J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS is partner of Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague in the project "Infrastructure for light nanoscopy" of the Operational Programme Prague Competitiveness (OP PK).
This project should build a basis for the instrumental and further technical infrastructure of fluorescence nanoscopy (super-resolution microscopy). The aim is to provide excellent equipment and expertise to acquire, process and share imaging data for biomedical research and biotechnology. This should help to achieve outstanding results for scientists of Charles University but also of partner institutions of this project. J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, as a partner of the project, offers expertise in fluorescence micro-/nanoscopy techniques and data processing.
The project funds one super-resolution microscope for imaging of live and fixed cells using SIM (Structured illumination microscopy) or SMLM (single molecule localisation microscopy) techniques such as PALM or STORM/dSTORM. The microscope is equipped with the environmental chamber with regulated temperature and CO2 level for long-term imaging of living cells or organisms. Software for image acquisition and data processing is available on separate high-end computers. The microscope will be installed in newly refurbished space with reduced vibrations in the basement of Faculty of Sciences, building Vinicna XX. Basic infrastructure for the integration of this node into European imaging network (EuroBioImaging) will be established.
Press release in Czech version.

Contact person:
Marek Cebecauer, Ph.D.
Department of Biophysical Chemistry