Zuzana Parusniková


    Work address: Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic, Jilska 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic. e-mail: parusnikova@volny.cz
  • 1997 on Research fellow, Department of Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Science, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
  • 1993-95 Visiting lecturer in Philosophy, University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
  • 1990-92 Visiting fellow, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.
  • 1987-90 Researcher on Philosophy of Science, Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
  • 1985-1988 Ph.D. (CSc.) in Philosophy of Science, Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Thesis title: Kritický racionalismus a jeho vyústění. (Critical Rationalism and its Offshoots).
  • 1981-1985 Masters (PhDr) in Philosophy. Charles University Prague. Thesis title: Hegelova kritika Kantova pojetí morality. (Hegel´s Critique of Kant´s Morality)
  • 2008-2010 Research grant "Evolutionary Principles and the Philosophy os Science" from the Grant Agency of the Czech republic.
  • 2005-2007 Research grant "Reason - Criticism - Openess" from the Grant Agency of the Czech republic.
  • 1990-92 Fellowship from Karl-Popper-Stiftung (Switzerland), to research Philosophy at the University of Cambridge.
  • 1991 Lakatos Fellowship, London School of Economics, England
  • 2009 Rethinking Popper. Editors Zuzana Parusniková and Robert S. Cohen. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag, 430p.
  • David Hume a věda o člověku. (David Hume and the Science of Man) Teorie vědy. Roč. 33, 1, s. 205 - 231.
  • Jedinec v běhu světa. Zamyšlení nad Hegelovým pojetím. (The Individual in the Course of the World). Filosofický časopis. Roč. 59, 3, s. 325 - 350.
  • Skeptik David Hume (The Sceptic David Hume). In David Hume. 300 let od narození, ed. Loužek, M. Praha: Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku, s. 17-35.
  • Criticism and Dogmatism in Popper´s Evolutionary Epistemology. In Knowledge, Value, Evolution. Ed. Hříbek, T.; Hvorecký, J. London: College Publications, s. 109-125.
  • Popperova darwinistická epistemologie ‚(Popper´s Darwiniand Epistemology). In Z evolučního hlediska. Ed. Havlík, V.; Hříbek, T., et al., Praha: Filosofia, s. 253-291.
  • "Svět v perspektivě logocentrismu" (World in the Logocentric Perspective). In Kosmologie v dějinách a současnosti filosofie, ed. Tomáš Nejeschleba, Pavel Floss, Jiří Michalík, Evžen Stehura. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci 2009 ISBN 978-80-244-2438-5. 204 stran,s. 109-127
  • "Epistemologie K.R. Poppera a darwinistický výklad růstu vědění" (K.R. Popper´s Epistemology and the Darwinian Account of the Growth of Knowledge). In Evoluce a věda (Evolution and Science), eds. Jiří Nosek a Vladimír Havlík, Nymburk 2008, pp. 63-79.
  • "Racionalita bez indukce" (Rationality without Induction). In Svědectví filosofie. Ohlédnutí za 20. stoletím (Testimony of Philosophy. A Glance at the 20th Century), ed. Ivan Blecha, Nakladatelství Olomouc, s. 259-273.
  • "Introduction" (with Robert S. Cohen). In Rethinking Popper. Editors Zuzana Parusnikova and Robert S. Cohen. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag, p. 1-2.
  • "Ratio negativa - The Popperian Challenge". In Rethinking Popper. Editors Zuzana Parusnikova and Robert S. Cohen. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag, p. 31-47.
  • "Review Essay: Out of Error: Further Essays on Critical Rationalism by David Miller" (reprinted). In Rethinking Popper. Editors Zuzana Parusnikova and Robert S. Cohen. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag, p. 417-425.
  • "Falsilsifikační model racionality" (Falsificationist Model of Reason). In Věda, filosofie metodologie: Sborník k 85. narozeninám prof. Ladislava Tondla. (Science, Philosophy, Methodology. Festschrift for Ladislav Tondl). Praha, Filosofia, p. 259-273.
  • "Je zdravý rozum zdravý - a je to rozum? Jak to vidi Hume" (Reason and Common Sense; the Humean Perspective). Filosofický časopis (Philosophy Journal), Vol. 56, No. , 2008, p. 191-223.
  • Review: Out of Error: Further Essays on Critical Rationalism by David Miller, Philosophy, Volume 83, Issue 01, January 2008, pp. 138-145.
  • Rozum - kritika - otevřenost. Živý odkaz filosofie K.R. Poppera. (Reason - Criticism - Openness. The living legacy of K.R. Popper). Praha, Filosofia, 336 s.
  • "Profesor Milan Sobotka - osmdesátník" (Professor Milan Sobotka reaches 80). Filosofický časopis (Philosophy Journal), 2007, Roč. 55, č. 4, s. 621-622.
  • 2006 "Popper and Postmodernism. Similar Targets, Different Strategies". Learning for Democracy, Vol. 2, No. 1, s. 7-30.
  • 2005 "Kuhn versus Popper. Konfrontace dvou metodologií na historickém případu Ignaze Semmelweise." (Kuhn versus Popper. A Confrontation of Two Methodologies in a Case Study if Ignaz Semmelweis). Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal), Vol. 53, No. 2, s. 219-241.
  • 2004 Philosophy: Problems, aims, responsibilities. Zpráva. Filosofický časopis, 5, s. 871-873.
  • 2004 "Two Cheers for Karl Popper", in Karl Popper: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, editor A. O´Hear, London, Routledge, s. 79-99
  • 2003 "Vyřešil Popper psychologický problém indukce?" (Did Popper solve the psychological problem of induction?), In Havlík, Vladimír (ed.) - Metoda-význam-intence. Popperovské motivy v současném analytickém myšlení Praha, Filosofia, 258 stran, pp. 55-65.
  • "Jak čte Popper Hegela" (How does Popper read Hegel), Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal), Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 647-661.
  • "Otevřená společnost - otevřené myšlení. Jednota metody ve filosofickém díle K.R. Poppera," (Open Society - Open Mind. Unity of method in the philosophical works of K.R. Popper), Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philosophica et historica 3, Studia philosophica XIII, Praha, s. 65-74.
  • "Integrative medicine: Partnership or control?" Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Vol. 33, pp. 169-186.
  • 2001 "Racionalita bez indukce" (Rationality without Induction), Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal), Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 997-1114.
  • 2000 "Biomoc a kult zdraví,"(Bio-power and the cult of health), Sociologický časopis (Journal of Sociology), Vol. 36, No. 2.
  • "Body - Power - Control". In Havlík, Vladimír (ed.) Mezi jazykem a vědomím. Filosofia, Praha. s. 145-155.
  • "Is 'healthism' good for you?" Philosophy Today, Vol. 12, No. 3.
  • "Romantická medicína Olivera Sackse" (Romantic Medicine of Oliver Sacks), Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal), Vol. 47, No 3.pp. 387-410.
  • 1998 Recenze Foucault, Health and Medicine. Editors Alan Petersen and Robin Bunton. London and New York, Routledge 1997. 256 s. Filosofický časopis. Roč. 46, č. 5, s. 848-851.
  • 1993 "Against the Spirit of Foundations: Postmodernism and David Hume". Hume Studies,Vol. XIX, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
  • 1992 "Is a Postmodern Philosophy of Science Possible?". Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 21-37.
  • 1990 "Popper's World 3 and Human Creativity", International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 263-269.
  • 1990 "Varieties of Scientific Realism - Metaphysics or Common Sense?" Acta Analytica, No 6, pp. 163-172.
  • 1989 Kritický racionalismus a jeho vyústění (Critical Rationalism and its Offshoots). Prague: Academy publishers, 83p.
  • 1988 "K metodologickému sporu Kuhn-Popper" (The Kuhn-Popper controversy), Filosofický časopis, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 272-284.
  • 1985 "Metodologický princip falsifikace ve filosofii K.R. Poppera" (The Principle of Falsification in the Philosophy of K.R. Popper), Teorie rozvoje vědy (Theory of Science Development, Prague), Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 75-91.
  • 1985 "Úskalí Popperovy kritiky indukce" (The Limits of Popper's Critique of Induction), Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal), Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 721-734.
  • 2011 Skeptik David Hume. Seminář David Hume - 300 let od narození. Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku Praha. 28. dubna 2011.
  • 2011 David Hume - filosof dvou tváří. Letní filosofická škola. Centrum Prokopios Sázava. 6. července 2011.
  • 2011 Unmitigated Scepticism Revise. International conference Doubt and Belief in David Hume. Praha, 6-8 září 2011.
  • 2011 Život a skepse u Davida Huma. Schola Philosophica a FF Trnavské university, Slovensko. 22. listopadu 2011.
  • 2009 "Hegel - zlo, člověk a dějiny" (Hegel - Evil, Man and History). 27 November. Palacký University Olomouc.
  • 2009 "Dogmatism and Criticism in Popper´s Evolutionary Perspective". November. Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague.
  • 2009 "David Hume: Science and Scepticism." May. London School of Economics, UK.
  • 2008 "Svět v pespektivě logocentrismu" (World in the logocnetric perspective), November, Dub na Moravě (Palacký University of Olomouc)
  • 2007 "Hume and Science", 19 November, University College London, England.
  • 2007 "Popper and Hume. Two Non-foundationist strategies." Conference Rethinking Popper, 10 - 14 September, Prague
  • 2007 "Epistemological Foundationism and Its Critic(s)", 21 May, University of Pisa, Italy.
  • 2006 "The Cult of Health: The Foucauldian Perspective. Institut für Philosophie, Universitat Wien.
  • 2005 "Popper and Neurath. Two rebels against the Viennese positivist dogma. Konference o Otto Neurathovi, Wiener Kreis Institut, Vídeň.
  • 2005 "Ratio negativa. The Popperian challenge" Conference Epistemology and Metaphysics. Inter-University centre, Dubrovnik.
  • 2004 "Falsifikační model racionality".Workshop on Racionality, Science and Philosophy. Praha.
  • 2004 "Popper and Postmodernism: Similar Targets, Different Solutions." Conference Philosophy: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities. University of Warwick, England
  • 2003 "Popper and Postmodernism". Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.
  • 2002 "Rationality without Foundations". Karl Popper Symposium, Austrian Culture Centre, Prague.
  • 2002 "Two Cheers for Karl Popper". Karl Popper 2002, Centenary Congress, Vienna.
  • 2002 "Did Popper Solve the Psychological Problem of Induction?" Czecho-Slovak Philosophical Symposium, Prague.
  • 2001 "Open Thinking - Open Society". Conference on Karl Popper's Social Philosophy, Prague.
  • 2001 "Popper and Alternative Medicine". Centre for Philosophical Studies, King's College, London.
  • 2000 "Alternative vs. Allopathic Medicine in Philosophical Context". Cabinet of Natural History, University of Cambridge.
  • 1999 "The New Medical Discourse and the Culture of Healthism". Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.
  • 1999 "The Healthism Cult: Discipline and Power in Modern Medicine". Centre for Philosophical Studies, King's College, London.
  • 1998 "Postmodernism in Music". Philosophy Faculty, Olomouc. "Body-Power-Control". Czecho-Slovak Philosophical Symposium, Praha.
    Reviews of Rozum - kritika - otevřenost. Živý odkaz filosofie K.R. Poppera:
  • Jiří Olšovský: Rozum, kritika, otevřenost - živý odkaz filozofie K. R. Poppera. A2, 10/ 2008 (5.3. 2008), s. 28
  • HOLZBACHOVÁ, Ivana. Zuzana Parusniková: Rozum, kritika, otevřenost - živý odkaz filozofie K. R. Poppera (recenze). In Sborník Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2008. ISBN 978 -80 -210 -4685 -6, s. 117 - 119.
  • Vladimir Zeman: Zuzana Parusniková: Rozum, kritika, otevřenost - živý odkaz filozofie K. R. Poppera. Filosofický časopis 2008, Vol. 56.No. 6, pp. 942-950.
  • Jozef Katina, Organon F, No. 2, 2009, pp. 268-271
  • Tatiana Sedová, Filozofia, No. 7, Volume 64, 2009, pp. 713-715