Z cyklu
Seminář Ústavu termomechaniky
Mikrokosmos a makrokosmos: záhady a souvislosti
přednáší Jiří Chýla, FZÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
3. prosince 2014 (středa), 10.00
Přednášková místnost B
The organizers are pleased to invite you to the 2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT2014) in Seattle, Washington, USA. ISOT 2014 will provide researchers and engineers with a great opportunity to present and discuss the latest research results, accomplishments, developments, and future directions in the integrated fields of optics and mechatronics technologies. Our meeting will be held near the University of Washington campus, within easy access of downtown Seattle. Seattle is a world class tourist destination that is famous for its magnificent waterways, scenic beauty, world-class restaurants, a thriving downtown shopping district, farmer's market, professional sports teams, fine museums and galleries, and international style. On a clear day, the Olympic Mountain range to the west, Cascade Mountain range to the east, Mount Rainier to the south, and the iconic Space Needle, dominate the skyline.
Topics of Interest
• Adaptive/Controllable optics
• Optomechatronics for microscopes
• Laser/Fiber optics
• Optofluidics
• Micro optoelectro mechanical systems (MOEMS)
• Bio-medical imaging
• Visual motion tracking and control
• Machine vision/Optical imaging
• Optical and vision-based monitoring/control
• Optical-based sensors and actuators
• Optical metrology
• Vision-based micro/nano manipulation
• Optomechatronics for astronomy/space applications
• Optomechatronics for robotic applications
• Optomechatronics for bio-medical applications
• Optomechatronics for manufacturing applications
Important Dates
• Paper submission: July 15, 2014
• Acceptance notification: August 15, 2014
• Final paper submission: September 15, 2014
General Chair
Wei-Chih Wang (US)
Local Technical Program Co-Chair
Alexander I. Fedortchenko (CZ)
Local Technical Secretariat
Anastasia Koroleva (CZ)