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Laboratory of the National Time and Frequency Standard: Publications


  1. P.
    Pánek, J. Kodet, and I. Procházka. Event Timing Device Providing Subpicosecond
    Precision. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 2013.

  2. P. Pánek and A. Kuna. Time and Frequency Transfer
    Using Satellite Based Augmentation System GAGAN. In Proceedings of the Joint
    UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 2013.

  3. I.
    Procházka, J. Blažej, J. Kodet, and P. Pánek. Single Photons Optical Two Way
    Time Transfer Providing Picosecond Accuracy. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC,
    EFTF and PFM Symposium, 2013.

  4. J.
    Kodet, U. Schreiber, J. Eckl, I. Procházka, and P. Pánek. Local ties control in
    application of laser time transfer. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and
    PFM Symposium, 2013.

  5. V.
    Michálek, J. Kodet, U. Schreiber, Ch. Ploetz, I. Procházka, and P. Pánek. VLBI
    receiver chain monitoring. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM
    Symposium, 2013.

  6. P. Salzenstein, A. Kuna, and F. Lefebvre. Evaluation
    of the accuracy of the method for measuring state-of-the-art ultra-high
    stability quartz crystal oscillators. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF
    and PFM Symposium, 2013.

  7. V. Smotlacha, A. Kuna, and J. Vojtěch. Time and
    Frequency Optical Transfer Infrastructure. In Proceedings of the Joint UFFC,
    EFTF and PFM Symposium, 2013.

  8. P. Pánek and A. Kuna. Time Scales Comparisons Using
    New Systems and New Signals, in Proceedings of the European Navigation
    Conference 2013, April 2013.

  9. Pánek, P.
    and Kodet, J. and Procházka, I.: Accuracy of two-way time transfer via a single
    coaxial cable. Metrologia. Vol. 50, No. 1 (2013), pp. 60–65. ISSN 0026-1394.

  10. V. Smotlacha, J. Vojtěch,
    and A. Kuna. Time and Frequency Transfer Infrastructure. In Proceedings of the
    45th Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting,
    Bellevue, WA, USA, December 2013.

  11. P. Pánek and A. Kuna,
    “Časové stupnice a jejich stručná historie,” Metrologie. Roč. 22, č. 4 (2013),
    s. 9–14.

  12. P. Pánek and A. Kuna,
    “Koordinovaný světový čas UTC,” Metrologie. Roč. 22, č. 4 (2013), s. 14–18.

  13. A. Kuna and P. Pánek,
    “Charakterizace hodin a oscilátorů,” Metrologie. Roč. 22, č. 4 (2013), s.

  14. P. Pánek and A. Kuna,
    “Kvantové etalony času a frekvence,” Metrologie. Roč. 22, č. 4 (2013), s.

  15. A. Kuna and P. Pánek,
    “Distribuce přesného času v internetu,” Metrologie. Roč. 22, č. 4 (2013), s.



  1. Smotlacha, V. and Kuna, A.: Time and Frequency Transfer in All-Optical Network, in Proceedings of the Terena Networking Conference, May 2011.

  2. Pánek, P. and Kuna, A.: Time and Frequency Transfer Using EGNOS Satellite System, in Proceedings of the PTTI, Nov 2011.

  3. V. Smotlacha, A. Kuna, and W. Mache: Optical Link Time Transfer Between IPE and BEV, in Proceedings of the PTTI, Nov 2011.

  4. Blažek, J. - Procházka, I. - Kodet, J. - Pánek, P.: New technologies for submillimeter laser ranging.

  5. AMR - Advanced Materials Research., 301-303 (2011), pp. 397-401. ISSN 1662-8985.

  6. Pánek, P.: Přenos přesného času pomocí družicových navigačních systémů. [Time transfer using satellite navigation systems.] Metrologie. Roč. 20, č. 3 (2011), s. 5-9. ISSN 1210-3543.

  7. Pánek, P.: Time Interval Measurement Based on SAW Filter Excitation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Roč. 57, č. 11 (2011), s. 2582-2588. ISSN 0018-9456.

  8. Procházka, I. - Kodet, J. - Pánek, P. - Schreiber, U.: Novel Concept of Sub-Picosecond Timing System and its Applications in Fundamental Metrology. 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium / European Frequency and Time Forum Proceedings. New York : IEEE, 2011, s. 161-164. ISBN 978-1-61284-110-6. ISSN 1075-6787.

  9. Kuna, A.: Základní jednotka času – sekunda. Metrologie. Roč. 20, č.4 (2011), s. 14–18. ISSN 1210-3543.


  1. Salzenstein, P. and Kuna, A. and Šojdr, L. and Sthal, F. and Cholley, N. and Lefebvre, F.: Frequency stability measurements of ultrastable BVA resonators and oscillators, Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 686–688, 2010.

  2. Kuna, A. and Čermák, J. and Šojdr, L. and Salzenstein, P. and Lefebvre, F.: Lowest Flicker-Frequency Floor Measured on BVA Oscillators, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 548–551, 2010.

  3. Salzenstein, P. and Kuna, A. and Šojdr, L. and Chauvin, J.: Significant step in ultra high stability quartz crystal oscillators, Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 21, 2010.

  4. Pánek, P. and Procházka, I. and Kodet, J.: Time measurement device with four femtosecond stability, Metrologia, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. L13–L16, 2010.

  5. Smotlacha, V. and Kuna, A. and Mache, W.: Time Transfer Using Fiber Links, in Proceedings of the EFTF 2010, 2010.

  6. Smotlacha, V. and Kuna, A. and Mache, W.: Time Transfer In Optical Network, in Proceedings of the PTTI 2010, 2010.

  7. Pánek, P.: Přenos přesného času pomocí družicových systémů. [Precision time transfer using satellite systems.] Radiokomunikace 2010. Pardubice : Unit sro, 2010, s. 171-181.

  8. Kuna, A.: Metrologie času a frekvence v praxi. [Motrology of time and frequency in work experience]. Sborník 41. konference Českého Kalibračního Sdružení. Bystřice n. Pernštejnem, 2010.


  1. Kuna, A., Čermák, J., Šojdr, L., Salzenstein, P., Lefebvre, F.: Lowest Flicker-Frequency Floor Measured on BVA Oscillators, 2009 Joint meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and The IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Vols 1 and 2, pp. 185–187, 2009.

  2. Procházka, I., Pánek, P.: Nonlinear effects in the time measurement device based on surface acoustic wave filter excitation, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 80, no. 7, pp. –, 2009.


  1. A. Kuna, J. Čermák, L. Šojdr, P. Salzenstein, F. Lefebvre: Comparison of utra-stable BVA Oscillators, Proc. 2008 European Frequency and Time Forum, Toulouse, France, FPE-0014.pdf (2008)

  2. Čermák, J.: Progress Report on EUROMET Project #847 – Part 2, Annual Meetting of Euromet Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, IPE CAS, Prague, Mar 2008

  3. Čermák, J.:Progress Report on EUROMET Project #917 – Part 2, Annual Meetting of Euromet Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, IPE CAS, Prague, Mar 2008

  4. V. Smotlacha, J. Čermák, J. Palacio: On calibration of network time services, 5th International Symposium on Time Scale Algorithms, ROA, San Fernando, Spain, 28–30 April (2008)

  5. Pánek, P.: Random Errors in Time Interval Measurement Based on SAW Filter Excitation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1244–1250, June 2008.

  6. Pánek, P: Time-Interval Measurement Based on SAW Filter Excitation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 2582–2588, 2008.


  1. Čermák, J.: Progress Report on EUROMET Project #847, Annual Meetting of Euromet Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, METAS, Bern, March 1, (2007)

  2. Tyml, P., Smotlacha, V., Čermák, J.: Progress Report on EUROMET Project #917, Annual Meetting of Euromet Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, METAS, Bern, March 1, (2007)

  3. Salzenstein, P., Čermák, J., Barillet, R., Lefebvre, F., Schaefer, W., Cibiel, G., Sauvage, G., Franquet, G., Llopis, O., Meyer, F., Franquet, N., Kuna, A., Šojdr, A., Hejc, A.: Spectral density of phase noise inter-laboratory comparison final results, 13th International Metrology Congress, Lille, 18-21 June, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00154326/en (2007)

  4. Pánek, P.: Error Analysis and Bounds in Time Delay Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 7, pp.3547–3549, (2007)

  5. Čermák, J., Kuna, A., Šojdr, L., Salzenstein, P.: Short-Term Frequency Stability Measurement of BVA Oscillators, Proc. Joint IEEE Frequency Control Symposium and European Time and Frequency Forum, Geneva, pp. 1255–1260 (2007)

  6. V. Smotlacha, P.Tyml, J. Čermák: Calibration of Time Stamp Authorities, Proc. 15th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentations, Vol. I, Iasi, September 18–22, pp. 154–159 (2007)

  7. Čermák, J., Buzek, O., Čemusová, B., Kuna, A., Pánek, P., Šojdr, L.: Státní etalon času a frekvence ČR (National Time and Frequency Standard), Metrologie, roč. 16, 2/2007, pp. 2–10 (2007)

  8. Pánek, P., Procházka, I.: Time interval measurement device based on surface acoustic wave filter excitation, providing 1 ps precision and stability, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 78, no. 9, Sep, (2007)

  9. Pánek, P.: Time Interval Measurement Based on SAW Filter Excitation“, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (accepted)

  10. Pánek, P., Procházka, I.: Sub-picosecond event timing – new techniques and first results, In: Proceedings of ILRS Fall 2007 Workshop, Grasse, France, 25–28 Sep, (2007)


  1. Esteban, H., Palacio, J., Galindo, F. J., Lima, J. A., Čermák, J., Kuna, A.: A GPS CV Link experience between ROA and IREE. Proc. 19th European Frequency and Time Forum, Braunschweig, Germany, TuP42 (2006)

  2. Salzenstein, P., Lefebvre, F., Barillet, R., Čermák, J., W. Schaefer, G. Cibiel, G. Sauvage, O. Franquet, O.Llopis, F. Meyer, N. Franquet, X. Vacheret, A. Kuna, L. Šojdr, G. Hejc and S. Gribaldo: Phase noise interlaboratory comparison reliminary results, Proc. 19th European Frequency and Time Forum, Braunschweig, Germany, (2006)

  3. Čermák, J.: Progress report on EUROMET Project #847. Annual Meeting of EUROMET Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, March 30, (2006)

  4. Čermák, J.: On Calibration of Time Stamp Appliances. Annual Meeting of EUROMET Technical Committee for Time and Frequency, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, March 30, (2006)


  1. Barillet, R., Čermák, J., Šojdr, L., Kuna, A.: On twofold use of dual-mixer time-difference multiplication. 19th European Frequency and Time Forum, Besançon, France, March 366–371 (2005)

  2. Pánek, P.: New principle of picosecond timing. Seminar on joint project of Picosecond Timing System, Czech Technical University, Prague, June 21, (2005)

  3. Kuna, A., Čermák, J., Čemusová, B.: Time stability of a conventional optical link. Proc. International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL 2005), Yalta, Ukraine, 176–179 (2005)

  4. Pánek, P.: Random Errors in Time Interval Measurement Based on SAW Filter Excitation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (submitted)


  1. Šojdr, L., Čermák, J., Barillet, R.: Optimization of dual-mixer time-difference multiplier. Proc. 18th European Frequency and Time Forum, Guildford, UK, CD-Session 6B/130.pdf (2004)

  2. Barillet, R., Čermák, J., Richard, J-Y., Šojdr, L.: Application of dual-mixer time-difference multiplication in accurate time-delay measurement. Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference, Montreal, Canada, (2004)

  3. Čermák, J.: Úvod do metrologie času a frekvence (Introduction to metrology of time and frequency). Tutorials. Seminář „Měření času a frekvence”, S-321-04, Praha, (2004)

  4. Čermák, J.: Měření času a frekvence (Measurement of time and frequency). Seminář „Měření času a frekvence”, S-321-04, Praha, (2004)

  5. Čemusová, B.: Státní etalon času a frekvence (National Time and Frequency Standard). Seminář „Měření času a frekvence”, S-321-04, Praha, (2004)

  6. Šojdr, L.: Krystalový oscilátor – nejčastější zdroj přesné frekvence (Quartz oscillator – the most common source of accurate frequency). Tutorials. Seminář „Měření času a frekvence”, S-321-04, Praha, (2004)

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