Prostorově rozlišená balistická elektronová emisní spektroskopie na jednotlivých InAs/GaAs kvantových tečkách uzavřených mezi AlGaAs barierami

Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura ČR

Řešitel: Ing. Jarmila Walachová, CSc.

Spoluřešitelé: RNDr. Jiří Pangrác, CSc.; Ing. Filip Šroubek, Ph.D.

Členi: Ing. Václav Malina; Ing. Jan Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Zelinka

Od: 2005-01-01

Do: 2007-12-31

The InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs embedded in AlGaAs barriers were studied by ballistic electron emission microscope (BEEM). The detailed space resolved ballistic electron emission spectroscopy (BEES) on these QDs has been the main aim of the project. The density of states and the transmissivity of individual quantum states has been mapped in QD. The special software was developed for realization of such measurements. The samples were prepared by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) technique and results of measurements have been compared with results measured on MBE (Molecular Beem Epitaxy) grown samples (University of Nottingham). The results contribute to increasing knowledge about QDs which are necessary for development of high efficient lasers, ultrasmall memories and single photon sources.





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Datová schránka: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882

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