The relevance of concepts in traditional
Polish psychology
The article is devoted to an evaluation of the
traditional Polish psychology. However the conceptual
apparatus of the traditional Polish psychology
was based on the Central European theory
of intentionality, the development of Polish
psychology led to the theory of psychophysical
psychological functions (the theory of „actions
and products”). The author’s conclusion is that
the conceptual apparatus of the theory of „actions
and products” may be useful in current
philosophical and psychological theories of
mind and cognitive processes.
Klíčová slova: Central European psychology,intentionality, mind,psychological functions |
Jerzy Bobryk (2014). The relevance of concepts in traditional
Polish psychology
. Československá psychologie, 58, 3, 302-310.
| |
The relevance of concepts in traditional
Polish psychology
The article is devoted to an evaluation of the
traditional Polish psychology. However the conceptual
apparatus of the traditional Polish psychology
was based on the Central European theory
of intentionality, the development of Polish
psychology led to the theory of psychophysical
psychological functions (the theory of „actions
and products”). The author’s conclusion is that
the conceptual apparatus of the theory of „actions
and products” may be useful in current
philosophical and psychological theories of
mind and cognitive processes.
Keywords: Central European psychology,intentionality, mind,psychological functions |