| Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia (Acta Montana, ser. A B)
 | Acta research reports (Acta Montana, ser. A B)
 | Amaterske radio
 | Amaterske radio pro konstruktery
 | Applications of mathematics
 | Archivum mathematicum
 | Bezpecnost a hygiena prace
 | Bulletin Grantove agentury CR
 | Bulletin of Geosciences
 | Ceramics – Silikaty
 | Click
 | Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
 | Computer
 | Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fyziku
 | EKO - ekologie a spolecnost
 | Ekonom
 | Financni, danovy a ucetni bulletin
 | Financni zpravodaj
 | Geologica Carpathica
 | Geomechanics Abstracts
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 | Geotechnique
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