Elementary cut-elimination for prenex cuts in disjunction free LJ
The elimination of cuts (lemmas) from given sequent calculus proofs has remained in the focus of proof theory ever since Gentzen's seminal paper from 1934/35. It is well known that the worst case complexity of cut-elimination is non-elementary for first-order intuitionistic as well as classical logic. No elementary upper bound for cut-elimination seems to be known for non-trivial genuine first-order fragments of intuitionistic logics. The purpose of this paper is to show that one can in fact eliminate cuts involving only prenex cut-formulas from disjunction-free intuitionistic sequent proofs without non-elementary increase in the size of proofs. The result is sharp in several respects. As we will show, in all of the following cases there exist non-elementary lower bounds for cut-elimination:
(1) classical disjunction-free proofs with quantified atomic cuts
(2) intuitionistic disjunction-free proofs with infix cuts,
(3) intuitionistic proofs with prenex cuts in the presence of disjunction.
(joint work with Chris Fermüller, Vienna University of Technology)