Archaeobotanical database of Czech Republic

Data - Search Taxa

Scientific Names of Taxa



Scientific name Family Species Arch. dating Preservation Sum of macro Frequency Locality
Agrostemma githago Caryophyllaceae koukol vstred watelogged 2 1 sites
Agrostemma githago Caryophyllaceae koukol no.2 watelogged 98 1 sites
Anagallis arvensis Primulaceae drchnička no.2 watelogged 8 1 sites
Anethum graveolens Apiaceae kopr no.2 watelogged 62 1 sites
Anthemis arvensis Asteraceae rmen no.2 watelogged 479 1 sites
Apiaceae Apiaceae miříkovité no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Apium graveolens Apiaceae celer no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Asperula arvensis Rubiaceae mařinka no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Atriplex oblongifolia Chenopodiaceae lebeda vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Atriplex oblongifolia Chenopodiaceae lebeda no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Atriplex patula Chenopodiaceae lebeda no.2 watelogged 565 1 sites
Atriplex patula Chenopodiaceae lebeda vstred watelogged 27 1 sites
Atriplex prostrata Chenopodiaceae lebeda no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Avena sativa Poaceae oves no.2 watelogged 35 1 sites
Ballota nigra Lamiaceae měrnice no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Cannabis sativa Cannabaceae konopí no.2 watelogged 33 1 sites
Carduus crispus Asteraceae bodlák no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Carex acuta Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 13 1 sites
Carex flacca Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 12 1 sites
Carex flava Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 6 1 sites
Carex muricata agg. Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 79 1 sites
Carex ovalis Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 325 1 sites
Carex sp. Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 123 1 sites
Carex sp. Cyperaceae ostřice vstred watelogged 3 1 sites
Carex vesicaria Cyperaceae ostřice no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Centaurea cyanus Asteraceae chrpa no.2 watelogged 38 1 sites
Cirsium arvense Asteraceae pcháč no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Cirsium palustre Asteraceae pcháč no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Cirsium sp. Asteraceae pcháč no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Coriandrum sativum Apiaceae koriandr no.2 watelogged 128 1 sites
Cornus sanguinea Cornaceae svída no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Corylus avellana Betulaceae líska no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Crataegus laevigata Rosaceae hloh no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Cucumis sativus Cucurbitaceae okurka no.2 watelogged 6 1 sites
Daucus carota Apiaceae mrkev no.2 watelogged 13 1 sites
Eleocharis ovata Cyperaceae bahnička no.2 watelogged 6 1 sites
Eleocharis palustris agg. Cyperaceae bahnička no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Euphorbia helioscopia Euphorbiaceae pryšec no.2 watelogged 15 1 sites
Fagopyrum esculentum Polygonaceae pohanka no.2 watelogged 21 1 sites
Fallopia convolvulus Polygonaceae opletka vstred watelogged 2 1 sites
Fallopia convolvulus Polygonaceae opletka no.2 watelogged 123 1 sites
Fallopia dumetorum Polygonaceae opletka no.2 watelogged 33 1 sites
Ficus carica Moraceae fíkovník vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Ficus carica Moraceae fíkovník no.2 watelogged 4449 1 sites
Fragaria vesca Rosaceae jahodník no.2 watelogged 75341 1 sites
Fragaria vesca Rosaceae jahodník vstred watelogged 2 1 sites
Fragaria viridis Rosaceae jahodník vstred watelogged 2 1 sites
Fumaria officinalis Fumariaceae zemědým no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Galium aparine Rubiaceae svízel no.2 watelogged 55 1 sites
Galium sp. Rubiaceae svízel no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Galium spurium Rubiaceae svízel no.2 watelogged 182 1 sites
Galium tricornutum Rubiaceae svízel no.2 watelogged 11 1 sites
Geranium columbinum Geraniaceae kakost no.2 watelogged 187 1 sites
Geranium dissectum Geraniaceae kakost vstred watelogged 5 1 sites
Geranium dissectum Geraniaceae kakost no.2 watelogged 3026 1 sites
Geranium pratense Geraniaceae kakost no.2 watelogged 115 1 sites
Geranium pusillum Geraniaceae kakost no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Geranium sp. Geraniaceae kakost vstred watelogged 2 1 sites
Geranium sp. Geraniaceae kakost no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Geum urbanum Rosaceae kuklík no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Hordeum distichon Poaceae ječmen no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Humulus lupulus Cannabaceae chmel no.2 watelogged 15 1 sites
Hyoscyamus niger Solanaceae blín no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Juglans regia Juglandaceae ořešák no.2 watelogged 9 1 sites
Juniperus communis Cupressaceae jalovec no.2 watelogged 32 1 sites
Levisticum officinale Apiaceae libeček no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Linum usitatissimum Linaceae len no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Lithospermum arvense Boraginaceae kamejka no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
MIcrorrhinum minus Scrophulariaceae hledíček no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Nepeta sp. Lamiaceae šanta no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Neslia paniculata Brassicaceae řepinka no.2 watelogged 8 1 sites
Oryza sativa Poaceae rýže no.2 watelogged 11 1 sites
Panicum miliaceum Poaceae proso no.2 watelogged 195 1 sites
Papaver somniferum Papaveraceae mák no.2 watelogged 944 1 sites
Persicaria hydropiper Polygonaceae rdesno vstred watelogged 3 1 sites
Persicaria hydropiper Polygonaceae rdesno no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Persicaria maculosa Polygonaceae rdesno no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Petroselinum crispum Apiaceae petržel no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Pimpinella saxifraga ssp. saxifraga Apiaceae bedrník no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Pimpinella saxifraga ssp. saxifraga Apiaceae bedrník vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Plantago lanceolata Plantaginaceae jitrocel no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Polygonum aviculare agg. Polygonaceae truskavec vstred watelogged 8 1 sites
Polygonum aviculare agg. Polygonaceae truskavec no.2 watelogged 51 1 sites
Potentilla anserina Rosaceae mochna no.2 watelogged 9 1 sites
Potentilla sp. Rosaceae mochna no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Prunella vulgaris Lamiaceae černohlávek vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Prunella vulgaris Lamiaceae černohlávek no.2 watelogged 22 1 sites
Prunus avium Rosaceae třešeň no.2 watelogged 2830 1 sites
Prunus cerasifera Rosaceae slivoň no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Prunus cerasus Rosaceae třešeň no.2 watelogged 3771 1 sites
Prunus fruticosa Rosaceae třešeň no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Prunus padus Rosaceae střemcha no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Pyrus communis Rosaceae hrušeň no.2 watelogged 49 1 sites
Ranunculus flammula Ranunculaceae pryskyřník no.2 watelogged 16 1 sites
Ranunculus repens Ranunculaceae pryskyřník no.2 watelogged 76 1 sites
Ranunculus sp. Ranunculaceae pryskyřník no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Raphanus raphanistrum Brassicaceae ředkev no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Rapistrum perenne Brassicaceae řepovník no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Rosa sp. Rosaceae růže no.2 watelogged 60 1 sites
Rubus caesius Rosaceae ostružiník no.2 watelogged 120 1 sites
Rubus fruticosus agg. Rosaceae ostružiník vstred watelogged 15 1 sites
Rubus fruticosus agg. Rosaceae ostružiník no.2 watelogged 2957 1 sites
Rubus idaeus Rosaceae ostružiník vstred watelogged 11 1 sites
Rubus idaeus Rosaceae ostružiník no.2 watelogged 17135 1 sites
Rumex acetosella Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 110 1 sites
Rumex acetosella Polygonaceae šťovík vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Rumex conglomeratus Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Rumex crispus Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Rumex maritimus Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 15 1 sites
Rumex obtusifolius Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Rumex sanguineus Polygonaceae šťovík no.2 watelogged 5 1 sites
Salvia verticillata Lamiaceae šalvěj no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Sambucus ebulus Caprifoliaceae bez no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Sambucus nigra Caprifoliaceae bez no.2 watelogged 31 1 sites
Sambucus racemosa Caprifoliaceae bez no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Scirpus sylvaticus Cyperaceae skřípina vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Scirpus sylvaticus Cyperaceae skřípina no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Scleranthus annuus Caryophyllaceae chmerek no.2 watelogged 74 1 sites
Scutellaria galericulata Lamiaceae šišák no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Seseli libanotis Apiaceae no.2 watelogged 6 1 sites
Setaria italica Poaceae bér no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Setaria verticillata Poaceae bér no.2 watelogged 34 1 sites
Setaria viridis Poaceae bér no.2 watelogged 132 1 sites
Silene latifolia ssp. alba Caryophyllaceae silenka no.2 watelogged 29 1 sites
Silene vulgaris Caryophyllaceae silenka no.2 watelogged 3 1 sites
Sinapis arvensis Brassicaceae hořčice no.2 watelogged 23 1 sites
Solanum dulcamara Solanaceae lilek no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Solanum nigrum Solanaceae lilek no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Sonchus arvensis Asteraceae mléč no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Sonchus asper Asteraceae mléč no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Spergula arvensis Caryophyllaceae kolenec no.2 watelogged 17 1 sites
Stachys palustris Lamiaceae čistec vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Stellaria media agg. Caryophyllaceae ptačinec vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Stellaria media agg. Caryophyllaceae ptačinec no.2 watelogged 16 1 sites
Taraxacum officinale agg. Asteraceae smetánka no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Thlaspi arvense Brassicaceae penízek vstred watelogged 1 1 sites
Thlaspi arvense Brassicaceae penízek no.2 watelogged 7 1 sites
Trapa natans Trapaceae kotvice no.2 watelogged 4 1 sites
Triticum aestivum/compactum Poaceae pšenice no.2 charred 2 1 sites
Triticum aestivum/compactum Poaceae pšenice vstred charred 1 1 sites
Vaccinium myrtillus Ericaceae brusnice no.2 watelogged 232 1 sites
Valerianella dentata Valerianaceae kozlíček no.2 watelogged 113 1 sites
Verbena officinalis Verbenaceae sporýš no.2 watelogged 1 1 sites
Viola arvensis Violaceae violka no.2 watelogged 8 1 sites
Viola sp. Violaceae violka no.2 watelogged 2 1 sites
Vitis vinifera Vitaceae vinná no.2 watelogged 673 1 sites