Objective of the conference
The objective of the Conference is to provide a discussion of the scientists working in the branches of geology, petrology, sedimentology, tectonics, geochemistry, palynology, ecology, technology of the coal basins.
The official languages of the Conference will be Czech, Polish and English.
Key lectures
- J. Jureczka (Polish Geological Institute, Sosnowiec)
- M. Kaloč (VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava)
- I. Sýkorová (Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, Prague)
Main topics
- Geology, petrology, tectonics and sedimentology of coal basins
- Stratigraphy and lithostratigraphical correlations of coal basins
- Basinal modeling and physical properties of rocks and coal
- Coal chemistry and geochemistry
- Geotechnologies: geoseqestration of CO2, exploitation of coal bed methane
Venue and date
The conference will be held in conference room of the Institute of Geonics AS CR in Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic in October 19 - 21, 2011.
Conference tour
One day geological excursion will be organized to the most important geological localities and outcrops in the Ostrava region.
Technical exhibition
The space will be available for exhibition of research, projects, publications, instruments, computer systems, and software.
Key dates |
Registration fees |
31-03-2011 | Registration form | For participant | 1400 CZK |
15-06-2011 | Second announcement | For student, accompanying persons | 500 CZK |
15-09-2011 | Paper deadline | Excursion (with lunch) | 450 CZK |
The registration fee includes proceedings (not for students and accompanying persons), social evening, VAT. |
Conference participants will be able to choose from a wide variety of accomodations ranging from low-cost rooms to the first class hotels.
For authors
Authors who intend to submit the papers are requested to send the paper till 15th September 2011. The paper cannot include more than 6 pages. The paper in Czech, Polish or English with English abstract should be send on CD-ROM with one printed copy to the Conference Secretariat. Text of contribution should be written in MS Word and figures should be in TIFF, JPEG or BMP format.
The conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of Documenta geonica of the Institute of Geonics.
Participants should register via the electronic form (not active).