Ing. Lukáš Kulaviak, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

+420 220 390 260, +420 220 390 384
kulaviakaticpf [dot] cas [dot] cz

Rozvojova 135/1, 165 02 Praha-Lysolaje, Czech Republic
Room number: 

2006 - 2013           Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (VSCHT)
7 years, Ph.D.       Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FCHI),
                            Doctor’s degree in Chemical and Process Engineering
2001 - 2006           VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO)   
 5 years, Ing.         Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (FMMI),
                            Master’s degree in Chemical and Process Engineering
1997 - 2001           Gymnasium Bruntal - Equivalent to High School (AmE) or Grammar School (BrE)
   4 years              SAT (AmE) or A-LEVELS (BrE) – Biology, Chemistry, German and Czech Language
1988 - 1997           First degree’s School (Grammar School – AmE) - Kromeriz and Bridlicna
   9 years
Skills and Competences:
Computer skills:                           MS WINDOWS, MS OFFICE, MATLAB, NIS-ELEMENTS, ASPEN, LABVIEW
Technical service education:       Granulometry (HORIBA – partica LA-950V2)
                                                    Viscometry (BROOKFIELD, UBBELOHDE)
                                                    Rheometery (BROOKFIELD, HAAKE)
                                                    Porosimetry - AUTOPORE III and AccuPyc 1330 (Micromeritics, USA)
                                                    Atomic Force Microscopy (NT-MDT – Ntegra), NOVA software
                                                    Contact Angle Goniometry (KSV CAM200)
                                                    Image Analysing (MATLAB, NIS-ELEMENT)
Courses and certificates:             Freeman Technology
                                                    FT4 Powder Rheometer – measuring of flow-behaviour of powder materials
                                                    DATA Analysis v4 – software
                                                    Zetasizer Nano – measuring of zeta-potential of sols
Participation in Projects:
2003 – 2007      Reaction and Transport Phenomena in Complex Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems I.
                          Leader J. Drahoš, supported by GA CR (GA104/08/H141)
2008 – 2011      Reaction and Transport Phenomena in Complex Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems II.
                          Leader J. Drahoš, supported by GA CR (GA104/08/H055)
2007 – 2011      Hydrodynamical Concept of Stromatactis Formation known from Geology.
                          Leader M. Růžička, supported by GA AVCR (IAAX00130702)
2011 – 2014      Research and Development of Color Coatings with Use of Ionic Liquids.
                          Leader P. Klusoň, supported by MPO (Fr-TI3/057)
2012 – 2015      Research and Development of Pigment Preparations with Use of Ionic Liquids.
                          Leader O.Šolcová, supported by MPO (FR-TI4/189)

List of papers published during last 4 years (journals and books only):