What is the role of the Academy of Sciences?
Academy of Sciences is currently the leading national non-university research institution representing a complex of research institutes targeted primarily in basic research. Academy of Sciences and its institutions are a type of non-university research organizations that exist in many countries with advanced science and research area. These organizations are strong and large in Germany, France and Italy, but exist too in the Netherlands, Austria and other European countries. Mutual cooperation and synergy effect generated by cooperation between these institutions and universities leads towards to mutual benefit of both sides.
How has the Academy of Sciences change since 1989?
After 1989 modernize Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences its structure and completely eliminate the consequences of former Sovietization, indoctrination and political repression. Academy of Sciences became an institution independent from political influence. Its main tasks have become basic scientific research, international scientific cooperation and education of young researchers. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which started its existence in January 1993, followed the tradition of the Royal Czech Society of Sciences, Czech Academy of Arts and Sciences, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and other academies and scientific societies. It is a modern, dynamic and democratically controlled system of scientific institutions, of what had once dreamed of Jan Evangelista Purkyně.
Can I expect from the Academy of Sciences some benefits?
It is natural that the communities expects from investment in science and research some economic benefits. However the history of the last century and the present example of virologist Antonin Holy show that the time lag from the basic invention to practical use it often takes decades. At first no one can imagine where discovery may lead. The invention of the World Wide Web 20 years ago is another illustration of this basic feature of science and research.
Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
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