev and Miroslav Kamínek!

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