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Department of geomechanics and mining research

  • RNDr. Lubomir Stas, CSc.
    head of the department
  • Ing. Kamil Soucek, Ph.D.
    deputy head of the department
  • Lucie Georgiovska
  • RNDr. Jan Chura
  • Ing. Vlastimil Kajzar
  • Doc. Ing. Petr Konecny, CSc.
  • Ing. Petr Konicek, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Zdenek Michalec
  • Zdenek Nohejl
  • Ing. Jiri Ptacek, Ph.D.
  • Tomas Rutar
  • Lenka Smetanova
  • Ing. Jarmila Simkovicova
  • Doc. Ing. Richard Snuparek, CSc.
Main research topics

The department investigates natural and anthropogenic impacts on geomechanical processes in the Earth crust. The problems of underground mining, underground civil engineering, some geotechnical and geomechanical problems and the problems of underground space ventilation are solved both for obtaining scientific results and solving practical problems. The solution of stabilising natural and artificial underground openings serves to ensure safe operational conditions.

  • Investigation of stress and strain states in rock masses

    This research deals with distribution, magnitude and orientation of natural and induced stress fields in relation to geology, tectonic situation, anthropogenic activities in rock masses and analysis of stress state manifestation. Research is aimed at the investigation of a real rock mass stress field and its changes by hydrofracturig. It uses a conical gauge probe and gauge rock bolt for geomechanical monitoring, measurement of underground opening deformation and analysis of the stability states. Application of mathematical models is used in geomechanics and geotechnics for investigation of processes in rocks and soils from the engineering point of view. Dynamical geomechanical events in rock mass and the influence of geological and anthropogenic underground activity on subsidence of the Earth surface are also studied.

  • Investigation of air flow in underground openings

    This uses mathematical modelling of gas flow in specific conditions to compute ventilation in the underground galleries with the optional use of machine cooling. Modelling and calculation of the spread of the combustion products of mine fires into the mine gallery system is carried out along with modelling of mine fire expansion in goaf and modelling of gas flow in spoil banks.

  • Destress blasting in rock masses and the evaluation of its effects

    Destress blasting is the most important active rockburst measure in the Czech part of Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Destress blasting is carried out in the coal seam and its adjacent rocks causing overburden and/or in the underlying rocks. Evaluation of the efficiency of destress blasting in the sense of stress release in rock massifs is an important part of rockburst prevention. The present system of efficiency evaluation is assessed on the basis of seismological monitoring. Our research is focused on usable parameters from seismological monitoring (registered seismic energy, magnitude, maximum volume changes in focal area), natural conditions and technical parameters of realized destress blasting.

Important scientific achievements

  • Improving of rock mass properties by grouting means

    A wide range of information of the methods and results of (goal-) directed influencing of rock mass properties by chemical grouts has been investigated. Particularly increasing the safety level and stability of underground openings in conditions of increased static and dynamic stress has been studied. Reinforcing the low strength but brittle layers of a rock mass around underground openings is characterized by qualitative modification of the deformational properties of arising in geocomposites. It vents itself in a considerable increase of cohesion and rise of residual strength over the ultimate strength of rock material. Likewise, by using suitably chosen grouts, it is possible to treat existing joint systems in rock masses and to guarantee increased cohesion even in the case of significant deformations. It is also possible to reach (in macro-dimension) a rehabilitation of material strength even up to the original strength of the intact material. The real verification of the methods and technologies used in rock mass reinforcement by chemical grouts was done by in-situ experiments in coal mines. The field experiments document the real possibility and effectiveness of chemical grouting for goal-directed material improvement of rock mass properties in practice. Especially good reinforcing was achieved in combination with the anchoring elements.

  • Induced stress field on the background of primary stress
    influenced by structural - geological inhomogenities

    The unique set of stress measurements in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian basin has been extended. The direction of the major principal stress is parallel to the geological structures, i.e. the tectonical faults but also the folding structures. The major principal stress on average achieves the value of the overburden load, the minor principal stress is 0.5 - 0.6 times this. We created a large 3D mathematical model of the area containing detailed information about the mining and geological situation in the 2nd block of the CSM Colliery. The verification of hypotheses which clarify the stress field distribution in the area, proved that the distribution of horizontal stress in the area at a depth of 1 km below the surface is primarily induced by the overburden load and formed by the structural and geomechanical properties of the area. The additional stress factor caused by a shift of the Carpatian nappes has not been verified in the whole area of study. The influence is only accepted in the east part of the monitored area adjacent to the Tesin fault. For measurement of the induced stress changes by an overcoring method was used. Aprototype of a specific piece of equipment was developed, which is unique in the Czech Republic. The main idea is based on application of the conical tensometric head, which makes the measurement of whole stress tensor in a single position possible. Wireless recording simplifies and facilitates the observation of the overcoring process.. The simplified variant of the probe is also applicable for long term monitoring of stress changes.

  • Mathematical modelling of mine fire effect on air flow and propagation
    of mine fire products within the mine ventilation network

    In spite of a large expansion of interlocking security and measurement technologies as well as the development of the application of materials with considerably reduced inflammability, a potential risk of mine fires in any part of an underground mine cannot be excluded. The risk of mine fires is very dangerous for mine personnel not only due to the development and propogation of mine fires which contain toxic substances (which are entrained into other mine workings), but also due to the fact that changes in the quantity and direction of volumetric air flow within the mine ventilation network occur by the effect of heat generated by mine fires. The main aim of the project was to develop a mathematical model, which would explain the impact of mine fires on air flow and on propagation of mine fire products within mine ventilation network. The mathematical model was created in the form of a computer programme with a synoptic graphic editor to representventilation branches and their basic parameters such as volumetric through-flow, depression, temperatures, and chemical composition of the mine air.

  • New methods for the prognosis of surface subsidence affected by underground
    exploitation of ore vein deposits of the Rozna type

    A prognosis of thedevelopment of subsidence depressions above ore veín deposits of the slab-like variety with adjacent solid rocks (deposits of the Rozna type) mined by underground method is a very specific problem which has not been satisfactorily solved until now. In connection with long-term surveying observations a newly conceived mechanism for the genesis of a subsidence depression above the uranium deposit of Rozna was described. Based on this, geomechanical model of the depositional situation is elaborated which then enables us, by means of mathematical modelling of surface subsidence development, to predict the development of subsidence depressions both in the phase of deposit mining and in the period after the termination of the mining works.

  • Compilation of knowledge of rockbursts in coal mines and the means
    of minimising their impacts

    The knowledge of the main causes of rockbursts was collected and analyzed on the basis of detailed studies of the rockbursts in the Ostrava-Karvina coal basin from 1989 and by means of mathematical modelling. Means of improving the dynamic bearing capacity which supports the exposed part of the mine was studied to minimise eventual rockbursts. The proposal of prevention measures for decreasing the risk was partly supplemented by the new decree No. 659/04 Sb. issued by the Czech Mining Authority and partly by other legislative changes in Working rules and Methodical principles.

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of rock blasting for stress release
    in the rock massif (monograph)

    Rock bursts are a very dangerous phenomenon in Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). Destress rock blasting in overlaying strata is one of the most important measures used to prevent rock bursts. The main goal of this measure is to disintegrate competent rocks in the overlaying strata and comsequently release stress in the vicinity of excavated coal seam. Qualitative and quantitative stress release is very important in the evaluation of rockburst prevention. The monograph sums up existing knowledge in destress blasting in USCB conditions. The most common method of evaluating the effect of stress release based on seismic monitoring data is described. Seismic effect is calculated as a ratio of registered seismic energy to theoretic energy released by explosivesduring blasting. Contemporary systems of seismic effect evaluation are discussed. Relevant data obtained from seismological monitoring over a period between 2000 to 2008 was analyzed. On the basis of the analyzed data (about 900 uses of destress blasting) a new system for evaluating the effect of stress release was proposed. The new system uses registered seismic energy and magnitude data along with statistical analysis of the data set from destress blasting.

Solved projects
Selected publications
  • H. Dolezalova, V. Kajzar, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Evaluation of mining subsidence using GPS data. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, 2009, Roc. 6, c. 3, s. 359-367. ISSN 1214-9705.
  • P. Horyl, R. Snuparek: Rockbolts as reinforcing elements under dynamic impact of rokbursts. In Proceedings of the International Symposium SINOROCK 2009. Hongkong : The University of Hongkong, 2009. S. 1-4. ISBN 978-962-8014-17-0.
  • P. Janas, R. Snuparek, V. Krejsa, M. Krejsa: Pravdepodobnostni pristup k navrhovani kotevni vyztuze podzemnich del. Tunel, 2009, Roc. 18, c. 4, s. 37-43. ISSN 1211-0728.
  • V. Kajzar, H. Dolezalova, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Analyza vodorovnych pohybu v prubehu vyvoje poklesove kotliny. Sbornik vedeckych praci Vysoke skoly banske - Technicke univerzity Ostrava, 2009, Roc. 9, c. 2, s. 75-80. ISSN 1213-1962.
  • L. Stas, V. Kajzar, H. Dolezalova, K. Soucek, L. Smetanova, L. Georgiovska: GPS monitoring of subsidence depression progress on undermined area. In Nowoczesne metody eksploatacji węgla i skał zwięzłych. Monografia. Krakow : University of Science and Technology AGH, Krakow, 2009. S. 99-106. ISBN 83-915742-10.
  • P. Konicek, A. Kozusnikova (ed.): Hodnoceni ucinnosti bezvylomovych trhacich praci. 1. Ostrava : Ustav geoniky AV CR, 2009. 130 s. (Documenta Geonica : 1). ISBN 978-80-86407-63-0.
  • P. Konicek, J. Ptacek, A. Przeczek: Seismic effect of destress rock blasting. In Gornicze zagrozenia naturalne 2009 /16./ 4/2.. Katowice : Glowny Instytut Gornictwa, 2009. S. 110-119. ISSN 1643-7608.
  • A. Przeczek, P. Konicek: Metodyka strzelań nieproduktywnych w profilaktyce tąpaniowej. In Gornicze zagrozenia naturalne 2009 /16./ 4/2.. Katowice : Glowny Instytut Gornictwa, 2009. S. 247-266. ISSN 1643-7608.
  • J. Ptacek, R. Grygar, P. Konicek, K. Soucek, L. Stas, P. Waclawik: Development of stess-strain fields based on paleostress analysis and recent stres-masurement in the Czech part of Upper Silesian Coal basin. In 7th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group. Pecs : Central European Tectonic Studies Group - CETeG, 2009.s. 56-56. ISSN N.
  • J. Ptacek, R. Grygar, P. Konicek, K. Soucek, L. Stas, P. Waclawik: Verification of Recent-Stress-Strain in Czech part of Upper Silesian Coal basin. In Documenta Geonica 2009 2.. Ostrava : Ustav geoniky AV CR, 2009. S. 181-189. ISBN 978-80-86407-72-2.
  • K. Soucek, L. Stas: Laboratory research of sealing possibilities of cohesionless soils by means of chemical grouts. In AMIREG 2009 /3./ International Conference: Assessing the Footprint of Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management. Ateny : Heliootopos Conferences Ltd, 2009. S. 394-399. ISBN N.
  • K. Soucek, L. Stas: Mereni propustnosti geokompozitu na ortogonalnich zkusebnich telesech. In Zpevnovani, tesneni a kotveni horninoveho masivu a stavebnich konstrukci 2009. Ostrava : VSB-TUO, 2009. S. 120-126. ISBN 978-80-248-1958-7.
  • R. Snuparek: Soucasne vyhledy a tendence v oblasti metod zajistovani porubnich chodeb v uhelnych dolech. In Zpevnovani, tesneni a kotveni horninoveho masivu a stavebnich konstrukci 2009. Ostrava : VSB-TUO, 2009. S. 1-9. ISBN 978-80-248-1958-7.
  • P. Dvorsky, R. Snuparek: Deformace horninoveho masivu pri pouziti svornikove vyztuze chodeb. In Geotechnika 2008. Konstrukcie, technologie a monitoring /12./. Stupava : Orgware, 2008. S. 395-402. ISBN 978-80-248-1850-4.
  • J. Chura, Z. Michalec, V. Zotyka: Vypocet mikroklimatickych podminek v separatne vetranych dulnich dilech programem "Separat". Uhli, rudy, geologicky pruzkum, 2008, Roc. 56, c. 2, s. 15-20. ISSN 1210-7697.
  • J. Knejzlik, Z. Rambousky, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Second generation of conical strain gauge probe for stress measurement in rock massif. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, 2008, Roc. 5, c. 3, s. 1-9. ISSN 1214-9705.
  • P. Konecny, J. Ptacek: Nektere poznatky vyplyvajici z matematickeho modelovani napetovych pomeru pro projektovani porubnich bloku. Uhli, rudy, geologicky pruzkum, 2008, Roc. 15, c. 6, s. 29-33. ISSN 1210-7697.
  • P. Martinec, D. Dvorak, A. Kolcun, J. Malik, B. Schejbalova, L. Stas, R. Snuparek, Z. Vasicek: Geologicke prostredi a geotechnicke vlastnosti pokryvu karbonu ceske casti hornoslezske panve. Ostrava : Ustav geoniky AV CR Ostrava, 2008. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-86407-54-8.
  • K. Soucek, L. Stas, J. Scucka, P. Martinec: Chemical grouting – laboratory study of chemical grouts and geocomposites properties. In International Conference of IACMAG/12./. Goa: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2008. S. 3567-3574.
  • L. Stas, K. Soucek, J. Knejzlik, P. Waclawik, L. Palla: Measurement of stress change tensor by conical gauge probe. In International Conference of IACMAG/12./. Goa: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2008. S. 1397-1404.
  • L. Stas, K. Soucek, J. Knejzlik, Z. Nohejl, T. Rutar, L. Palla, P. Waclawik: Measurement of stress tensor and stress changes induced by progress of long wall. In Prace naukowe GIG, Mining and Environment 7.. Katowice : Zespol Wydawnictwi i Uslug Poligraficznych GIG, 2008. S. 245-258. ISSN 1643-7608.
  • R. Blaheta, P. Byczanski, R. Snuparek, A. Hajek: Geomechanical problems of an underground storage of spent nuclear fuel and their mathematic modelling. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2007, Roc. 12, c. 1, s. 140-146. ISSN 1335-1788.
  • J. Holecko, P. Konicek: Selected geological factors impacting effects of induced seismicity on surface in conditions of Ostrava-Karvina coalfield in the Czech Republic. In Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM 2007) /11./ Proceedings. The Second Half Century of Rock Mechanics.. Londyn : ISRM, 2007. S. 1177-1184. ISBN 978-0-415-45084-3.
  • P. Horyl, R. Snuparek: Behaviour of steel arch supports under dynamic effects of rockbursts. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Section A: Mining Industry, 2007, Roc. 116, c. 3, s. 119-128. ISSN 0371-7844.
  • L. Sitek, K. Soucek, J. Foldyna, J. Scucka, L. Stas: Utilization of abrasive water jet for shaping of test specimens from geomaterials. In Nowoczesne metody eksploatacji węgla i skał zwięzłych. Monografia. Krakow : AGH, 2007. S. 119-134. ISBN 83-915742-9-6.
  • K. Soucek, L. Stas, R. Snuparek, I. Kroutilova: Laboratory testing of chemical grouting effects in rocks. In Underground space the 4th Dimension of Metropolises. Proceedings of the 33rd ITA-AITES World Tunnel congress. Leiden : Balkema, 2007. S. 353-358. ISBN 978-0-415-40802-8.
  • L. Stas, K. Soucek, J. Knejzlik: Conical borehole strain gauge probe applied to induced rock stress changes measurement. In 12th International Congress on Energy and Mineral Resources. Proceedings. Tuneles, construcion y ohra civil. IV.1.. Oviedo : Consejo superior de celegios de ingenieros de minias, 2007. S. 507-516. ISBN 978-84-8367-070-5.
  • L. Stas, K. Soucek, J. Knejzlik, L. Palla, P. Waclawik: First experiences of rock stress changes measurement by conical gauge probe. In Nowoczesne metody eksploatacji węgla i skał zwięzłych. Monografia. Krakow : AGH, 2007. S. 143-154. ISBN 83-915742-9-6.
  • L. Stas, K. Soucek, J. Knejzlik: First results of conical borehole strain gaugage probes applied to induced rock mass stress changes measurement. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, 2007, 4 148, c. 4, s. 77-82. ISSN 1214-9705.
  • J. Scucka, K. Soucek: Stavba a vlastnosti geokompozitnich materialu s polyuretanovymi pojivy (metody, postupy a vysledky laboratorniho a in situ studia v UGN AV CR). Ostrava : Ustav geoniky AV CR, v.v.i, 2007. 247 s. (Documenta Geonica : 2007/1). ISBN 978-80-86407-15-9.
  • R. Snuparek: Vyzkum, vyvoj a projektovani podzemnich staveb v zastavenem uzemi. Tunel, 2007, Roc. 16, c. 2, s. 50-52. ISSN 1211-0728.
  • R. Grygar, J. Ptacek, P. Waclawik: Nasunove deformace variskeho akrecniho klinu ve vychodni casti karvinske dilci panve. In Documenta geonica 2006. 6. cesko-polska konference "Geologie hornoslezske panve".. Ostrava : Ustav geoniky AV CR, 2006. s. 45-51. ISBN 80-86407-10-1.
  • P. Konecny, J. Ptacek, B. Petr: Nejdulezitejsi vysledky reseni projektu CBU c.22/2003 Vedeni dulnich del ve vlivu pridatnych napeti v okoli ochrannych piliru jam a prekopu v dolech s nebezpecim otresu. Uhli, rudy, geologicky pruzkum, 2006, Roc. 54, c. 4, s. 27-31. ISSN 1210-7697.
  • P. Konicek, P. Dvorsky, C. Bonczek, A. Przeczek: Profilatyka tąpaniowa w warunkach regionu Ostrawsko-Karwińskiego (OKR). In Gornicze zagrozenia naturalne 2006 /13./. Katowice : Glowny Instytut gornictwa, 2006. S. 117-128. ISBN 83-87610-87-9.
  • I. Kroutilova, L. Matejka, A. Sikora, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Curing of epoxy systems at sub-glass transition temperature. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, Roc. 99, c. 6, s. 3669-3676. ISSN 0021-8995.
  • K. Soucek, L. Stas, Y. Obara, D. Fukahori: Chemical grouts influence on mechanical properties of coal - Laboratory research. In Proccedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology (AMIREG 2006). Athens : Heliotopos Conference, 2006. s. 517-522. ISBN 960-89228-1-X.
  • R. Snuparek, L. Stas, K. Soucek, V. Zeman, L. Schellong, P. Horyl, P. Janas: Hlavni vysledky reseni Projektu CBU c.34/2003 "Opatreni ke zvyseni odolnosti porubnich chodeb a chodeb v predpoli porubu proti deformacnim ucinkum otresu". Uhli, rudy, geologicky pruzkum, 2006, Roc. 54, c. 2, s. 29-33. ISSN 1210-7697.
  • R. Snuparek, L. Stas, K. Soucek, V. Zeman, P. Horyl, P. Janas: Vysledky reseni Projektu CBU c.34/2003 "Opatreni ke zvyseni odolnosti porubnich chodeb a chodeb v predpoli porubu proti deformacnim ucinkum otresu". In Sbornik prednasek 2. konference o vyzkumu a vyvoji ve SBS CR zamerena na bezpecnost prace v hornictvi. Praha : CBU, 2006. s. 45-60.
  • R. Snuparek, L. Stas, K. Soucek, V. Zeman, L. Schellong: Vyzkum vlastnosti uhelnych geokompozitu. Uhli, rudy, geologicky pruzkum, 2006, Roc. 54, c. 10, s. 35-39. ISSN 1210-7697.