Objevování struktury slovních úloh ve vzdělávání učitelů
in Proceedings of the EME 2014: Matematické vzdělávání v primární škole - tradice, inovace, Olomouc, 23.5.2014 - 25.5.2014, editor(s): Martina Uhlířová, Matematika 6, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Olomouc, 2014, 260-264.
in Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8), Manavgat-Side, Antalya (Turecko), 6.2.2013 - 10.2.2013, editor(s): Behiye Ubuz, Çiğdem Haser, Maria Alessandra Mariotti, Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2013, 3105-3114.
Posing problems with a given structure by pre-service teachers
in Proceedings of the SEMT ’13 – International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching, Prague, 18.8.2013 - 23.8.2013, editor(s): Jarmila Novotná & Hana Moraová, Proceedings, Charles University, Faculty of Education, Prague, 2013, 368-369.