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Czech academic identity federation

The purpose of the federation is to provide means for inter-organizational identity management and access control to network services, while respecting the privacy of the users. The federation is operated by CESNET.
The main benefits are: users may access multiple applications using just one password under single sign-on, service provider administrators do not have to preserve user's credentials and implement authentication, user authentication is always performed at the home organization, user credenitals are not revealed to the service providers, and the federation infrastructure implements easy, standards-compliant and secure methods for exchange of user information.
Federation members are organizations, which have been completed the registration process. The member organizations may act as identity provider and/or service provider. Our Institute is a federation member as identity provider from December 8, 2013.

Members List

User have to be employee of the Institute, have to be registered in the Intranet system and pass at least one successful login into it. Additionally, active e-mail address is needed, registered in the Intranet system.

Application, which enable login through the EduID provides a possibility of identity provider selection. After selecting the Institute, continue with entering login credentials for the Institute's Intranet.

If application enable logout, use it or close the browser. Keep in mind that you stay registered and some unauthorised person can missuse your connection.

Available services
Many services from the EduID portfolio require additional activation and registration of the Institute (additional data providing, responsible persons nomination etc.). The number will be successively enlarged. Some verified links are below:

In preparation


Last Change 2014-07-09 11:39