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Aktualizováno 12.4.2013

Zicha J. - Dobešová Z. - Kuneš J. - Vaněčková I.
Chronic endothelin A receptor blockade attenuates contribution of sympathetic nervous system to salt hypertension development in adult but not in young Dahl rats.
Acta Physiologica, 205(1), 124-132, 2012
IF = 3,09(11)

Vohník M. - Burdíková Z. - Wilkinson D. M.
Testate Amoebae Communities in the Rhizosphere of Rhododendron ponticum (Ericaceae) in an Evergreen Broadleaf Forest in Southern Spain.
Acta Protozoologica, 51, 259-269, 2012
IF = 1,317(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Janáček J. - Kubínová L. - Plasencia A.L. - Eržen I.
Human Masseter Muscle Fibers From the Elderly Express Less Neonatal Myosin Than Those of Young Adults.
Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 295(8), 1364-1372, 2012
IF = 1,473(11)

Maršáková L. - Touška F. - Krůšek J. - Vlachová V.
Pore Helix Domain Is Critical to Camphor Sensitivity of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Channel.
Anesthesiology, 116(4), 903-917, 2012
IF = 5,359(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Eržen I.
Myosin heavy chain composition of the human sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 194(5), 467-472, 2012
IF = 1,861(11)

Zijlmans M. - Jiruška P. - Zelmann R. - Leijten F. S. S. - Jefferys J. G. R. - Gotman J.
High-frequency oscillations as a new biomarker in epilepsy.
Annals of Neurology, 71(2), 169-178, 2012
IF = 11,089(11)

Sutoris K. - Větvička D. - Horák L. - Beneš J. - Nekvasil M. - Ježek P. - Zadinová M. - Poučková P.
Evaluation of Topical Photodynamic Therapy of Mammary Carcinoma with an Experimental Gel Containing Liposomal Hydroxyl-aluminium Phthalocyanine.
Anticancer Research, 32(9), 3769-3774, 2012
IF = 1,725(11)

Valeš K. - Rambousek L. - Holubová K. - Svoboda J. - Bubeniková-Valešová V. - Chodounská H. - Vyklický ml. L. - Stuchlík A.
3 alpha 5 beta-Pregnanolone glutamate, a use-dependent NMDA antagonist, reversed spatial learning deficit in an animal model of schizophrenia.
Behavioural Brain Research, 235(1), 82-88, 2012
IF = 3,417(11)

Veisová D. - Macáková E. - Řežábková L. - Šulc M. - Vácha P. - Sychrová H. - Obšil T. - Obšilová V.
Role of individual phosphorylation sites for the 14-3-3-protein-dependent activation of yeast neutral trehalase Nth1.
Biochemical Journal, 443(3), 663-670, 2012
IF = 4,897(11)

Mikulík K. - Felsberg J. - Kudrnáčová E. - Bezoušková S. - Šetinová D. - Stodůlková E. - Zídková J. - Zídek V.
CobB1 deacetylase activity in Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 90(2), 179-187, 2012
IF = 2,673(11)

Karbanová-Havlíčková V. - Vrbacká-Čížková A. - Hejzlarová K. - Nůsková H. - Stránecký V. - Potocká A. - Houštěk J.
Compensatory upregulation of respiratory chain complexes III and IV in isolated deficiency of ATP synthase due to TMEM70 mutation.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1817(7), 1037-1043, 2012
IF = 4,843(11)

Kovářová N. - Vrbacká-Čížková A. - Pecina P. - Stránecký V. - Pronicka E. - Kmoch S. - Houštěk J.
Adaptation of respiratory chain biogenesis to cytochrome c oxidase deficiency caused by SURF1 gene mutations.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1822(7), 1114-1124, 2012
IF = 5,387(11)

Zahrádka J. - Van Heusden G.P.H. - Sychrová H.
Yeast 14-3-3 proteins participate in the regulation of cell cation homeostasis via interaction with Nha1 alkali-metal-cation/proton antiporter.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects, 1820(7), 849-858, 2012
IF = 5(11)

Zelenka J. - Muchová L. - Zelenková M. - Váňová K. - Vreman H.J. - Wong R.J. - Vítek L.
Intracellular accumulation of bilirubin as a defense mechanism against increased oxidative stress.
Biochimie, 94(8), 1821-1827, 2012
IF = 3,022(11)

Cassey P. - Thomas G.H. - Portugal S. J. - Maurer G. - Hauber M. E. - Grim T. - Lovell P.G. - Mikšík I.
Why are birds' eggs colourful? Eggshell pigments co-vary with life-history and nesting ecology among British breeding non-passerine birds.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(3), 657-672, 2012
IF = 2,193(11)

Řežábková L. - Kacířová M. - Šulc M. - Herman P. - Večeř J. - Štěpánek M. - Obšilová V. - Obšil T.
Structural Modulation of Phosducin by Phosphorylation and 14-3-3 Protein Binding.
Biophysical Journal, 103(9), 1960-1969, 2012
IF = 3,653(11)

Barinka F. - Salaj M. - Rybář J. - Krajčovičová E. - Kubová H. - Druga R.
Calretinin, parvalbumin and calbindin immunoreactive interneurons in perirhinal cortex and temporal area Te3V of the rat brain: Qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Brain Research, 1436, 68-80, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Košťál L.
Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire neuron using the temporal code.
Brain Research, 1434, 136-141, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Šanda P. - Maršálek P.
Stochastic interpolation model of the medial superior olive neural circuit.
Brain Research, 1434, 257-265, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Borovská J. - Vyklický V. - Šťastná E. - Kapras V. - Slavíková B. - Horák M. - Chodounská H. - Vyklický ml. L.
Access of inhibitory neurosteroids to the NMDA receptor.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 166(3), 1069-1083, 2012
IF = 4,409(11)

Neckář J. - Boudíková A. - Mandíková P. - Štěrba M. - Popelová O. - Mikšík I. - Dabrowská L. - Mráz J. - Geršl V. - Kolář F.
Protective effects of dexrazoxane against acute ischaemia/reperfusion injury of rat hearts.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 90(9), 1303-1310, 2012
IF = 1,953(11)

Ošťádal P. - Ošťádal B.
Women and the management of acute coronary syndrome.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 90(9), 1151-1159, 2012
IF = 1,953(11)

Janoušková H. - Maglott A. - Leger D.Y. - Bossert C. - Noulet F. - Guerin E. - Guenot D. - Pinel S. - Chastagner P. - Plenat F. - Entz-Werle N. - Lehmann-Che J. - Godet J. - Martin S. - Teisinger J. - Dontenwill M.
Integrin alpha 5 beta 1 Plays a Critical Role in Resistance to Temozolomide by Interfering with the p53 Pathway in High-Grade Glioma.
Cancer Research, 72(14), 3463-3470, 2012
IF = 7,856(11)

Ammirabile G. - Tessari A. - Pignataro V. - Szumska D. - Sardo F.S. - Beneš ml. J. - Balistreri M. - Bhattacharya S. - Sedmera D. - Campione M.
Pitx2 confers left morphological, molecular, and functional identity to the sinus venosus myocardium.
Cardiovascular Research, 93(2), 291-301, 2012
IF = 6,064(11)

Šaňková B. - Beneš ml. J. - Krejčí E. - Dupays L. - Theveniau-Riussy M. - Miquerol L. - Sedmera D.
The effect of connexin40 deficiency on ventricular conduction system function during development.
Cardiovascular Research, 95(4), 469-479, 2012
IF = 6,064(11)

Hudcovic T. - Kolínská J. - Klepetář J. - Štěpánková R. - Řezanka T. - Šrůtková D. - Schwarzer M. - Erban V. - Du Z. - Wells J. M. - Hrnčíř T. - Tlaskalová-Hogenová H. - Kozáková H.
Protective effect of Clostridium tyrobutyricum in acute dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis: differential regulation of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-18 in BALB/c and severe combined immunodeficiency mice.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 167(2), 356-365, 2012
IF = 3,36(11)

Neckář J. - Kopkan L. - Husková Z. - Kolář F. - Papoušek F. - Kramer H. J. - Hwang S.H. - Hammock B.D. - Imig J. D. - Malý J. - Netuka I. - Ošťádal B. - Červenka L.
Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase by cis-4-[4-(3-adamantan-1-ylureido)cyclohexyl-oxy]benzoic acid exhibits antihypertensive and cardioprotective actions in transgenic rats with angiotensin II-dependent hypertension.
Clinical science, 122(11), 513-525, 2012
IF = 4,317(11)

Šepitka J. - Lukeš J. - Staněk L. - Filová E. - Burdíková Z. - Řezníček J.
Nanoindentation of intervertebral disc tissues localised by SHG imaging.
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 15, 335-336, 2012
IF = 1,169(11)

Stříbný J. - Kinclová-Zimmermannová O. - Sychrová H.
Potassium supply and homeostasis in the osmotolerant non-conventional yeasts Zygosaccharomyces rouxii differ from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Current Genetics, 58, 255-264, 2012
IF = 2,556(11)

Száková J. - Novosadová Z. - Zídek V. - Fučíková A. - Zídková J. - Miholová D. - Tlustoš P.
Effect of the diet amended with risk elements contaminated soil on risk elements content in tissues and hematological parameters of rats.
Czech Journal of Animal Science, 57(9), 430-441, 2012
IF = 1,079(11)

Gažová I. - Vlček K. - Nedelská Z. - Mokrišová I. - Hynčicová E. - Laczó J. - Hort J.
Prostorová orientace při fyziologickém a patologickém stárnutí.
Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 75(4), 411-414, 2012
IF = 0,279(11)

Gottardo R. - Mikšík I. - Aturki Z. - Sorio D. - Seri C. - Fanali S. - Tagliaro F.
Analysis of drugs of forensic interest with capillary zone electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry based on the use of non-volatile buffers.
Electrophoresis, 33(4), 599-606, 2012
IF = 3,303(11)

Vetter I. - Touška F. - Hess A. - Hinsbey R. - Sattler S. - Lampert A. - Sergejeva M. - Sharov A. - Collins L. S. - Eberhardt M. - Engel M. - Cabot P. J. - Wood J. N. - Vlachová V. - Reeh P. W. - Lewis R. J. - Zimmermann K.
Ciguatoxins activate specific cold pain pathways to elicit burning pain from cooling.
EMBO Journal, 31(19), 3795-3808, 2012
IF = 9,205(11)

Košťál L. - Pokora O.
Nonparametric Estimation of Information-Based Measures of Statistical Dispersion.
Entropy, 14(7), 1221-1233, 2012
IF = 1,183(11)

Mareš P.
Anticonvulsant action of GABA(B) receptor positive modulator CGP7930 in immature rats.
Epilepsy Research, 100, 49-54, 2012
IF = 2,29(11)

Beamer E. - Otáhal J. - Sills G.J. - Thippeswamy T.
N-w-Propyl-L-arginine (L-NPA) reduces status epilepticus and early epileptogenic events in a mouse model of epilepsy: behavioural, EEG and immunohistochemical analyses.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 36(9), 3194-3203, 2012
IF = 3,631(11)

Parkanová D. - Nováková M. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumová A.
Photoperiodic modulation of the hepatic clock by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and feeding regime in mice.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(9), 1446-1457, 2012
IF = 3,631(11)

Jágr M. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Mikšík I.
Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human dentin.
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 120(4), 259-268, 2012
IF = 1,878(11)

Lindovský J. - Petrov K. - Krůšek J. - Reznik V.S. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskočil F.
Effect of tissue-specific acetylcholinesterase inhibitor C-547 on alpha 3 beta 4 and alpha beta epsilon delta acetylcholine receptors in COS cells.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 688, 22-26, 2012
IF = 2,516(11)

Folbergrová J. - Otáhal J. - Druga R.
Brain superoxide anion formation in immature rats during seizures: Protection by selected compounds.
Experimental Neurology, 233(1), 421-429, 2012
IF = 4,699(11)

Marešová L. - Vydarený T. - Sychrová H.
Comparison of the influence of small GTPases Arl1 and Ypt6 on yeast cells’ tolerance to various stress factors.
FEMS Yeast Research, 12(3), 332-340, 2012
IF = 2,403(11)

Zahrádka J. - Sychrová H.
Plasma-membrane hyperpolarization diminishes the cation efflux via Nha1 antiporter and Ena ATPase under potassium-limiting conditions.
FEMS Yeast Research, 12(4), 439-446, 2012
IF = 2,403(11)

Liotta E. - Gottardo R. - Seri C. - Rimondo C. - Mikšík I. - Serpelloni G. - Tagliaro F.
Rapid analysis of caffeine in “smart drugs” and “energy drinks” by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC).
Forensic Science International, 220, 279-283, 2012
IF = 2,301(11)

Hoevenaars F.P.M. - van Schothorst E. M. - Horáková O. - Voigt A. - Rossmeisl M. - Pico C. - Caimari A. - Kopecký J. - Klaus S. - Keijer J.
BIOCLAIMS standard diet (BIOsd): a reference diet for nutritional physiology.
Genes and Nutrition, 7(3), 399-404, 2012
IF = 2,507(11)

Klaus S. - Keipert S. - Rossmeisl M. - Kopecký J.
Augmenting energy expenditure by mitochondrial uncoupling: a role of AMP-activated protein kinase.
Genes and Nutrition, 7(3), 369-386, 2012
IF = 2,507(11)

Simonis M. - Atanur S. S. - Linsen S. - Guryev V. - Ruzius F.-P. - Game L. - Lansu N. - de Bruijn E. - van Heesch S. - Jones S. J. M. - Pravenec M. - Aitman T. J. - Cuppen E.
Genetic basis of transcriptome differences between the founder strains of the rat HXB/BXH recombinant inbred panel.
Genome Biology, 13(4), r31, 2012
IF = 9,036(11)

Mareš V. - Stremeňová J. - Lisá V. - Kozáková H. - Marek J. - Syrůček M. - Šoula O. - Šedo A.
Compartment- and malignance-dependent up-regulation of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and dipetidylpeptidase-IV activity in human brain gliomas.
Histology and Histopathology, 27(7), 931-940, 2012
IF = 2,48(11)

Hojná S. - Jordan M.D. - Kollias H. - Pausova Z.
High-fat diet induces emergence of brown-like adipocytes in white adipose tissue of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Hypertension Research, 35(3), 279-286, 2012
IF = 2,576(11)

Vaněčková I. - Dobešová Z. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
The effects of repeated delivery of angiotensin II AT1 receptor antisense on distinct vasoactive systems in Ren-2 transgenic rats: young vs. adult animals.
Hypertension Research, 35(7), 761-768, 2012
IF = 2,576(11)

Holendová B. - Gryčová L. - Jirků M. - Teisinger J.
PtdIns(4,5)P-2 interacts with CaM binding domains on TRPM3 N-terminus.
Channels, 6(6), 479-482, 2012
IF = 2,14(11)

Pařízek M. - Douglas T.E.L. - Novotná K. - Kromka A. - Brady M.A. - Renzing A. - Voss E. - Jarošová M. - Palatinus L. - Tesárek P. - Ryparová P. - Lisá V. - Dos Santos A.M. - Bačáková L.
Nanofibrous poly(lactide-co-glycolide) membranes loaded with diamond nanoparticles as promising substrates for bone tissue engineering.
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7(2012), 1931-1951, 2012
IF = 4,976(10)

Medříková D. - Jílková Z. - Bardová K. - Janovská P. - Rossmeisl M. - Kopecký J.
Sex differences during the course of diet-induced obesity in mice: adipose tissue expandability and glycemic control.
International Journal of Obesity, 36(2), 262-272, 2012
IF = 4,691(11)

Ortega F.J. - Jílková Z. - Moreno-Navarrete J.M. - Pavelka S. - Rodriguez-Hermosa J.I. - Kopecký J. - Fernández-Real J.M.
Type I iodothyronine 5′-deiodinase mRNA and activity is increased in adipose tissue of obese subjects.
International Journal of Obesity, 36(2), 320-324, 2012
IF = 4,691(11)

Skalský I. - Szárszoi O. - Filová E. - Pařízek M. - Lytvynets A. - Malušková J. - Lodererová A. - Brynda E. - Lisá V. - Burdíková Z. - Čapek M. - Pirk J. - Bačáková L.
A perivascular system releasing sirolimus prevented intimal hyperplasia in a rabbit model in a medium-term study.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 427(2), 311-319, 2012
IF = 3,35(11)

Šedý J. - Zicha J. - Nedvídková J. - Kuneš J.
The role of sympathetic nervous system in the development of neurogenic pulmonary edema in spinal cord-injured rats.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(1), 1-8, 2012
IF = 3,753(11)

Cassey P. - Mikšík I. - Portugal S. J. - Maurer G. - Ewen J.G. - Zarate E. - Sewell M.A. - Karadas F. - Grim T. - Hauber M. E.
Avian eggshell pigments are not consistently correlated with colour measurements or egg constituents in two Turdus thrushes.
Journal of avian biology, 43(6), 503-512, 2012
IF = 2,28(11)

Drahota Z. - Endlicher R. - Staňková P. - Rychtrmoc D. - Milerová M. - Červinková Z.
Characterization of calcium, phosphate and peroxide interactions in activation of mitochondrial swelling using derivative of the swelling curves.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 44(3), 309-315, 2012
IF = 2,813(11)

Holakovská B. - Gryčová L. - Jirků M. - Šulc M. - Bumba L. - Teisinger J.
Calmodulin and S100A1 Protein Interact with N Terminus of TRPM3 Channel.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(20), 16645-16655, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Kaniaková M. - Krausová B. - Vyklický V. - Kořínek M. - Lichnerová K. - Vyklický ml. L. - Horák M.
Key Amino Acid Residues within the Third Membrane Domains of NR1 and NR2 Subunits Contribute to the Regulation of the Surface Delivery of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptors.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(31), 26423-26434, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Pietka T. A. - Sulkin M.S. - Kuda O. - Wang W. - Zhou D. - Yamada K. A. - Yang K. - Su X. - Gross R. W. - Nerbonne J. M. - Efimov I. R. - Abumrad N. A.
CD36 Protein Influences Myocardial Ca2+ Homeostasis and Phospholipid Metabolism CONDUCTION ANOMALIES IN CD36-DEFICIENT MICE DURING FASTING.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(46), 38901-38912, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Surá L. - Zíma V. - Maršáková L. - Hynková A. - Barvík I. - Vlachová V.
C-terminal Acidic Cluster Is Involved in Ca2+-induced Regulation of Human Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Channel.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(22), 18067-18077, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Vandrovcová M. - Hanuš J. - Drábik M. - Kylián O. - Biederman H. - Lisá V. - Bačáková L.
Effect of different surface nanoroughness of titanium dioxide films on the growth of human osteoblast-like MG63 cells.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A(4), 1016-1032, 2012
IF = 2,625(11)

Nováková M. - Nevšímalová S. - Příhodová I. - Sládek M. - Sumová A.
Alteration of the Circadian Clock in Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97(2), E312-E318, 2012
IF = 5,967(11)

Petrovová E. - Sedmera D. - Luptáková L. - Mazenský D. - Danko J.
Chick development and high dose of bendiocarb.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 47(9), 1312-1318, 2012
IF = 1,19(11)

Matěj R. - Olejár T. - Janoušková O. - Holada K.
Deletion of protease-activated receptor 2 prolongs survival of scrapie-inoculated mice.
Journal of General Virology, 93(9), 2057-2061, 2012
IF = 3,363(11)

Krásný L. - Pompach P. - Strohalm M. - Obšilová V. - Strnadová M. - Novák P. - Volný M.
In-situ enrichment of phosphopeptides on MALDI plates modified by ambient ion landing.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 47(10), 1294-1302, 2012
IF = 3,268(11)

Janáček J. - Kreft M. - Čebašek V. - Eržen I.
Correcting the axial shrinkage of skeletal muscle thick sections visualized by confocal microscopy.
Journal of Microscopy, 246(2), 107-112, 2012
IF = 1,631(11)

Slepička P. - Kasálková-Slepičková N. - Bačáková L. - Kolská Z. - Švorčík V.
Enhancement of Polymer Cytocompatibility by Nanostructuring of Polymer Surface.
Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012(2012), ID527403, 2012
IF = 1,376(11)

Švorčík V. - Makajová Z. - Kasálková-Slepičková N. - Kolská Z. - Bačáková L.
Plasma-Modified and Polyethylene Glycol-Grafted Polymers for Potential Tissue Engineering Applications.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(8), 6665-6671, 2012
IF = 1,563(11)

Kaniaková M. - Lichnerová K. - Vyklický ml. L. - Horák M.
Single amino acid residue in the M4 domain of GluN1 subunit regulates the surface delivery of NMDA receptors.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 123(3), 385-395, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Kučerová L. - Brož V. - Fleischmannová J. - Šantrůčková E. - Sidorov R. - Doležal V. - Žurovec M.
Characterization of the Drosophila adenosine receptor: the effect of adenosine analogs on cAMP signaling in Drosophila cells and their utility for in vivo experiments.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 121(3), 383-395, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Savelkoul P.J.M. - Janíčková H. - Kuipers A.A.M. - Hageman R.J.J. - Kamphuis P.J. - Doležal V. - Broersen L.M.
A specific multi-nutrient formulation enhances M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor responses in vitro.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 120(4), 631-640, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Pokora O. - Lánský P.
Estimating individual firing frequencies in a multiple spike train record.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 211(2), 191-202, 2012
IF = 1,98(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Eržen I.
Wearing of complete dentures reduces slow fibre and enhances hybrid fibre fraction in masseter muscle.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 39(8), 608-614, 2012
IF = 1,529(11)

Powell A. D. - Gill K. K. - Saintot P.P. - Jiruška P. - Chelly J. - Billuart P. - Jefferys J. G. R.
Rapid reversal of impaired inhibitory and excitatory transmission but not spine dysgenesis in a mouse model of mental retardation.
Journal of Physiology, 590(4), 763-775, 2012
IF = 4,718(11)

Pavelka S.
Use of Br-82 and I-131 radionuclides in studies of goitrogenic effects of exogenous bromide.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 379-383, 2012
IF = 1,52(11)

Pavelka S.
Radioiodine tracers as useful tools in studies of thyrotoxic effects of exogenous bromide and perchlorate ions.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 405-408, 2012
IF = 1,52(11)

Mikšík I. - Lacinová K. - Zmatlíková Z. - Sedláková P. - Král V. - Sýkora D. - Řezanka P. - Kašička V.
Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography with bare gold nanoparticles-based stationary phase applied to separation of trypsin digested native and glycated proteins.
Journal of Separation Science, 35(8), 994-1002, 2012
IF = 2,733(11)

Řezanka P. - Ehala S. - Koktan J. - Sýkora D. - Žvátora P. - Vosmanská M. - Král V. - Mikšík I. - Čeřovský V. - Kašička V.
Application of Bare Gold Nanoparticles in Open-Tubular CEC Separations of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Peptides.
Journal of Separation Science, 35(1), 73-78, 2012
IF = 2,733(11)

Haladová K. - Mrázek H. - Ječmen T. - Halada P. - Man P. - Novák P. - Chmelík J. - Obšil T. - Šulc M.
The combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange or chemical cross-linking techniques with mass spectrometry: Mapping of human 14-3-3 zeta homodimer interface.
Journal of Structural Biology, 179(1), 10-17, 2012
IF = 3,406(11)

Harcuba P. - Bačáková L. - Stráský J. - Bačáková M. - Novotná K. - Janeček M.
Surface treatment by electric discharge machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy for potential application in orthopaedics.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 7, 96-105, 2012
IF = 2,814(11)

Vaněčková I. - Kujal P. - Husková Z. - Vaňourková Z. - Vernerová Z. - Čertíková - Chábová V. - Škaroupková P. - Kramer H. J. - Tesař V. - Červenka L.
Effects of Combined Endothelin A Receptor and Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade on the Course of End-Organ Damage in 5/6 Nephrectomized Ren-2 Hypertensive Rats.
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 35(5), 382-392, 2012
IF = 1,464(11)

Burdíková Z. - Čapek M. - Švindrych Z. - Gryndler M. - Kubínová L. - Holcová K.
Ecology of Testate Amoebae in the Komořany Ponds in the Vltava Basin.
Microbial Ecology, 64(1), 117-130, 2012
IF = 2,912(11)

Folbergrová J. - Kunz W.S.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy.
Mitochondrion, 12(1), 35-40, 2012
IF = 3,615(11)

Stibůrek L. - Česneková J. - Kostková O. - Fornůsková D. - Vinšová K. - Wenchich L. - Houštěk J. - Zeman J.
YME1L controls the accumulation of respiratory chain subunits and is required for apoptotic resistance, cristae morphogenesis, and cell proliferation.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 23(6), 1010-1023, 2012
IF = 4,942(11)

Kubík Š. - Miyashita T. - Kubik-Zahorodna A. - Guzowski J. F.
Loss of activity-dependent Arc gene expression in the retrosplenial cortex after hippocampal inactivation: Interaction in a higher-order memory circuit.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 97(1), 124-131, 2012
IF = 3,419(11)

Laczó J. - Andel R. - Vyhnálek M. - Vlček K. - Magerová H. - Varjassyova A. - Nedelská Z. - Gažová I. - Bojar M. - Sheardová K. - Hort J.
From Morris Water Maze to Computer Tests in the Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 10, 153-157, 2012
IF = 3,056(11)

Kovářů H. - Kovářů F. - Lisá V.
Effect of fluoxetine and adenosine receptor NECA agonist on G alpha q/11 protein of C6 glioma cells.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 33(6), 614-618, 2012
IF = 1,296(11)

Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - Svobodová I.
The expression of NR2B subunit of NMDA receptor in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Wistar rats and its role in glutamate-induced CREB and ERK1/2 phosphorylation.
Neurochemistry International, 61(1), 43-47, 2012
IF = 2,857(11)

Penn A.C. - Balík A. - Wozny Ch. - Cais O. - Greger I. H.
Activity-Mediated AMPA Receptor Remodeling, Driven by Alternative Splicing in the Ligand-Binding Domain.
Neuron, 76(3), 503-510, 2012
IF = 14,736(11)

Palma-Cerda F. - Auger C. - Crawford D.J. - Hodgson A.C.C. - Reynolds S.J. - Cowell J.K. - Swift K.A.D. - Cais O. - Vyklický ml. L. - Corrie J.E.T. - Ogden D.
New caged neurotransmitter analogs selective for glutamate receptor sub-types based on methoxynitroindoline and nitrophenylethoxycarbonyl caging groups.
Neuropharmacology, 63(4), 624-634, 2012
IF = 4,814(11)

Kasálková-Slepičková N. - Slepička P. - Kolská Z. - Sajdl P. - Bačáková L. - Rimpelová S. - Švorčík V.
Cell adhesion and proliferation on polyethylene grafted with Au nanoparticles.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 272, 391-395, 2012
IF = 1,211(11)

Ježek P. - Dlasková A. - Plecitá-Hlavatá L.
Redox Homeostasis in Pancreatic beta Cells.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2012(2012), 932838, 2012
IF = 2,841(11)

Slaninová J. - Mlsová V. - Kroupová H. - Alán L. - Tůmová T. - Monincová L. - Borovičková L. - Fučík V. - Čeřovský V.
Toxicity study of antimicrobial peptides from wild bee venom and their analogs toward mammalian normal and cancer cells.
Peptides, 33(1), 18-26, 2012
IF = 2,434(11)

Škrabalová J. - Neckář J. - Hejnová L. - Bartoňová I. - Kolář F. - Novotný J.
Antiarrhythmic effect of prolonged morphine exposure is accompanied by altered myocardial adenylyl cyclase signaling in rats.
Pharmacological Reports, 64(2), 351-359, 2012
IF = 2,445(11)

Prokopová I. - Bahník Š - Doulames V. - Valeš K. - Petrásek T. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlík A.
Synergistic effects of dopamine D2-like receptor antagonist sulpiride and beta-blocker propranolol on learning in the Carousel maze, a dry-land spatial navigation task.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 102(1), 151-156, 2012
IF = 2,532(11)

Ditlevsen S. - Lánský P.
Only through perturbation can relaxation times be estimated.
Physical Review. E, 86(5), 050102-5, 2012
IF = 2,255(11)

Tamborrino M. - Ditlevsen S. - Lánský P.
Identification of noisy response latency.
Physical Review. E, 86(2), 021128, 2012
IF = 2,255(11)

Houštěk J. - Hejzlarová K. - Vrbacký M. - Drahota Z. - Landa V. - Zídek V. - Mlejnek P. - Šimáková M. - Šilhavý J. - Mikšík I. - Kazdová L. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kurtz T. - Pravenec M.
Nonsynonymous variants in mt-Nd2, mt-Nd4, and mt-Nd5 are linked to effects on oxidative phosphorylation and insulin sensitivity in rat conplastic strains.
Physiological Genomics, 44(9), 487-494, 2012
IF = 2,735(11)

Neckář J. - Šilhavý J. - Zídek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Šimáková M. - Seidman J. G. - Seidman Ch. - Kazdová L. - Klevstig M. - Novák F. - Vecka M. - Papoušek F. - Houštěk J. - Drahota Z. - Kurtz T. W. - Kolář F. - Pravenec M.
CD36 overexpression predisposes to arrhythmias but reduces infarct size in spontaneously hypertensive rats: gene expression profile analysis.
Physiological Genomics, 44(2), 173-182, 2012
IF = 2,735(11)

Drahota Z. - Milerová M. - Endlicher R. - Rychtrmoc D. - Červinková Z. - Ošťádal B.
Developmental changes of the sensitivity of cardiac and liver mitochondrial permeability transition pore to calcium load and oxidative stress.
Physiological Research, 61, S165-S172, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Charvátová Z. - Ošťádalová I. - Zicha J. - Kuneš J. - Maxová H. - Ošťádal B.
Cardiac tolerance to ischemia in neonatal spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 61, S145-S153, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kagan D. - Dlouhá K. - Roubalová L. - Svoboda P.
Ontogenetic Development of GABA(B)-Receptor Signaling Cascade in Plasma Membranes Isolated From Rat Brain Cortex; the Number of GABA(B)-Receptors Is High Already Shortly After the Birth.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 629-635, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Konopková R. - Világi I. - Borbély S. - Kubová H. - Otáhal J.
Effect of endothelin-1 on the excitability of rat cortical and hippocampal slices in vitro.
Physiological Research, 61(2), 215-219, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Krejčí E. - Peševski Ž - Dealmeida A.C. - Mrug M. - Fresco V.M. - Argraves W.S. - Barth J.L. - Cui X. - Sedmera D.
Microarray analysis of normal and abnormal chick ventricular myocardial development.
Physiological Research, 61, S137-S144, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kubová H. - Mareš P.
Partial agonist of benzodiazepine receptors Ro 19-2088 elicits withdrawal symptoms after short-term administration in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 319-323, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kučka M. - Kretschmannová K. - Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemková H. - Tomic M.
Dependence of spontaneous electrical activity and basal prolactin release on nonselective cation channels in pituitary lactotrophs.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 267-275, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kuneš J. - Kadlecová M. - Vaněčková I. - Zicha J.
Critical developmental periods in the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Physiological Research, 61, S9-S17, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Mareš P.
Models of epileptic seizures in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61, S103-S108, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Mareš P. - Bernášková K. - Kubová H.
An antagonist of GABA-B receptors potentiates activity of cortical epileptic foci.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 325-329, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Novák F. - Kolář F. - Voců Š. - Vecka M. - Nováková O.
Pressure overload selectively increases n-3 PUFA in myocardial phospholipids during early postnatal period.
Physiological Research, 61, S155-S163, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ošťádalová I. - Babický A.
Periodization of the early postnatal development in the rat with particular attention to the weaning period.
Physiological Research, 61, S1-S7, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ošťádalová I.
Biological effects of selenium compounds with a particular attention to the ontogenetic development.
Physiological Research, 61, S19-S34, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Pryazhnikov E. - Ostroumov A. - Druginina O. - Vyskočil F. - Skorinkin A.
The mechanisms of inhibition of frog endplate currents with homologous derivatives of the 1,1-dimethyl-3-oxybutyl phosphonic acid.
Physiological Research, 61(4), 395-404, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Rauchová H. - Vokurková M. - Koudelová J.
Hypoxia-induced lipid peroxidation in the brain during postnatal ontogenesis.
Physiological Research, 61, S89-S101, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Rauchová H. - Vokurková M. - Drahota Z.
Idebenone-induced recovery of glycerol-3-phosphate and succinate oxidation inhibited by digitonin.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 259-265, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ravingerová T. - Čarnická S. - Nemčeková M. - Ledvényiová V. - Adameová A. - Khandelwal V. K. M. - Zálešák M. - Kolář F.
The impact of lifestyle-related risk factors on cardiac response to ischemia and possibilities to restore impaired ischemic tolerance.
Physiological Research, 61, S1-S10, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Říha H. - Papoušek F. - Neckář J. - Pirk J. - Ošťádal B.
Effects of isoflurane concentration on basic echocardiographic parameters of the left ventricle in rats.
Physiological Research, 61(4), 419-423, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Soukup T. - Sulimenko V. - Marková V. - Kopecká K. - Zachařová G. - Paleček J.
Expression of the skeletal calsequestrin isoform in normal and regenerated skeletal muscles and in the hearts of rats with altered thyroid status.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 575-586, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Svoboda J. - Telenský P. - Blahna K. - Bureš J. - Stuchlík A.
Comparison of male and female rats in avoidance of a moving object: more thigmotaxis, hypolocomotion and fear-like reactions in females.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 659-663, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Szczurowska E. - Mareš P.
Positive allosteric modulator of mGluR4 PHCCC exhibits proconvulsant action in three models of epileptic seizures in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 619-628, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Šnorek M. - Hodyc D. - Šedivý V. - Ďurišová J. - Skoumalová A. - Wilhelm J. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Herget J.
Short-term fasting reduces the extent of myocardial infarction and incidence of reperfusion arrhythmias in rats.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 567-574, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Wilhelm J. - Ošťádalová I.
Ontogenetic changes of lipofuscin-like pigments in the rat heart.
Physiological Research, 61, S173-S179, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Zicha J. - Dobešová Z. - Vokurková M. - Rauchová H. - Hojná S. - Kadlecová M. - Behuliak M. - Vaněčková I. - Kuneš J.
Age-dependent salt hypertension in Dahl rats: fifty years of research.
Physiological Research, 61, S35-S87, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Jirkovská M. - Kučera T. - Kaláb J. - Jadrníček M. - Niedobová V. - Janáček J. - Kubínová L. - Moravcová M. - Žižka Z. - Krejčí V.
The branching pattern of villous capillaries and structural changes of placental terminal villi in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Placenta, 33(5), 343-351, 2012
IF = 3,693(11)

Lhotáková Z. - Urban O. - Dubánková M. - Cvikrová M. - Tomášková I. - Kubínová L. - Zvára K. - Marek Michal V. - Albrechtová J.
The impact of long-term CO2 enrichment on sun and shade needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies): Photosynthetic performance, needle anatomy and phenolics accumulation.
Plant Science, 60-70, 2012
IF = 2,945(11)

Drastichová Z. - Škrabalová J. - Jedelský P. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Novotný J.
Global Changes in the Rat Heart Proteome Induced by Prolonged Morphine Treatment and Withdrawal.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e47167, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Gryčová L. - Holendová B. - Bumba L. - Bílý J. - Jirků M. - Lánský Z. - Teisinger J.
Integrative Binding Sites within Intracellular Termini of TRPV1 Receptor.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e48437, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Horáková O. - Medříková D. - van Schothorst E. M. - Bunschoten A. - Flachs P. - Kůs V. - Kuda O. - Bardová K. - Janovská P. - Hensler M. - Rossmeisl M. - Wang-Sattler R. - Prehn C. - Adamski J. - Illig T. - Keijer J. - Kopecký J.
Preservation of Metabolic Flexibility in Skeletal Muscle by a Combined Use of n-3 PUFA and Rosiglitazone in Dietary Obese Mice.
PLoS ONE, 7(8), e43764, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Jindřichová M. - Lansdell S. J. - Millar N. S.
Changes in Temperature Have Opposing Effects on Current Amplitude in alpha 7 and alpha 4 beta 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors.
PLoS ONE, 7(2), e32073, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Rossmeisl M. - Macek Jílková Z. - Kuda O. - Jeleník T. - Medříková D. - Staňková B. - Kristinsson B. - Haraldsson G.G. - Svensen H. - Stoknes I. - Sjövall P. - Magnusson Y. - Balvers M.G.J. - Verhoeckx K.C.M. - Tvrzická E. - Bryhn M. - Kopecký J.
Metabolic Effects of n-3 PUFA as Phospholipids Are Superior to Triglycerides in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet: Possible Role of Endocannabinoids.
PLoS ONE, 7(6), e38834, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Sládek M. - Polidarová L. - Nováková M. - Parkanová D. - Sumová A.
Early Chronotype and Tissue-Specific Alterations of Circadian Clock Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e46951, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Slepička P. - Kasálková-Slepičková N. - Kolská Z. - Macková A. - Bačáková L. - Švorčík V. - Malinský P. - Trostova S.
Nanostructuring of polymethylpentene by plasma and heat treatment for improved biocompatibility.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(7), 1075-1082, 2012
IF = 2,769(11)

Nedelská Z. - Andel R. - Laczó J. - Vlček K. - Hořínek D. - Lisý J. - Sheardová K. - Bureš J. - Hort J.
Spatial navigation impairment is proportional to right hippocampal volume.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(7), 2590-2594, 2012
IF = 9,681(11)

Sumová A. - Sládek M. - Polidarová L. - Nováková M. - Houdek P.
Circadian system from conception till adulthood.
Progress in Brain Research, 199(2012), 83-103, 2012
IF = 3,04(11)

Jindřichová M. - Kuzyk P. - Li S. - Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemková H.
Conserved ectodomain cysteines are essential for rat P2X7 receptor trafficking.
Purinergic Signalling, 8(2), 317-325, 2012
IF = 3,164(11)

Černý I. - Buděšínský M. - Pouzar V. - Vyklický V. - Krausová B. - Vyklický ml. L.
Neuroactive steroids with perfluorobenzoyl group.
Steroids, 77(12), 1233-1241, 2012
IF = 2,829(11)

Kapras V. - Slavíčková A. - Šťastná E. - Vyklický ml. L. - Valeš K. - Chodounská H.
Synthesis of deuterium labeled NMDA receptor inhibitor-20-Oxo-5 beta-[9,12,12-H-2(3)]pregnan-3 alpha-yl-L-glutamyl 1-ester.
Steroids, 77(3), 282-287, 2012
IF = 2,829(11)

Solař P. - Kylián O. - Polonskyi O. - Artemenko A. - Arzhakov D. - Drábik M. - Slavínská D. - Vandrovcová M. - Bačáková L. - Biederman H.
Nanocomposite coatings of Ti/C:H plasma polymer particles providing a surface with variable nanoroughness.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(21), 4335-4342, 2012
IF = 1,867(11)

Hřebabecký H. - Dejmek M. - Dračínský M. - Šála M. - Leyssen P. - Neyts J. - Kaniaková M. - Krůšek J. - Nencka R.
Synthesis of novel azanorbornylpurine derivatives.
Tetrahedron, 68(4), 1286-1298, 2012
IF = 3,025(11)

Mikulíková K. - Romanov O. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Sedláková P.
Study of Saiga Horn Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 2012(2012), ID759604, 2012
IF = 1,524(10)

Artemenko A. - Kylián O. - Choukourov A. - Gordeev I. - Petr M. - Vandrovcová M. - Polonskyi O. - Bačáková L. - Slavínská D. - Biederman H.
Effect of sterilization procedures on properties of plasma polymers relevant to biomedical applications.
Thin Solid Films, 520(24), 7115-7124, 2012
IF = 1,89(11)

Říhová Z. - Starý V. - Bačáková L.
A study of the structure and surface properties of nanostructured biocompatible coatings on Ti alloys.
Vacuum, 86(6), 630-633, 2012
IF = 1,317(11)
