
M.Sc. student School Master's thesis topic Supervisor
Jiří Blažek Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Numerical implementation of pentahedral element in finite element code and testing of various integration methods Dr. Jiří Plešek
Ph.D. student School Doctoral thesis topic Advisor
Ján Kopačka Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Algorithms for solution of contact problems Dr. Jiří Plešek
René Marek Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Numerical implementation of the material model for cyclic plasticity with directional distortional hardening Dr. Jiří Plešek
Slavomír Parma Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Material model for elastoplasticity with large deformations Dr. Jiří Plešek
Vít Sháněl Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Constitutive equations for highly non-linear material response under complex loadings Dr. Jiří Plešek

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