Archaeobotanical database of Czech Republic

Data - Search Taxa

Scientific Names of Taxa


Project 86

Scientific name Family Species Arch. dating Preservation Sum of macro Frequency Locality
Agrostemma githago Caryophyllaceae koukol br.luz charred 7 1 sites
Avena fatua Poaceae oves br.luz charred 7 1 sites
Bromus arvensis Poaceae sveřep br.luz charred 238 1 sites
Bromus secalinus Poaceae sveřep br.luz charred 905 1 sites
Galium aparine Rubiaceae svízel br.luz charred 11 1 sites
Lolium temulentum Poaceae jílek br.luz charred 20 1 sites
Setaria pumila Poaceae bér br.luz charred 1 1 sites