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5 Jul 14 - 7 Feb 20
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The winners of the national competition of the student scientific conference - I am a young scientist! - presented Czech science results at the International Olympiad INESPO. And they were very successful!

Student trainees had a chance to present their scientific activities and outputs of their projects at the 6th edition of the prestigious International Olympiad of sustainable development INESPO, which was held in The Hague, Netherlands

The silver medal went to our intern Jan Půček for his project Porous III-V semiconductors. Jan Půček attends the 8th year of the multiannual Grammar school Kladno. The original student work titled Porous III-V semiconductors arose from the internship which he completed under the guidance of Jan Grym, Ph.D. at our institute. Jan Půček evaluates his participation in the Olympiad as follows: "It was great to meet many interesting people and projects with which I had something in common -  a passion for what we do. I also evaluate professional jurors positively because they liked to discuss the projects with us and passed on contacts to colleagues who would be able to assist us in further research. "



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More information at the  Open science website.

More about the Olympiad INESPO here.


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