From the series
Institute of Thermomechanics Seminar
Mikrokosmos a makrokosmos: záhady a souvislosti
presented by Jiří Chýla (in Czech), FZÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
3 December 2014, 10.00
Conference Room B
Abstract: While the field equations for complex fluids are usually formulated such that they respect the principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, the choice of appropriate boundary conditions is often considered as a purely mathematical problem. We here emphasize that also the formulation of boundary conditions should be guided by thermodynamics. The GENERIC framework is generalized to systems consisting of coupled 3-d bulk and 2-d boundary variables. The ideas and concepts are illustrated for two examples:
(i) bulk and surface diffusion phenomena for a dilute suspension of Brownian particles, and
(ii) velocity slip of entangled polymer melts at solid walls.
More information: Prof. Ing. Tomáš Roubíček, DrSc., MFF UK / IT AS CR,
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