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152 captures
5 Apr 14 - 3 Feb 23
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  • Čtyroký, Jiří. Dispersion properties of coupled waveguides with loss and gain: A full-vectorial analysis. Optical and Quantum Electronics (2014)

  • Giorgini, A. ; Avino, S. ; Malara, P. ; Zullo, R. ; Gaglio, G. ; Homola, Jiří ; De Natale, P. Cavity-enhanced surface-plasmon resonance sensing: Modeling and performance. Measurement Science and Technology (2014)

  • Havelka, Daniel ; Kučera, Ondřej ; Deriu, M.A. ; Cifra, Michal. Electro-Acoustic Behavior of the Mitotic Spindle: A Semi-Classical Coarse-Grained Model. PLoS ONE (2014)

  • Komninou, Ph. ; Gladkov, Petr ; Karakostas, Th. ; Pangrác, Jiří ; Pacherová, Oliva ; Vaniš, Jan ; Hulicius, Eduard. Structural and photoluminescent properties of low temperature InAs buffer layer grown by MOVPE on GaAs substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth (2014)

  • Kuchař, Milan ; Petroková, Hana ; Černý, Jiří ; Osička, Radim ; Pelák, O. ; Šípová, Hana ; Schneider, Bohdan ; Homola, Jiří ; Šebo, Peter ; Kalina, T. ; Malý, Petr. Human interleukin-23 receptor antagonists derived from an albumin-binding domain scaffold inhibit IL-23-dependent ex vivo expansion of IL-17-producing T-cells. Proteins-Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (2014)

  • Mrázek, Jan ; Bakardjieva, Snejana ; Buršík, Jiří ; Kašík, Ivan. Synthesis and crystallization mechanism of europium-titanate Eu2Ti2O7. Journal of Crystal Growth (2014)

  • Szili, M. ; Kašík, Ivan ; Matějec, Vlastimil ; Nagy, G. ; Kovács, B. Poly(luminol) based sensor array for determination of dissolved chlorine in water. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical (2014)

  • Šroubek, Zdeněk ; Lorinčík, Jan. Kinetic electron emission from metal surfaces induced by impact of slow ions. Surface Science (2014)

  • Tian, F. ; Kaňka, Jiří ; Li, X. ; Du, H. Monitoring layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolyte multi-layers using high-order cladding mode in long-period fiber gratings. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical (2014)

  • Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan ; Brus, V.V. ; Černohorský, Ondřej ; Maryanchuk, P.D. ; Bazioti, C. ; Dimitrakopulos, G.P. ; Komninou, Ph. Transport properties of metal-semiconductor junctions on n-type InP prepared by electrophoretic deposition of Pt nanoparticles. Semiconductor Science and Technology (2014)

  • Šípová, Hana ; Špringer, Tomáš ; Rejman, Dominik ; Šimák, Ondřej ; Petrová, Magdalena ; Novák, Pavel ; Rosenbergová, Šárka ; Páv, Ondřej ; Liboska, Radek ; Barvík, I. ; Štěpánek, J. ; Rosenberg, Ivan ; Homola, Jiří. 50-O-Methylphosphonate nucleic acids—new modified DNAs that increase the Escherichia coli RNase H cleavage rate of hybrid duplexes. Nucleic Acids Research (2014)

  • Vaisocherová, Hana ; Ševců, Veronika ; Adam, Pavel ; Špačková, Barbora ; Hegnerová, Kateřina ; de los Santos Pereira, Andres ; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, Cesar ; Riedel, Tomáš ; Houska, Milan ; Brynda, Eduard ; Homola, Jiří. Functionalized ultra-low fouling carboxy- and hydroxy-functional surface platforms: Functionalization capacity, biorecognition capability and resistance to fouling from undiluted biological media. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (2014)

  • Lynn, Nicholas Scott ; Martínez-López, J.I. ; Bocková, Markéta ; Adam, Pavel ; Coello, V. ; Siller, R.H. ; Homola, Jiří. Biosensing enhancement using passive mixing structures for microarray-based sensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (2014)

  • Kosyachenko, L.A. ; Yatskiv, Roman ; Yurtsenyuk, N.S. ; Maslyanchuk, O.L. ; Grym, Jan. Graphite/CdMnTe Schottky diodes and their electrical characteristics. Semiconductor Science and Technology. (2014)

  • Zeipl, Radek ; Jelínek, Miroslav ; Navrátil, Jiří ; Kocourek, Tomáš ; Leshkov, Sergey ; Šroubek, Filip ; Vaniš, Jan ; Walachová, Jarmila. Properties of thermoelectric Ce0.09Fe0.67Co3.33Sb12/FeSb2Te multi-layered structures prepared by laser ablation. Thin Solid Films (2013)

  • Žďánský, Karel ; Dickerson, J.H. Improved speed of hydrogen detection by Schottky diodes on InP with electrophoretically deposited Pt nanoparticles and graphite contacts. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical (2013)

  • Zavadil, Jiří ; Kubliha, M. ; Kostka, Petr ; Iovu, M. ; Labaš, V. ; Ivanova, Z.G. Investigation of electrical and optical properties of Ge-Ga-As-S glasses doped with rare-earth ions. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2013)

  • Yulin, A.V. ; Bludov, Yu.V. ; Konotop, V. V. ; Kuzmiak, Vladimír ; Salerno, M. Superfluidity breakdown of periodic matter waves in quasi-one-dimensional annular traps via resonant scattering with moving defects. Physical Review. A, (2013)

  • Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan. Thermal stability study of semimetal graphite n-InP and n-GaN Schottky diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology (2013)

  • Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan. Hydrogen sensing using reduced graphene oxide sheets supported by Pd nanoparticles. In Bilas, V.; McConnell, G.; Kyriacou, P. (ed.). SENSORS & THEIR APPLICATIONS XVII. Journal of Physics Conference Series. BRISTOL : IOP PUBLISHING LTD (2013)

  • Yatskiv, Roman ; Žďánský, Karel ; Grym, Jan. Hydrogen detection with semimetal graphite-ZnO (InP,GaN) Schottky diodes. In Hristoforou, E. (ed.). Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers II ( Key Engineering Materials 543) Vol. 543.. ZURICH : TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD (2013)

  • Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan ; Černohorský, Ondřej ; Bazioti, C. ; Dimitrakopulos, G.P. ; Komninou, Ph. Detection of hydrogen at room temperature with graphite-Pt nanoparticles/Si Schottky diodes. In Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference 2013, CAS. New York : IEEE (2013)

  • Williams, P. ; Lorinčík, Jan ; Franzreb, K. ; Herwig, R. High dynamic range isotope ratio measurements using an analog electron multiplier. Surface and Interface Analysis (2013)

  • Walachová, Jarmila ; Zelinka, Jiří ; Leshkov, Sergey ; Šroubek, Filip ; Pangrác, Jiří ; Vaniš, Jan. Integral and local density of states of InAs quantum dots in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure observed by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy near one-electron ground state. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (2013)

  • Vigner, V. ; Roztočil, J. ; Čemusová, Blanka. Evaluation of timing GPS receivers for industrial applications. In Sente, P. (ed.). 12th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics: New Perspective in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Industrial Applications. Proceedings.. Florencie : Universita di Firenze (2013)

  • Vala, Milan ; Roberek, R. ; Bocková, Markéta ; Wegener, J. ; Homola, Jiří. Real-time label-free monitoring of the cellular response to osmotic stress using conventional and long-range surface plasmons. Biosensors and Bioeletronics (2013)

  • Toma, K. ; Vala, Milan ; Adam, Pavel ; Homola, Jiří ; Knoll, W. ; Dostálek, J. Compact surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence biochip. Optics Express (2013)

  • Tian, F. ; Kaňka, Jiří ; Zou, B. ; Chiang, K.S. ; Du, H. Long-period gratings inscribed in photonic crystal fiber by symmetric CO2 laser irradiation. Optics Express (2013)

  • Tian, F. ; Kaňka, Jiří ; Zou, B. ; Chiang, K.S. ; Du, H. Effect of irradiation symmetry of CO2 laser on mode coupling in long-period gratings inscribed in photonic crystal fiber. In Udd, E.; Pickrell, G.; Du, H.H. (ed.). FIBER OPTIC SENSORS AND APPLICATIONS X (Proceedings of SPIE 8722) BELLINGHAM : SPIE, (2013)

  • Šrobár, Fedor. Impact of mitochondrial electric field on modal occupancy in the Frohlich model of cellular electromagnetism. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (2013)

  • Špringer, Tomáš ; Bocková, Markéta ; Homola, Jiří. Label-Free Biosensing in Complex Media: A Referencing Approach. Analytical Chemistry (2013)

  • Špačková, Barbora ; Homola, Jiří. Sensing properties of lattice resonances of 2D metal nanoparticle arrays: An analytical model. Optics Express (2013)

  • Smotlacha, V. ; Vojtěch, J. ; Kuna, Alexander. Optical infrastructure for time and frequency transfer. In Proceeding 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC (2013)

  • Šiška, P. ; Látal, J. ; Koudelka, P. ; Vitásek, J. ; Kašík, Ivan ; Vašinek, V. Coupling conditions for quasi-single mode optical fibers with different refractive index profile. In Baldini, F.; Homola, J.; Lieberman, R.A. (ed.). OPTICAL SENSORS 2013. Proceedings of SPIE. BELLINGHAM : SPIE (2013)

  • Šípová, Hana ; Homola, Jiří. Surface plasmon resonance sensing of nucleic acids: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta (2013)

  • Shapoval, O.V. ; Nosich, A. I. ; Čtyroký, Jiří. Resonance effects in the optical antennas shaped as finite comb-like gratings of noble-metal nanostrips. In Cheben, P.; Čtyroký, P.; MolinaFernandez, I. (ed.). INTEGRATED OPTICS: PHYSICS AND SIMULATIONS ( Proceedings of SPIE 8781) BELLINGHAM : SPIE (2013)

  • Shapoval, O.V. ; Čtyroký, Jiří ; Nosich, A. I. Mathematical simulation of optical nanoantenna based on a comb-like finite nanostrip grating. In 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology (Conference Proceedings ELNANO 2013 IEEE). Kiev : IEEE (2013)

  • Shapoval, O.V. ; Čtyroký, Jiří. Finite comb-like silver nanostrip grating in the optical range: Interplay of resonances. In Shulika, O.V.; Sukhoivanov, I.A. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL 2013. Charkov : IEEE, (2013)

  • Scholkmann, F. ; Fels, D. ; Cifra, Michal. Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication: a short review. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH (2013)

  • Salzenstein, P. ; Kuna, Alexander ; Lefebvre, F. Evaluation of the accuracy of the method for measuring state-of-the-art ultra-high stability quartz crystal oscillators. In Proceeding 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC (2013)

  • Richter, I. ; Kwiecien, P. ; Čtyroký, Jiří. Advanced photonic and plasmonic waveguide nanostructures analyzed with Fourier modal methods. In Jaworski, M.; Marciniak, M. (ed.). International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2013. New York : IEEE (2013)

  • Reddy, N.K. ; Devika, M. ; Prashantha, M. ; Rames, K. ; Ivanova, Z.G. ; Zavadil, Jiří. Tailoring the optical properties of amorphous heavily Er3+-doped Ge-Ga-S thin films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (2013)

  • Procházka, I. ; Blažej, J. ; Kodet, J. ; Pánek, Petr. Single Photons Optical TwoWay Time Transfer Providing Picosecond Accuracy. In Proceeding 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC (2013)

  • Pokorný, Jiří ; Pokorný, Jan ; Kobilková, J. Postulates on electromagnetic activity in biological systems and cancer. Integrative Biology (2013)

  • Pokorný, Jiří ; Foletti, A. ; Kobilková, J. ; Jandová, Anna ; Vrba, J. ; Vrba, J. jr. ; Nedbalová, M. ; Čoček, A. ; Danani, A. ; Tuszynski, J. A. Biophysical insights into cancer transformation and treatment. Scientific World Journal (2013)

  • Peterka, Pavel ; Honzátko, Pavel ; Becker, M. ; Todorov, Filip ; Písařík, M. ; Podrazký, Ondřej ; Kašík, Ivan. Monolithic tm-doped fiber laser at 1951 nm with deep-UV femtosecond-induced FBG pair. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (2013)

  • Pánek, Petr ; Kuna, Alexander. Time Scales Comparisons Using New Systems and New Signals. In Mora, K.F.; Cárdenas, C. (ed.). The European Navigation Conference (Proceedings ENC2013). Wien : Österreichischer Verein für Navigation (2013)

  • Pánek, Petr ; Kuna, Alexander. Time and Frequency Transfer Using Satellite Based Augmentation System GAGAN. In Proceeding 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC (2013)

  • Pánek, Petr ; Kodet, J. ; Procházka, I. Event Timing Device Providing Subpicosecond Precision. In Proceeding 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC 2013. Praha : IEEE (2013)

  • Pánek, Petr ; Kodet, J. ; Procházka, I. Accuracy of two-way time transfer via a single coaxial cable. Metrologia (2013)


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