Curriculum Vitae of RNDr. Stanislav Kamba, CSc.


1961 - November 21, born in Strakonice, Czech Republic

1985 - graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, speciality in solid state physics

1985 - 1986 - military service

since 1985 - Institute of Physics, Academy of  Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

1987 - 1991 - postgraduate study (PhD)

1992 – defence of the thesis:  Study of the lattice dynamics in strongly anharmonic dielectrics and high Tc superconductors.

1998-2000 member of Scientific Council at Institute of Physics

since 2003 senior scientist (head of the group of phonon and dielectric spectroscopy)

2007-2010 member of the committee in the Czech Science Foundation.

since 2011 member of the Scientific committee SAFMAT

Member of advisory board of two international conferences:

  1. MMA = Microwave Materials and Applications
  2. Electroceramics.
  3. LEES = Low Energy Electrodynamics of Solids


2013: Publication chair at Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium in Prague (2000 participants).


Longer scientific stays:

1988 – 6 weeks in Institute of General Physics RAV, Moscow (Prof. Kozlov and Prof. Volkov, submillimetre measurements of dipolar glasses).

1992 - 8 months at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. Wachter - study of the systems with heavy fermions)

1993 - 1995 - 18 months at the University of Würzburg, Germany (Prof. Schaack) - Alexander von Humbold Fellowship (High pressure infrared, Raman and dielectric studies of the phase transitions in tartrates)


In 1990 awarded a Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences on „The best scientific work of the young physicist in the Institute of Physics“.

In 1991 awarded a Prize of the Czechoslovak Spectroscopic Society on „The best spectroscopic work in the year 1991“.


Research topics: Dielectric spectroscopy from 10 mHz to 150 THz, infrared, THz and Raman spectroscopy, phonons, inelastic neutron scattering, structural phase transitions, soft modes, ferroelectrics and relaxor ferroelectrics, magnetic properties, microwave ceramics, multiferroics, magnons and electromagnons, topological insulators.


The most important results in the last five years: Discovery of strain-induced ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in EuTiO3 thin films. This material is in the bulk form quantum paraelectric and antiferromagnetic. Our Nature paper from 2010 has already more than 160 citations, addendum was published in 2011. Very recently we discovered strain induced ferroelectricity in Srn+1TinOn+1 thin films (published in Nature, October 2013), which exhibit large tuning of permittivity with electric field and exceptionally low dielectric loss in microwave region. 


Author and co-author of 190 scientific publications in impacted journals and six chapters in the books. According to Web of Science, 51 papers in impacted journals since 2009. Since 2006, 34 invited lectures presented at the top international conferences.

More than 2700 citations without self-citations. h-index 31.


Since 1996 principal investigator of three projects of the Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences, three projects of the Czech Science Foundation, one project of Ministry of Trade and Industry and two projects of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.


1996-1997: Principal investigator of the research project Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences:

Broad frequency range dielectric spectroscopy of new high-permittivity ceramics“


1998-2000: Principal investigator of the research project Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences:

 Vibration spectroscopy near ferroelectric phase transitions“


2001-2005: Principal investigator of the research project Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences:

 Complex dielectric response of high permittivity materials with nanoscopic order


2006-2008: Principal investigator of the research project Czech Science Foundation:

“Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy of relaxor ferroelectrics and multiferroics”


2009-2011: Principal investigator of the research project Czech Science Foundation:

“Dielectric spectroscopy and lattice dynamics of magnetoelectric multiferroics and strained ferroelectric thin films”


2010-2013: Co-investigator of TIP project of Ministry of Industry and Trade (Main investigator – M. Boudyš from company Noliac): “Piezoelectric ceramics of new generation”


2012-2013: Principal investigator of the COST international project of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: “Lattice dynamics studies of feroics and multiferroics


2012-2015: Principal investigator of the small KONTAKT international project of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: “Multiferroics induced by mechanical strain”


2012-2014: Principal investigator of the research project Czech Science Foundation:

“Phonon and dielectric spectroscopy of multiferroics”