Pour feliciter 2008

20. 12. 2007 Čt 15.02 | Unclassified | | 2504x

Laboratory of hormonal regulations wishes you a very Happy New Year 2008!


New hot publication

18. 7. 2007 St 18.18 | Our achievements | | 3727x

It is a pleasure to announce that the publication we significantly participated on


Petrášek J, Mravec J, Bouchard R, Blakeslee JJ, Abas M, Seifertová D, Wiśniewska J, Tadele Z, Kubeš M, Čovanová M, Dhonukshe P, Skůpa P, Benková E, Perry L, Křeček P, Lee OR, Fink GR, Geisler M, Murphy AS, Luschnig C, Zažímalová E, Friml J: PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux. – Science 312: 914–918, 2006

was chosen to be a new hot paper in plant and animal science by THOMSON corporation on their web site ESI special topics.


24. 12. 2006 Ne 16.28 | Unclassified | | 4239x

The Laboratory of hormonal regulations in plants has a new web page. A modern one, built on the Czech publication system RS2. It is relatively XHTML valid (not the case for the link to Mapy.cz) and hopefully well-arranged. We wish you will find any information you are looking for about our laboratory.

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