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Penalty solution, TUBE56P1

Mesh: Ten hexahedra--see appendix B.5.
Material properties: $E=2\times 10^5$ MPa, $\nu=0.3$, $\sigma_Y=400$ MPa,
Prandtl-Reuss-von Mises elastic-perfectly plastic model.
Support: Plain strain/axisymmetric conditions.

v=0 nodes: 	 all 		 (plain strain condition) 
v=w=0 nodes: 	 1 to 53 	 (z=0 plane) 
un=0 nodes: 	 55 57 59 ...(symmetry plane) 

$ {\bf n}(\mbox{symmetry plane}) = \{-\sin\alpha~0~\cos\alpha\}, ~\mbox{where}~\alpha=3.1481^\circ $
Loading: The internal pressure p=287.47 MPa.
Remark: The penalty stiffness 1018 N/m has been chosen in the same way as in example VI.4.2.
Execute from prompt:
>rmd3 tube56p1.I1
>rpd3 tube56p1.I2
>srh3 tube56p1.I3
>fefs tube56p1.I4
>hpp3 tube56p1.IP
>hpls tube56p1.IL
>str3 tube56p1.I5