u=v=w=0 nodes: 1 2 3 4 21 22 23 24
t=0: Fx=0 Fy=1 Fz=1 unit: N t>0: Fx=0 Fy=0 Fz=0
containing the static solution on the first record and copy it to an
auxiliary file named beam56d2.1
. Subsequently the force is set
zero and the dynamic solver is executed starting with the initial
displacement read-in directly from the auxiliary input file.
The displacement vectors are stored on disk at selected time intervals
for further stress analysis. The computation is stopped at
TEND=2T1=0.235 sec, where
In this problem we opt for the mode superposition method since the modal
damping parameters
are readily at hand. The time step
sec then merely applies to the output
intervals, which are rounded-off to whole multiples of DT. It
may be expected that the participation of the first bending mode will
predominate in the overall response, thus we estimate
>rmd3 beam56d2.I1
>rpd3 beam56d2.I2
>srh3 beam56d2.I3
>hmot beam56d2.IM
>fefs beam56d2.I4
>heig beam56d2.IE
>cp beam56d2.SOL beam56d2.1
>hmod beam56d2.ID
>str3 beam56d2.I5