International course on ecohydrological approaches to wise use, restoration,
management and conservation of wetlands

Třeboň, Czech Republic, 5-9 June 2007

Course on Wetlands 2007
Main topics of the course were the following:
  • Management of wetlands as stabilizing components of catchments
  • Control of hydrological processes as a management tool
  • Steering of biogeochemical cycles in wetlands
  • Role of wetlands and wetland vegetation in regional water cycling
  • Integrated Water Resources Management with respect to wetlands
  • Ecohydrological monitoring of water bodies in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive
  • Services and livelihood provided by wetland ecosystems
  • International cooperation in the field of conservation and wise use of wetlands
The programme includes two thematic excursions to the (a) Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve and (b) Šumava Biosphere Reserve.

The working language of the course will be English.

Target group:
  • wetland, land and water resource managers
  • landscape planners
  • personnel employed in state administration responsible for the protection of nature, environment and sustainable use of wetlands and shallow water bodies, and other relevant stakeholders.
Participants: 23 representatives from 15 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Balkans. The participants are responsible to cover their travel expenses; board and lodging will be covered by the organizers.

Organized jointly by the Czech National Committee for the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB), Czech Ramsar Committee, International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and NGOs to support implementation of the Programme of joint work between the Convention on Wetlands and the UNESCO MAB Programme.
Intended to be the first of a series of such courses organized within the EuroMAB region, this course is based on the good practice of courses organized at national and international levels, promoting the understanding and establishment of communication and cooperation among various land-users, nature conservation, water resource management, agriculture and forestry.

Partners and sponsors:

ENKI, public benefit corporation
Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
Environment and Wetland Centre, civic association
UNESCO's Ecohydrology Programme

Contact person:

Eva Jelinkova

Telephone: + 420 221 403 420 Fax: + 420 224 240 531
postal address: MAB National Committee
                        Czech Academy of Sciences
                        Narodni 3, 117 20 Praha 1
                        Czech Republic