Education, PhD studies and seminars

Institute of Computer Science AS CR is a public research organization, which, according to its founding charter does not have a doctoral degree program. The Institute focuses on basic research, however, employs PhD students and post-docs in the areas covered by the research institute. PhD students and postdocs with a serious interest may send CV to

Themes of PhD studies

Computational methods

  • Solution of large sparse linear systems
    (Tůma, FJFI ČVUT, mathematical engineering)
  • Convergence theory of iterative methods in numerical linear algebra
    (Strakoš, MFF UK, scientific computing)
  • Numerical stability of linear algebra methods
    (Strakoš, MFF UK, scientific computing)
  • Numerical methods in linear error-in-variables modelling
    (Strakoš, MFF UK, scientific computing)

Theoretical Computer Science

  • Abstract Algebraic Logic
  • Substructural Logics and Residuated Lattices
    (Cintula, Horčík, Haniková)
  • Classification Trees and Forests

    Classification trees and their ensembles, which are called classification forests, are a suitable method of a prediction of an unknown class on the basis of known numerical or categorial attributes for complex distributions, if a sufficient amount of training cases is available. The typical methods of this type are CART, C4.5, Random Forests. The goal of the work is to investigate the properties of the methods and their modifications.

  • Complexity Measures of Neural Networks

Nonlinear Modelling

  • Mathematical and statistical methods for data assimilation in large dynamical systems (weather and air pollution modelling and forecasting).
  • Spatial statistic methods and their applications in meteorology and air pollution modelling.
    (Eben, Pelikán)
  • Neural networks for prediction.
  • Detection and characterization of synchronization phenomena in time series from complex processes.

Medical Informatics and Biostatistics

  • Statistical methods for dimensionality reduction and classification of multivariate data, with applications in biomedicine
    (Valenta, 1. LF UK, Biomedicínská informatika)
  • Analysis of multivariate censored survival data
    (Valenta, 1. LF UK, Biomedicínská informatika)
  • Robust image analysis for the evaluation of molecular genetic studies
    (Kalina, 1. LF UK, Biomedicínská informatika)

Optimization and Systems