
Aktuality a akce/2015

Den s Ústavem státu a práva AV ČR

Ústav státu a práva AV ČR pořádá v rámci výstavy „Věda – národ - dějiny“ věnované 125. výročí založení Akademie věd ČR Den s ústavem státu a práva AV ČR.

Akce proběhne dne 16. prosince 2015 v nové budově Národního muzea, Vinohradská 1, Praha 1 (budova bývalého Federálního shromáždění).

Program naleznete zde.


FLÚ AV a ÚSP AV zvou na přednášku

Doc. Tomáš Marvan, PhD. (FLÚ AV)

Hume o nutnosti, svobodě a odpovědnosti

Datum: 5.11. 2015 15:00-16:30

Místo: Filosofický ústav AV (zasedací místnost Centra medievistických studií), Jilská 1, Praha 1 (1. patro, vpravo)

Akce probíhá v rámci aktivit Strategie AV21.

pozvánka zde

Den otevřených dveří

Ve dnech 1.- 15. 11.2015 se uskuteční další ročník největšího vědeckého festivalu v ČR Týden vědy a techniky, který vědu představí formou přednášek, výstav, seminářů, soutěží apod.

Bližší informace naleznete na http://www.tydenvedy.cz/

Ústav státu a práva AV ČR v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky pořádá Den otevřených dveří, který se uskuteční dne 12.11.2015 od 10:00 hod do 15:00 hod.

Bližší informace o dnu otevřených dveří zde, kontakt ilaw@ilaw.cas.cz nebo tel. 221 990 711.


Centre for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA) ve spolupráci s Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale, Louvain University (Belgie)

a Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (Brno) pořádá


PhD Videoworkshop in Law, Philosophy and Public Policy


Datum:  22. 10. 2015

Místo: Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno


Coordination: Prof. Axel Gosseries (axel.gosseries@uclouvain.be)

Chaire Hoover and CeLAPA (Franz Weyr Fellow)

14h-14h30. Pavel Loutocký, PhD student in Law

Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (Brno)

Respondent: Antoine Verret-Hamelin

Can European Online Dispute Resolution Work Without Online Negotiation?

One of the main advantages of online dispute resolution (ODR) is the possibility to negotiate online with the other party. eBay experience showed that 80% of online e-commerce disputes can be solve through online negotiations. ODR platform on the basis of the Regulation No. 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes offers online complaint and response form to the parties and it was expected that it would also provide a platform for online negotiations. Such possibility to solve the disputes was however fully left for the willingness of the alternative dispute resolution providers. The presentation will thus assess the impact of excluding online negotiation from the ODR platform and will describe practical implications of such unfortunate decision.

14h30-15h. Anne-France Colla, PhD student in Law

Centre de recherche sur l'Etat et la Constitution (CRECO), Faculty of Law, University of Louvain

Respondent: Pavel Loutocký

On the recent ECJ case law on legitimate expectations

In this paper, I will first distinguish two groups of ECJ cases on issues of legitimate expectations. Second, I will discuss two conditions that should be met for an expectation to be deemed legitimate: the existence of precise assurances from the authority and the unforeseeability of the legal change. Finally, I will explore the extent to which the ECJ protection of legitimate expectations put constraints on legislators willing to reform the law.

15h-15h30. Jakub Míšek, PhD student in Law

Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (Brno)

Respondent: Thomas Ferretti

Can a Hyperlink be personal data?

The presentation is concerned with the question of whether a hyperlink can be personal data. The hypothesis is that due to the broad scope of the “personal data” definition, a hyperlink could be considered as personal data, if certain conditions are met. The presentation aims to examine such conditions and tries to decide on the question. In the first part European legal data protection regime is analysed, with the focus on the possible scope of “personal data” as is defined in the European directive 95/46/EC. The second part offers a case study of different situations in which a hyperlink might or might not serve as personal data in the meaning of the directive. Examined features are e.g. the nature of the person, who publishes the link, nature of the person who uses the link, and technical specifications like text connected with the link or whether it is embedded link or not. The third part tries to identify consequences of hyperlink being perso nal data. It shows different types of data controllers, which might be affected, and it presents legal duties the controllers have.

15 minutes break

15h45-16h15. Antoine Verret-Hamelin, PhD student in Philosophy

Institut d’éthique appliquée, U. Laval (Quebec City) and Chaire Hoover, University of Louvain

Respondent: Lucie Straková

Climate Change and Future Generations. On why individual human rights are not enough

It has been increasingly popular to present environmental degradation and climate change as an issue of human rights held by present and – this is more controversial – future generations. Climate change, it is said, jeopardizes the individual right to life, health, adequate housing, etc. Is this framing captures the whole risk associated with climate change? I will argue that framing the issue in terms of individual human rights doesn’t give us the whole picture since it has a collective blind spot. I will emphasize the collective dimension of climate change risks by bringing together intergenerational justice and environmental justice: there is a high risk that climate change and environmental hazards will be mainly suffered by the most vulnerable individuals of future generations, maybe to a point where it will endanger the mere capacity to form and live in a stable society. In other words, climate change and environmental degradation do not only jeop ardizes individual human rights: it could tear apart entire societies. What is at risk, then, is also a collective right to self-determination. It will be helpful to formulate a generational right to self-determination – and its corollary obligation to mitigate climate change today – by drawing a parallel with one of the reasons advanced for having a perpetual constitution, which is to guarantee the conditions enabling future people to engage in self-government. 

16h15-16h45. Lucie Straková, PhD student in Law

Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (Brno)

Respondent: Anne-France Colla

Is the Constitutional Court entitled to reconsider the evaluation of evidence made by the court of first instance in minor disputes dealing with copyright fees?

In this paper the development of Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic rulings dealing with non-payment of copyright fees associated with communication of copyrighted work to the public and its enforcement is analysed. The decisions of the Constitutional Court dealing with minor claims between collective management societies and subjects suspected of non-payment of copyright fees are examined. These cases were heard by the court because of violation of the right to a fair trial. In the judgements of the Constitutional Court are significant differences in the interpretation of its role and powers in relation to the evaluation of evidence made by courts of first instance. In some judgements, the Constitution Court states that it is not entitled to reconsider the evaluation of evidence, in some other judgement it actively do so. It means that it is examined in which cases the Constitutional Court stated that it is entitled to reconsider the evaluation of evidence made by first instance courts and the circumstances that could have an impact on the decision.  

16h45-17h15. Thomas Ferretti, PhD student in Philosophy

Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale, ESPO Faculty, University of Louvain

Respondent: Jakub Míšek

Egalitarian organizations, stability and legal complexity

Instead of promoting egalitarian organizations, Welfare States prefer to tolerate many inegalitarian forms of organizations and correct inequalities by others means, like redistributive taxation or the support of unions. There would be no problem if these other means were efficient in correcting inequalities. But they are not, for many reasons. One reason is that such an approach to deal with inequalities creates legal and fiscal complexity. This I will argue that this is a problem for the stability of just institutions.


Ústav státu a práva Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i., ve spolupráci s Lékařskou fakultou Ostravské univerzity pořádá konferenci na téma

 "Eutanazie. Rozhodování na konci života."

Datum: 13. listopadu 2015 od 10.00 do 16.00 hod

Místo: Aula Lékařské fakulty OU, Syllabova 19, Ostrava-Zábřeh (nová budova ZY)



Pavel Ševčík a David Černý: Úvodní slovo

Adam Doležal (Ústav státu a práva AV ČR): Eutanázie - právní otázky de lege ferenda a de lege lata.

Tomáš Doležal (Ústav státu a práva AV ČR): Eutanázie a marná léčba - praktické dopady právních předpisů na běžnou medicínskou praxi.

David Černý (Ústav státu a práva AV ČR): Pasivní eutanazie a rozhodnutí na konci života

Tomáš Hříbek (Filosofický ústav AV ČR): Tradiční etika eutanazie: kritika

Polední přestávka

Marek Vácha (3. LF UK Praha): Eutanazie v novodobých dějinách Evropy

Radka Bužgová (LF Ostravské univerzity): Postoje seniorů ke smrti, umírání a paliativní péči

Jan Žaloudík (MOÚ Brno): Prethanasie, eubiosie a kvartérní prevence v onkologii

Pavel Ševčík (LF Ostravské univerzity): Jak se rozhodují v závěrečných fázích žití lékaři intenzivní medicíny?

David Černý a Pavel Ševčík: Závěr konference


Ústav státu a práva Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.,

pořádá konferenci na téma

Základní lidské právo na příznivé životní prostředí

Datum: 16. října 2015

Místo: Akademie věd, Národní 3, Praha 1

Bližší informace a přihlašování http://www.ilaw.cas.cz/env/

diskusní setkání

Ústav státu a práva AV ČR pořádá diskusní setkání na téma


Datum: 25. června 2015 od 15.00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, 7. patro

Přednášející: JUDr. Adam Doležal, LL.M., PhDr. David Černý, JUDr. Petr Škvain

Akce je uzavřena.

Oznámení o konání obhajoby disertace - titul DSc.

Obhajoba disertace doc. JUDr. Jana Kysely, PhD., se v souladu s Pravidly o udělování vědeckého titulu "doktor věd" v Akademii věd ČR, koná

dne 11. června  2015 v prostorách Právnické fakulty UK v Praze, nám. Curieových 7, Praha 1, místnost č. 38 (přízemí).


Název disertace „Ústava mezi právem a politikou. Úvod do ústavní teorie“



doc. JUDr. Josef Blahož, DrSc. – Ústav státu a práva AVČR, Praha

JUDr. Eduard Barány, DrSc. – Ústav štátu a práva SAV, Bratislava

prof. JUDr. Pavel Holländer, DrSc. – Paneuropská vysoká škola, Bratislava

Oznámení o konání obhajoby disertace - titul DSc.

Obhajoba disertace doc. JUDr. Richarda Krále, PhD., LL.M. se v souladu s Pravidly o udělování vědeckého titulu "doktor věd" v Akademii věd ČR, koná

dne 11.června  2015  v prostorách Právnické fakulty UK v Praze, nám. Curieových 7, Praha 1, místnost č. 38 (přízemí).


Název disertace „Směrnice EU z pohledu jejich transpozice a vnitrostátních účinků“


prof. JUDr. Zdeněk Kučera, DrSc.  – Praha

prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc. – Právnická fakulta MU, Brno

doc. JUDr. Jan Ondřej, CSc., DSc. – Soukromá vysoká škola ekonomických studií, Praha


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA) pořádá přednášku

Dr. Elena Loizidou

Law, Love, Anarchism


Datum: 28. května od 16:00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, 7. patro, zasedací místnost

Přihlášky a bližší informace: agha@ilaw.cas.cz


Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA) Vás srdečně zve na přednášku na téma: "Law, Love, Anarchism" kterou přednese Dr. Elena Loizidou a která se koná v zasedačce v 7. patře. Dr. Loizidou by se take rada neformalne seznamila s nasi akademickou komunitou, kdokoliv z vas bych chtel probrat svuj vyzkum, prijdte ji navstvit do kancelare v 6. patre cislo 68, kdykoliv behem ctvrtka 28. května, pripadne kdykoliv po domluve v tydnu od 25/05 - 29/05.
What is the relationship between law, love and anarchism? To address this question requires us to search for the essence of these entities. If critical legal studies have engaged with love as a way of tracking, pointing to us that law has a body- an emotional body here I would like to engage with the ways in which specific writings in, philosophy, law, and anarchism articulate the problematic of love. The aim here is to show that the way that anarchists account for law, demonstrate both, a subjectivity and a way of life that does not count upon law to either live or act, and a critique of law and legally consumed subjectivity that points to the limits of law that may have not otherwise been addressed by general jurisprudence. The paper will offer an anarchist critique of law and will focus on the anarchist ethos.

Dr Elena Lozidou is a Reader in Law and Political Theory at the School of Law, Birkbeck College. She is the author of Judith Butler: Ethics, Law, Poltics (2007) and the editor of Disobedience, sujectively speaking. Disobedience Theory and Practice (2013). She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of  Law and Critique and has published on the online blog critical legal thinking.


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR Vás zve na přednášku

Prof. Dr. Ivana Jelić

(Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, UN Human Rights Committee member, 2nd Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)

“Minority Rights Protection at Universal and European

Legal Perspective


Datum: 8. června 2015 od 14.30 hod

Místo: sídlo Akademie věd ČR, Národní 3, Praha 1, sál č. 108 (1.patro)

Vzhledem k omezené kapacitě sálu prosíme zájemce o přihlašování na adrese: mullerova@ilaw.cas.cz

Pozvánka v pdf zde.



Protection of human rights in the age of multiculturalism is all about obtaining respect of two basic principles: respect of diversity and prohibition of discrimination. Both principles are indispensably conditia sine qua non for national, ethnic, religious and cultural minority rights promotion, respect and protection. In fact, level of minority rights protection is a parameter of democracy in every multicultural state.


International law, both at the universal and European levels, set the standards of individual minority rights protection, i.e. rights of the persons belonging to national, ethnic, cultural or religious minorities. The essence of such a protection has two aspects: providing for minority’s survival and preservation of a minority identity. Those are also seen as the core minority rights from which a specific catalogue of individual minority rights derives, such as right to use of minority language and script, right to education in minority language and in accordance with minority culture, history and tradition, right to use minority national symbols, right to public participation, etc.


Although minority rights legal protection is dominantly directed towards individual rights, it is evident that there is important collective dimension of such a protection, especially concerning the rights where interaction among minority members or representation of a group is in question. Here, important assistance to international legal order arrives from the soft law, especially through the recommendations and guidelines of the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities.


At universal level, there is a modest legal protection – article 27 of ICCPR and 1992 UN Declaration concerned. However, there is also jurisprudence of the human rights treaty bodies, such as the Human Rights Committee which case-law concerned would be presented in the lecture, especially in connection with debate on the relationship between two concepts of minority rights protection: individual or collective protection.


The most comprehensive minority rights protection is realized at the European level. Namely, two legally binding treaties of the Council of Europe - FCNM and ECRML – as well as jurisprudence of its monitoring treaty bodies – Advisory Committee on FCNM and Expert Committee of ECRML give great contribution to application of minority rights throughout Europe. There are, however, several cases of multicultural states that do not accept and recognize existence of minorities, where there is need for rethinking of their concepts. The shortcomings and improvements in particular countries would be presented through an overview of the recent jurisprudence of the ACFC.


In addition, the ECtHR through its jurisprudence relating to the Art 14 of the ECHR and Protocol 12 gives significant impact on better understanding of necessity for equality in public participation rights (ex. Case of Sejdić and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina) and so contributing to improvement of respect of minority rights protection standards.


The lecturer would like to cover all the above-mentioned aspects of contemporary minority rights protection, especially through her experience as a member of relevant human rights treaty bodies at the UN and European level.



Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA) pořádá přednášku

Christian Joerges

What is left of the European Economic Constitution?


Datum: 2. 4. 2015 od 14.00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, 7. patro, zasedací místnost

Přihlášky a bližší informace: agha@ilaw.cas.cz

A spectre is haunting Europeanists. The spectre is German ordo-liberalism, allegedly inspiring the crisis management which the Union’s most powerful Member State orchestrates through the imposition of budgetary discipline and austerity politics. The spectre is accompanied by another story of German descent, albeit a more comforting one: the “social market economy”, the social model of the young Federal Republic, a successful synthesis between an efficient (now: “highly competitive”) market economy and social justice in the formative phase of the Federal Republic which was allegedly incorporated first into the Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Convention and then the Treaty of Lisbon (Art. 3(3) TFEU) European commitment pace Article, allegedly inspired by Germany’s post-war social model but now betrayed by its turn to austerity politics. Both narratives are flawed. Precisely the flaws a re nevertheless instructive. Contrary to prevailing perceptions, the European monetary union was no “economic constitution” in the ordo-liberal sense. What the Maastricht Treaty has institutionalised was instead a “diagonal conflict” which is resistant legal rule. The turn to an authoritarian managerialism in the European crisis can be deciphered on that background. The new modes of economic governance with their focus on financial stability and competiveness have also deconstructed what was held to be the “European social model”. Europe seems to be exposed to a state of emergency. If that is an adequate characterisation, we have to find out how it may be possible to regain a constitutionals condition.

Christian Joerges is a part-time Professor of Law and Society at the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), a Research Professor at the Law Faculty of Bremen University and Co-Director of the Centre of European Law and Politics. Until 2007 he held the chair for European Economic Law at the European University Institute Florence. He has published extensively on the Europeanization of private and economic law, transnational risk regulation and governance structures. His Darker Legacies of Law in Europe (ed. with Navraj Ghaleigh, 2003) received 28 reviews. His most recent publication is The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance. Authoritarian Managerialism versus Democratic Governance (ed. with Carola Glinski), Hart Publishing 2014.


Ústav státu a práva ve spolupráci s Ústavem právní vědy Maďarské akademie věd Vás zve na


Status of the Judge in the Era of Judicialization: Czech-Hungarian Experience

Datum: 5. 3. 2015. od 14:00

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, zasedací místnost 7. patro

Podrobný program naleznete zde


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR Vás zve na


Nové trendy v ústavnom vývoji štátov  Visegrádskej skupiny po finančno-ekonomickej kríze 2008

Datum: 19. 1. 2015, 13.00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, zasedací místnost 7. patro

Okruhy otázok pre diskusiu:

Možno vôbec po roku 2008 hovoriť o nových trendoch vo vývoji ústavného práva?

K akým ústavnopávnym zmenám došlo vo višegrádskom regióne počas poslednej ekonomickej krízy?

Přihlášky: akce@ilaw.cas.cz



Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, CeLAPA a Kabinet medicínského práva a bioetiky Vás zve na


The Law and Ethics of Age Limits - Czech perspectives 

Datum: 15. 1. 2015

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, zasedací místnost 7. patro

Convenors: Adam Doležal (CeLAPA, Research Unit for Medical Law and Bioethics) and Axel Gosseries (Louvain and Franz Weyr Fellow, CeLAPA)

This workshop will aim at discussing specific uses of age limits in law and practice, in employment, pensions, insurance, health care, etc. Papers involving a a detailed analysis and a critical discussion of specific practices, will be especially encouraged, as well as comparisons between age limits against the young and against the elderly, between labour practices and health practices, etc. Priority will be given to paper focusing at least in part on the Czech and Slovak contexts, although sumissions that don’t have this dimension will also be considered.

Program: Chair: Axel Gosseries

13.30 - presentation

14.00 - Adam Doležal - Organ transplantation and age discrimination in Czech Republic. Should the law be changed?

14.45 - Zuzana Zoláková - Regulating access to assisted reproduction technologies: Does the law limit access to ART by age? And should it?

15.30 - coffee break

16.00 - Helena Krejčíková - Should age matter in treating patients with dementia?

16.45 - Martin Štefko - Age Discrimination in the Czech Labour Market

17.30 - concluding words

Závazné přihlášky zasílejte e-mailem na: akce@ilaw.cas.cz 

nová e-kniha

Upozorňujeme, že Ústav státu a práva AV ČR vydal novou knihu
MÜLLEROVÁ, H. a HUMLÍČKOVÁ, P. Nové přístupy k implementaci Aarhuské úmluvy v ČR. Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, 2014. ISBN 978-80-87439-16-6.
Knihu je možné si zdarma stáhnout na tomto webu v sekci "Vydané knihy".