J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., offers:
*** One new postdoctoral position
(one year stay with optional prolongation) in the group of Prof. Jiří Čejka in the Department of Synthesis and Catalysis. The position is funded by the project CasCatBel: CAScade deoxygenation process using tailored nanoCATalysts for the production of BiofuELs from lignocellullosic.
Applicants should have PhD. in chemistry, experience in synthesis, material science or catalysis is welcome
The successful applicant will be involved in preparation of new materials based on molecular sieves, their characterization and application in biomass upgrading. He or she will
1) perform experiments in hydrothermal synthesis,
2) apply X-ray diffraction, FTIR and other methods for characterization of prepared solids
3) carry out some catalytic test.
The J. Heyrovsky Institute is located in the beautiful and safe city of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic). Prague offers outstanding opportunities for culture and entertainment.
Application should consist of the application form, a CV with a publication record, professional experience, awarded prizes and honors, etc.
Please submit the completed application (see in attached doc or pdf files)
till September 15, 2014:
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague 8
Czech Republic
E-mail: director jh-inst.cas.cz