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Research and Projects/International Economic Law


Institute of State and Law dealt traditionally with both International Public Law and International Private Law (Conflicts of Laws). One should just mention names as Žourek, Kopal, Kalenský, Mencer, Pěchota and many others that belonged to most prominent international lawyers in their particular spheres of interests and were recognized globally. In early 90ies, some younger research fellows has started to deal with issues of international economic law, combining to some extent knowledge of public and private international laws. Substantial part of research covered by new generation of international lawyers in International Economic Law in the Institute was oriented to GATT/WTO, World Bank and particularly with issues of investment disputes and their  settlement.   

Within the GATT/WTO law, the Institute´s researchers covers both general institutional issues and dispute resolution.  Within dispute resolution area, research is aimed to substantial and procedural aspects. The reason why this particular part of international law attracted attention of the Institute is quite obvious. International Economic Law is one of the most dynamic areas of general International Law, and development of this branch of international law has serious impact on the evolution of international public law as such in many areas - dispute resolution, law of treaties, application and interpretation of international law etc. 

JUDr. Vladimír Balaš, CSc.