- international
- national
- the Award of the Academy of Sciences (2009), given for a collection of papers on 'Climate extremes and their modelling'
- the Josef Hlávka Award (2007) for excellent students/graduates and young scientists in the Academy of Sciences
- the Otto Wichterle Prize (2006) the prize is given by the Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 'to outstanding young scientists under 40 years in the Academy of Sciences'
- the Talent Award of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic for research into heat waves (2000)
Lecturing: recurrent courses 'Physical Climatology' (since 2002/03, with J. Kalvová; selected figures [11 MB]) & 'Climate Extremes and their Modelling' (since 2011/12), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Refereeing: referee reports for International Journal of Climatology, Climate Research, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Climate Dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Advances in Geosciences, Nature Geoscience, Climatic Change, Science of the Total Environment, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Climate, Environmental Research Letters, International Journal of Biometeorology, Tellus, Journal of Hydrology, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society and other
Professional interests:
- extreme value analysis
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Picek J., Schindler M., 2013: Return periods of the August 2010 heavy precipitation in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in present climate and under climate change. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 4, 265-286 [doi 10.2166/wcc.2013.051].
- Kyselý J., Beguería S., Beranová R., Gaál L., López-Moreno J.I., 2012: Different patterns of climate change scenarios for short-term and multi-day precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean. Global and Planetary Change, 98-99, 63-72 [doi 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.06.010].
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Picek J., 2011: Comparison of regional and at-site approaches to modelling probabilities of heavy precipitation. International Journal of Climatology, 31, 1457-1472 [doi 10.1002/joc.2182].
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Beranová R., Plavcová E., 2011: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in Central Europe from ENSEMBLES regional climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 104, 529-542 [doi 10.1007/s00704-010-0362-z].
- Kyselý J., Picek J., Beranová R., 2010: Estimating extremes in climate change simulations using the peaks-over-threshold method with a non-stationary threshold. Global and Planetary Change, 72, 55-68. [R-functions for the POT method with non-stationary threshold estimated by regression quantiles]
- Kyselý J., 2010: Coverage probability of bootstrap confidence intervals in heavy-tailed frequency models, with application to precipitation data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 345-361 [doi 10.1007/s00704-009-0190-1].
- Gaál L., Kyselý J., 2009: Comparison of region-of-influence methods for estimating high quantiles of precipitation in a dense dataset in the Czech Republic. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2203-2219.
- Kyselý J., Beranová R., 2009: Climate change effects on extreme precipitation in central Europe: uncertainties of scenarios based on regional climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 361-374 [doi: 10.1007/s00704-008-0014-8].
- Kyselý J., 2008: A cautionary note on the use of nonparametric bootstrap for estimating uncertainties in extreme value models. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 3236-3251.
- Kyselý J., Beranová R., Picek J., Štěpánek P., 2008: Simulation of summer temperature extremes over the Czech Republic in regional climate models. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17, 645-661.
- Gaál L., Kyselý J., Szolgay J., 2008: Region-of-influence approach to a frequency analysis of heavy precipitation in Slovakia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 825-839.
- Kyselý J., Picek J., 2007: Probability estimates of heavy precipitation events in a flood-prone central-European region with enhanced influence of Mediterranean cyclones. Advances in Geosciences, 12, 43-50.
- Kyselý J., Picek J., 2007: Regional growth curves and improved design value estimates of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic. Climate Research, 33, 243-255. © 2007 Inter-Research
- Kyselý J., Dubrovský M., 2005: Simulation of extreme temperature events by a stochastic weather generator: Effects of interdiurnal and interannual variability reproduction. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 251-269 © 2005 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., 2002: Comparison of extremes in GCM-simulated, downscaled and observed central-European temperature series. Climate Research, 20, 211-222 © 2002 Inter-Research
- Kyselý J., 2002: Probability estimates of extreme temperature events: stochastic modelling approach vs. extreme value distributions. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 46, 93-112 © 2002 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
- climate variability & change
- Lhotka O., Kyselý J., 2014: Characterizing joint effects of spatial extent, temperature magnitude and duration of heat waves and cold spells over Central Europe. International Journal of Climatology, doi 10.1002/joc.4050.
- Gaál L., Beranová R., Hlavčová K., Kyselý J., 2014: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in the Carpathian region based on an ensemble of regional climate models. Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 943487, doi 10.1155/2014/943487.
- Rulfová Z., Kyselý J., 2014: Trends of convective and stratiform precipitation in the Czech Republic, 1982-2010. Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 647938, doi 10.1155/2014/647938.
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2013: Projected evolution of circulation types and their temperatures over Central Europe in climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, 625-634 [doi 10.1007/s00704-013-0874-4].
- Beranová R., Kyselý J., 2013: Relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation index and temperatures in Europe in global climate models. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 57, 138-153 [doi 10.1007/s11200-012-0824-0].
- Kyselý J., Beguería S., Beranová R., Gaál L., López-Moreno J.I., 2012: Different patterns of climate change scenarios for short-term and multi-day precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean. Global and Planetary Change, 98-99, 63-72 [doi 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.06.010].
- Kyselý J., Plavcová E., 2012: Biases in the diurnal temperature range in Central Europe in an ensemble of regional climate models and their possible causes. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1275-1286 [doi 10.1007/s00382-011-1200-4].
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Beranová R., 2011: Projected changes in flood-generating precipitation extremes over the Czech Republic in high-resolution regional climate models. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 59, 217-227.
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Beranová R., Plavcová E., 2011: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in Central Europe from ENSEMBLES regional climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 104, 529-542 [doi 10.1007/s00704-010-0362-z].
- Kyselý J., 2010: Recent severe heat waves in central Europe: how to view them in a long-term prospect? International Journal of Climatology, 30, 89-109 [doi 10.1002/joc.1874].
- Kyselý J., Beranová R., 2009: Climate change effects on extreme precipitation in central Europe: uncertainties of scenarios based on regional climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 361-374 [doi: 10.1007/s00704-008-0014-8].
- Kyselý J., 2009: Trends in heavy precipitation in the Czech Republic over 1961-2005. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 1745-1758 [doi: 10.1002/joc.1784].
- Trnka M., Kyselý J., Možný M., Dubrovský M., 2009: Changes in Central European soil moisture availability and circulation patterns in 1881-2005. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 655-672 [doi: 10.1002/joc.1703].
- Radová M., Kyselý J., 2009: Temporal instability of temperature singularities in long-term series at Prague-Klementinum. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 235-243 [doi: 10.1007/s00704-008-0002-z].
- Kyselý J., 2008: Influence of the persistence of circulation patterns on warm and cold temperature anomalies in Europe: analysis over the 20th century. Global and Planetary Change, 62, 147-163.
- Kyselý J., 2007: Implications of enhanced persistence of atmospheric circulation for the occurrence and severity of temperature extremes. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 689-695. © 2007 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., Domonkos P., 2006: Recent increase in persistence of atmospheric circulation over Europe: Comparison with long-term variations since 1881. International Journal of Climatology, 26, 461-483 © 2006 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., Huth R., 2006: Changes in atmospheric circulation over Europe detected by objective and subjective methods. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 85, 19-36 © 2006 Springer Verlag
- Domonkos P., Kyselý J., Piotrowicz K., Petrovic P., Likso T., 2003: Variability of extreme temperature events in south-central Europe during the 20th century and its relationship with large scale circulation. International Journal of Climatology, 23, 987-1010 © 2003 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., 2002: Temporal fluctuations in heat waves at Prague-Klementinum, the Czech Republic, in 1901-1997, and their relationships to atmospheric circulation. International Journal of Climatology, 22, 33-50 © 2002 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., Kalvová J., Květoň V., 2000: Heat waves in the south Moravian region during the period 1961-1995. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 44, 57-72 © 2000 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Huth R., Kyselý J., Pokorná L., 2000: A GCM simulation of heat waves, dry spells, and their relationships to circulation. Climatic Change, 46, 29-60 © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers
- atmospheric circulation & links to surface climate
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., Štěpánek P., 2014: Links between circulation types and precipitation in Central Europe in the observed data and regional climate model simulations. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 2885-2898 [doi 10.1002/joc.3882].
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2013: Projected evolution of circulation types and their temperatures over Central Europe in climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, 625-634 [doi 10.1007/s00704-013-0874-4].
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2012: Atmospheric circulation in regional climate models over Central Europe: links to surface air temperature and the influence of driving data. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1681-1695 [doi 10.1007/s00382-011-1278-8].
- Huth R., Kyselý J., Bochníček J., Hejda P., 2008: Solar activity affects the occurrence of synoptic types over Europe. Annales Geophysicae, 26, 1999-2004.
- Huth R., Beck C., Philipp A., Demuzere M., Ustrnul Z., Cahynová M., Kyselý J., Tveito O.E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: recent advances and applications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1146, 105-152 [doi: 10.1196/annals.1446.019].
- Kyselý J., 2008: Influence of the persistence of circulation patterns on warm and cold temperature anomalies in Europe: analysis over the 20th century. Global and Planetary Change, 62, 147-163.
- Kyselý J., 2007: Implications of enhanced persistence of atmospheric circulation for the occurrence and severity of temperature extremes. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 689-695. © 2007 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., Domonkos P., 2006: Recent increase in persistence of atmospheric circulation over Europe: Comparison with long-term variations since 1881. International Journal of Climatology, 26, 461-483 © 2006 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., Huth R., 2006: Changes in atmospheric circulation over Europe detected by objective and subjective methods. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 85, 19-36 © 2006 Springer Verlag
- evaluation of climate models
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., Štěpánek P., 2014: Links between circulation types and precipitation in Central Europe in the observed data and regional climate model simulations. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 2885-2898 [doi 10.1002/joc.3882].
- Beranová R., Kyselý J., 2013: Relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation index and temperatures in Europe in global climate models. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 57, 138-153 [doi 10.1007/s11200-012-0824-0].
- Kyselý J., Beguería S., Beranová R., Gaál L., López-Moreno J.I., 2012: Different patterns of climate change scenarios for short-term and multi-day precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean. Global and Planetary Change, 98-99, 63-72 [doi 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.06.010].
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2012: Atmospheric circulation in regional climate models over Central Europe: links to surface air temperature and the influence of driving data. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1681-1695 [doi 10.1007/s00382-011-1278-8].
- Kyselý J., Plavcová E., 2012: Biases in the diurnal temperature range in Central Europe in an ensemble of regional climate models and their possible causes. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1275-1286 [doi 10.1007/s00382-011-1200-4].
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2011: Evaluation of daily temperatures in Central Europe and their links to large-scale circulation in an ensemble of regional climate models. Tellus A, 63, 763-781 [doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2011.00514.x].
- Kyselý J., Plavcová E., 2010: A critical remark on the applicability of E-OBS European gridded temperature dataset for validating control climate simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D23118, doi:10.1029/2010JD014123.
- Kyselý J., Beranová R., Picek J., Štěpánek P., 2008: Simulation of summer temperature extremes over the Czech Republic in regional climate models. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17, 645-661.
- Kyselý J., Dubrovský M., 2005: Simulation of extreme temperature events by a stochastic weather generator: Effects of interdiurnal and interannual variability reproduction. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 251-269 © 2005 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Huth R., Mládek R., Metelka L., Sedlák P., Huthová Z., Kliegrová S., Kyselý J., Pokorná L., Halenka T., Janoušek M., 2003: On the integrability of limited-area numerical weather prediction model ALADIN over extended time periods. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 47, 863-873 © 2003 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Huth R., Kyselý J., Dubrovský M., 2003: Simulation of surface air temperature by GCMs, statistical downscaling and weather generator: higher-order statistical moments. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 47, 203-216 © 2003 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Kyselý J., 2002: Comparison of extremes in GCM-simulated, downscaled and observed central-European temperature series. Climate Research, 20, 211-222 © 2002 Inter-Research
- Huth R., Kyselý J., Dubrovský M., 2001: Time structure of observed, GCM-simulated, downscaled, and stochastically generated daily temperature series. Journal of Climate, 14, 4047-4061 © 2001 American Meteorological Society
- Huth R., Kyselý J., 2000: Constructing site-specific climate change scenarios on a monthly scale using statistical downscaling. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 66, 13-27 © 2000 Springer Verlag
- Huth R., Kyselý J., Pokorná L., 2000: A GCM simulation of heat waves, dry spells, and their relationships to circulation. Climatic Change, 46, 29-60 © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers
- human biometeorology
- Davídkovová H., Plavcová E., Kynčl J., Kyselý J., 2014: Impacts of hot and cold spells differ for acute and chronic ischaemic heart diseases. BMC Public Health, 14, 480 [doi 10.1186/1471-2458-14-480].
- Urban A., Kyselý J., 2014: Comparison of UTCI with other thermal indices in the assessment of heat and cold effects on cardiovascular mortality in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11, 952-967, doi 10.3390/ijerph110100952.
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2014: Effects of sudden air pressure changes on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in Prague, 1994-2009. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58, 1327-1337 [doi 10.1007/s00484-013-0735-y].
- Urban A., Davídkovová H., Kyselý J., 2014: Heat- and cold-stress effects on cardiovascular mortality and morbidity among urban and rural populations in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58, 1057-1068 [doi 10.1007/s00484-013-0693-4].
- Kyselý J., Plavcová E., 2012: Declining impacts of hot spells on mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986-2009: adaptation to climate change? Climatic Change, 113, 437-453 [doi 10.1007/s10584-011-0358-4].
- Kyselý J., Plavcová E., Davídkovová H., Kynčl J., 2011: Comparison of hot and cold spell effects on cardiovascular mortality in individual population groups in the Czech Republic. Climate Research, 49, 113-129 [doi 10.3354/cr01014].
- Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2010: Relationships between sudden weather changes in summer and mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986-2005. International Journal of Biometeorology, 54, 539-551 [doi 10.1007/s00484-010-0303-7].
- Kyselý J., Huth R., 2010: Relationships between summer air masses and mortality in Seoul: comparison of weather-type classifications. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 536-543 [doi 10.1016/j.pce.2009.11.001].
- Kyselý J., Huth R., Kim J., 2010: Evaluating heat-related mortality in Korea by objective classifications of 'air masses'. International Journal of Climatology, 30, 1484-1501 [doi 10.1002/joc.1994].
- Kyselý J., Pokorná L., Kynčl J., Kříž B., 2009: Excess cardiovascular mortality associated with cold spells in the Czech Republic. BMC Public Health, 9, 19 [doi 10.1186/1471-2458-9-19].
- Kyselý J., Kim J., 2009: Mortality during heat waves in South Korea, 1991 to 2005: How exceptional was the 1994 heat wave? Climate Research, 38, 105-116.
- Kyselý J., Kříž B., 2008: Decreased impacts of the 2003 heat waves on mortality in the Czech Republic: an improved response? International Journal of Biometeorology, 52, 733-745 [doi: 10.1007/s00484-008-0166-3].
- Kyselý J., 2004: Mortality and displaced mortality during heat waves in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Biometeorology, 49, 91-97 © 2004 International Society of Biometeorology, published by Springer Verlag
- Kyselý J., Huth R., 2004: Heat-related mortality in the Czech Republic examined through synoptic and ‘traditional’ approaches. Climate Research, 25, 265-274 © 2004 Inter-Research
- statistical modelling in climatology
- Kyselý J., Gaál L., Picek J., 2011: Comparison of regional and at-site approaches to modelling probabilities of heavy precipitation. International Journal of Climatology, 31, 1457-1472 [doi 10.1002/joc.2182].
- Kyselý J., Picek J., Beranová R., 2010: Estimating extremes in climate change simulations using the peaks-over-threshold method with a non-stationary threshold. Global and Planetary Change, 72, 55-68. [R-functions for the POT method with non-stationary threshold estimated by regression quantiles]
- Kyselý J., 2010: Coverage probability of bootstrap confidence intervals in heavy-tailed frequency models, with application to precipitation data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 345-361 [doi 10.1007/s00704-009-0190-1].
- Kyselý J., 2010: Recent severe heat waves in central Europe: how to view them in a long-term prospect? International Journal of Climatology, 30, 89-109 [doi 10.1002/joc.1874].
- Gaál L., Kyselý J., 2009: Comparison of region-of-influence methods for estimating high quantiles of precipitation in a dense dataset in the Czech Republic. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2203-2219.
- Kyselý J., 2008: A cautionary note on the use of nonparametric bootstrap for estimating uncertainties in extreme value models. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 3236-3251.
- Kyselý J., Picek J., 2007: Probability estimates of heavy precipitation events in a flood-prone central-European region with enhanced influence of Mediterranean cyclones. Advances in Geosciences, 12, 43-50.
- Kyselý J., Picek J., 2007: Regional growth curves and improved design value estimates of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic. Climate Research, 33, 243-255. © 2007 Inter-Research
- Kyselý J., Picek J., Huth R., 2007: Formation of homogeneous regions for regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 51, 327-344. © 2007 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Springer Verlag
- Kyselý J., Dubrovský M., 2005: Simulation of extreme temperature events by a stochastic weather generator: Effects of interdiurnal and interannual variability reproduction. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 251-269 © 2005 the Royal Meteorological Society, first published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kyselý J., 2002: Probability estimates of extreme temperature events: stochastic modelling approach vs. extreme value distributions. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 46, 93-112 © 2002 StudiaGeo s.r.o., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Huth R., Kyselý J., 2000: Constructing site-specific climate change scenarios on a monthly scale using statistical downscaling. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 66, 13-27 © 2000 Springer Verlag
- other topics
- Rulfová Z., Kyselý J., 2013: Disaggregating convective and stratiform precipitation from station weather data. Atmospheric Research, 134, 100-115 [doi 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.07.015].
- Davídkovová H., Kyselý J., Kříž B., Vojtíšek P., Bobák M., 2013: Trends in cardiovascular mortality and hospitalisations, and potential contribution of in-hospital case-fatality rates to changes in national mortality in the Czech Republic 1994-2009. Heart, 99, 409-416 [doi 10.1136/heartjnl-2012-303123].
Principal investigator of grant projects
- international
- Heat waves in a changing climate: statistical and dynamical perspective
(Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic & Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Argentine, 7AMB12AR005, 2012-2013; principal co-investigator M.Rusticucci, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Precipitation extremes in climate model simulations
(AS CR & CSIC 2010CZ0021, 2011-2012; principal co-investigator S.Beguería, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, CSIC, Zaragoza)
- Meteorological causes and human mortality impacts of extreme hot weather in summer: a comparative study
(Czech Science Foundation & Korea Research Foundation, 205/07/J044, 2007-2009; principal co-investigator J.Kim, Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul)
- national
- Temporal and spatial patterns of links between weather and morbidity due to cardiovascular diseases
(Czech Science Foundation, P209/11/1985, 2011-2015)
- Reproduction of links between atmospheric circulation and surface air temperature and precipitation distributions in climate models
(Czech Science Foundation, P209/10/2265, 2010-2014)
- Regional and grid-box extreme value models in high-resolution climate model outputs
(Grant Agency of AS CR, B300420801, 2008-2010)
- Effects of short-term and long-term variability of weather on mortality
(Czech Science Foundation, 205/07/1254, 2007-2010)
- Frequency analysis of precipitation extremes by the region-of-influence approach and non-stationary extreme value distributions
(Grant Agency of AS CR, B300420601, 2006-2008)
- Extreme value models with time-dependent parameters and their application in climate change studies
(Czech Science Foundation, 205/06/1535, 2006-2008)
- Regional analysis of extreme precipitation events based on L-moment approach
(Grant Agency of AS CR, B3042303, 2003-2005)
- Climate change impacts on heat-stress-related mortality
(Czech Science Foundation, 205/01/D040, 2001-2004)
- co-investigator of grant project
- Homogeneous and non-homogeneous Poisson process models for extremes in climate change studies
(Czech Science Foundation, P209/10/2045, 2010-2013; principal investigator J.Picek, Technical University Liberec)
- supervising student projects
- Zuzana Rulfová: Simulation of convective and stratiform precipitation in climate models
(Grant Agency of the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 2013-2014)
- Ondřej Lhotka: Extremity index of heat waves and cold spells in Central Europe
(Grant Agency of the Charles University, Faculty of Science, 2013-2014)
- Eva Plavcová: Links between atmospheric circulation and surface air temperature in climate models in control climate and future climate scenarios
(Grant Agency of the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 2012)
- participating in other international and national grant projects
Other interests: medieval architecture; literature; photography; degrowth
Publications in peer-reviewed journals