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Semi-loofs, BEAM61G1

Mesh: Four semi-loofs--see appendix B.2.
Material properties: $E=2\times 10^5$ MPa, $\nu=0.3$.
Support: Two point support. Statically determinate.

u=v=w=0 node:	 1 
u=w=0 nodes: 	 2 11       
v=w=0 node: 	 9       
w=0 nodes: 	 10 23      
Solution: The unit end force is replaced with the equivalent edge traction as

\begin{displaymath}l_x=\frac{-1}{0.02}=-50\,\mbox{[N/m]}~,~~~l_y=0 ~,~~~l_z=0

The initial stress matrix is then computed from the stress field obtained by the standard linear analysis.
Execute from prompt:
>rmd3 beam61g1.I1
>rpd3 beam61g1.I2
>srh3 beam61g1.I3
>fefs beam61g1.I4
>geo3 beam61g1.IG
>heig beam61g1.IE
>stab beam61g1.IS