Seminars Organized by the Department |
2014 |
Probing molecular dynamics with free electrons 
17.3.2014 at 10:00 in room 108
Juraj Fedor (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) |
2014 |
Formation of HCN+ in Heterogeneous Reactions between N+2 and N+ and Surface Hydrocarbons 
24.2.2014 at 14:00 in room 108
Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc. |
2013 |
Towards an accurate theoretical description of processes on surfaces and interfaces 
9.12.2013 at 14: 00 in room 108
Jiří Klimeš (Computational Materials Physics, University of Vienna, Austria) |
2013 |
DFT study of antioxidant action thermodynamics 
12.11.2013 at 14:00 in room 108
Erik Klein (The Slovak University of Technology) |
2013 |
HO2 and CH3O2 radicals in the laboratory and atmosphere 
3.10.2013 at 14:00 in room 108
Christa Fittschen (Lille University, France) |
2013 |
SIFT-MS in analysis of Esophago-Gastric Cancer 
24.9.2013 at 14:00 in room 108
Sacheen Kumar and Juzheng Huang (Imperial College London, UK) |
2013 |
High- L atomic Rydberg states studied by high resolution time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 
17.6.2013 at 14:00-16:00 in room 108
2013 |
Chemistry of meteor events in Earth’s atmosphere 
17.6.2013 at 14:00-16:00 in room 108
Alexey Berezhnoy (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia) |
2013 |
Nanoparticles produced using gas aggregation sources 
22.4.2013 at 14:00 in room 108
Jaroslav Kousal (Katedra makromolekulární fyziky, MFF, Univerzita Karlova v Praze) |
2013 |
Crossed beam experiments involving F- and various organochlorines: Unravelling reaction dynamics with velocity map imaging (VMI) 
18.3.2013 at 14.00 in room 108
Eduardo Carrascosa (Universität Innsbruck, Rakousko) |
2013 |
Studium fyzikálních a chemických vlastností aerosolů na ÚCHP 
18.2.2013 ve 14:00 v m. 108
Vladimír Ždímal (Ústav chemických procesů AVČR, Praha) |
2013 |
Linear optical quantum information processing: Recent experiments in Olomouc 
28.1.2013 at 14:00 in room 108
Miloslav Dušek (Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc) |
2012 |
Hamiltonian complexity and quantum computing 
10.12. 2012 at 14.30 in room 108.
Daniel Nagaj (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences) |
2012 |
Role of nitric acid in atmospheric aerosol nucleation: mass spectrometric study in molecular beam 
19.11.2012 at 14:00 in room 108
Ing. LENGYEL Jozef |
2012 |
Hmotnostní spektrometrie jako nástroj pro hledání těkavých biomarkerů bakteriálních plicních infekcí 
5.11. 2012 at 14:00 in room 108
Mgr. SHESTIVSKA Violetta, Ph.D. |
2012 |
Multireference equation of Motion coupled cluster method with applications to molecular spectroscopy 
22.10.2012 at 14:00 in room 108
Marcel Nooijen (University of Waterloo, Canada) |