Volume 51, Issue 1, 2002
Res. 51: 1-15, 2002
Differential Laws
of Left Ventricular Isovolumic Pressure Fall
F. J. Langer
Inst. of Physiol., Free Univ. Berlin, Arnimallee
22, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Res. 51: 17-25, 2002
Mismatch of Local
Blood Flow and Oxidative Metabolism in Stunned
U. Schwanke, G. Heusch, J. D. Schipke
Dept. Pathophysiol., Univ. of Essen, Universitätsstrasse 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf,
Res. 51: 27-33, 2002
Captopril Fails to Reverse
Hypertrophy of the Left Ventricle Induced by
Aortic Insufficiency in Rabbits
F. Šimko, V. Pelouch, J. Kyselovic
Dept. Pathophysiol., Med. Fac., Comenius Univ.,
Sasinkova 4, 813 72 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Res. 51: 35-41, 2002
Creatine Kinase Activity Inferred from a 3D Model
A. Mejsnar, B. Sopko, M. Gregor
Charles Univ., Fac. Sci., Dept. Physiol. Dev. Biol.,Viničná 7, Praha 2, 128
44, Czech Republic
Res. 51: 43-48, 2002
Potential in Mesonephric Nephrons of 7-day-old
Chick Embryos in Relation to the Histochemically
Detected Sodium Pump.
Z. Zemanová, E. Ujec
Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 14220 Prague 4,
Czech Republic
Res. 51: 49-58, 2002
Multinuclear NMR
Studies of an Actively Dividing Artificial Tumor
E. G. Shankland, J. C. Livesey, R. W. Wiseman, K.
A. Krohn
Dept. Radiol., Univ. Washington, Seattle, 98195
Washington, USA
Res. 51: 59-64, 2002
Allelic and Haplotype
Frequencies of the p53 Polymorphisms in Brain
Tumor Patients
E. Biroš, I. Kalina, A. Kohút, E. Bogyiová, J. Šalagovič, I.
Dept. Med. Biol., Med. Fac., P. J. Šafárik Univ., Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice,
Slovak Republik
Res. 51: 65-71, 2002
Model of Visually
Evoked Cortical Potentials
J. Kremláček, M. Kuba, J. Holčík
Dept. Pathol. Physiol., Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Šimkova 870, 500 01 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Res. 51: 73-78, 2002
Functional Cross-talk of
Ca2+-Mobilizing Endothelin Receptors
in C6 Glioma Cells
R. Malík, K. Vlašicová, A. Šedo
First Inst. Med. Chem. Biochem., First Fac. Med.,
Charles Univ., Kateřinská 32, 121 08
Prague 2, Czech Republic
Res. 51: 79-83, 2002
Influence of Photoperiod
on the Behavioral Response to Olfactory
Stimulation in the Snail Helix pomatia L.
M. Voss, C. Büchert, C.
Inst. Zoology, Univ. Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40-60,
D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Res. 51: 85-91, 2002
Association of
Obesity, Diabetes, Serum Lipids and Blood
Pressure Regulates Insulin Action
G. Šindelka, J. Škrha, M. Prázný, T. Haas
Third Dept. Internal Med., First Fac. Med., U
nemocnice 1, 128 08 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Res. 51: 93-98, 2002
Inverse Relationship of Insulin Resistance and
Serum Homocysteine in Healthy Subjects
H. Rosolová, J. Šimon, O.
Mayer Jr., J. Racek, T. Dierzé, D. W. Jacobsen
Ctr. Prevent. Med., Second Dept. Intern. Med., E. Beneše 13, 305 99 Plzeň, Czech Republic
Res. 51: 99-105, 2002
The Effect of an Acute Fat
Load on Endothelial Function after Different
Dietary Regimens in Young Healthy Volunteers
T. Šejda, J. Kovář, J. Piťha, R.
Cífková, E. Švandová, R. Poledne
Dept. Intern. Med. III, Thomayer Memorial Univ.
Hospital, Vídeňská 800, 140 59 Prague 4,
Czech Republic
Res. 51: 107-108, 2002
Rare Variant of Apolipoprotein E (Arg136
® Cys) in Subject with
Normal Lipid Values
J. A. Hubáček, J. Piťha,
Z. Škodová, R. Poledne
Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Lab. Atheroscler. Res.,
Ctr. Exp. Cardiovasc. Res., Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Prague 4,
Czech Republic
This number was issued in February 2002