(approved at the 21st meeting of the Academic Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on 14 October 2010)
The primary mission of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) and its individual workplaces is the realisation of high-quality research in a wide range of natural, technical, humanitarian and social sciences.
An essential part of the ASCR’s mission is its endeavour to ensure that the results of the scientific work of the ASCR and its institutes can be used by the widest possible community of scientists, other users of research results, and the general public.
Modern possibilities in electronic publication are leading the ASCR to make efforts to support initiatives that expand the range of opportunities for the free publication and dissemination of scientific results.
The ASCR undertakes to disseminate the results of specialist scientific research to the greatest extent possible. The ASCR is, in accordance with this undertaking, adopting the following publication policy:
Institutes of the ASCR are obliged to make all possible efforts to provide ASCR and the Library of the ASCR publication outputs (employee works) created by their employees and non-exclusive licences to their use, in particular the right to its reproduction by any means and in any form, and the right to communicate the work to the public within the framework of the legal code of the Czech Republic and with respect to any prospective licence agreements with publishers. In order to observe this publication policy, institutes of the ASCR, as the employers of authors, are obliged to ensure that their performance of patrimonial rights to such employee works is not restricted.
This publication policy relates to all scientific publication output that is employee work in accordance with Section 58 of Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and that is produced at a time at which the given author is an employee of the ASCR or an institute established by it, with the exception of all articles and other works completed before the adoption of this publication policy.
Examples of works included in this publication policy:
• Scientific articles
• Books or chapters of books
• Presentations
• Reports
• Pedagogical materials
Publication outputs will be provided in electronic form. The Library of the ASCR will assure that they are deposited in the repository of the ASCR and made available to the public as soon as possible, with respect to the fact that certain publishers may place publication embargos on these works (i.e. a period during which an article may not be made available to the public).
The Library of the ASCR will be responsible for the interpretation and dissemination of this publication policy and for the assurance of information infrastructure.
Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
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