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Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Hybernská 8
Prague 1, 110 00
Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 224 005 291
Current research areas and interests
• Workplace bullying and abuse
• Well-being at work
• Sensemaking and discourse analysis in organizational research
• Cross-cultural research
• Qualitative and mixed-methods methodology
• 2009 - Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
• 2005 - MA in Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
Research grants
• 2014 - 2016 - Quality of Work Environment and Employee Well-Being in Public Higher Education (principal investigator). The Czech Sciences Foundation Grant (GA14-02098S)
• 2010 - 2012 - Workplace Bullying in Tertiary Education: Qualitative Methodology as a Research and Intervention Tool (principal investigator). The Czech Sciences Foundation Grant (P407/10/P146)
• 2009 - 2011 - Transformation of Gender Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989 (cooperating researcher). The Czech Science Foundation Grant (GA403/09/1502)
International scholarships and awards
• 2014 - Fulbright/Masaryk Scholarship 2014/2015, The Department of Communication. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Host: Professor Dennis K. Mumby.
• 2011 - Collective Biography Training, Sydney. Host: Professor Bronwyn Davies.
• 2010 - EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Funds: Visiting Researcher with The Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. Host: Dr. Agnes Andenæs.
• 2007 - Endeavour Europe Award 2007/2008, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Visiting Fellow with the 'The Narrative Discourse and Pedagogy' Research Node. Host: Prof. Bronwyn Davies.
• 2006 - The Danish Governmental Award, The Danish University of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. Visiting Researcher with the 'Gender, Diversity and Subjectification' Research Group. Host: Prof. Dorte Marie Söndergaard.
• 2003 - Socrates/Erasmusm Program. Master's Studies in Psychology. The Department of Psychology, Århus University, Århus, Denmark (two semesters).
Awards and recognition
• 2014 - The Otto Wichterle Award for Excellent Young Scientists (Czech Academy of Sciences)
• 2010 - The Chancellor’sAward for Outstanding Dissertation Thesis (Masaryk University)
• 2009 - Postdoctoral Scholarship Award (University of Western Bohemia)
• 2008 - Award Supporting the Internationalization of Doctoral Students (Masaryk University)
• 2007 - Award Supporting Outstanding Dissertation Thesis (Masaryk University)
Professional associations
• The International Association on Workplace Bullying & Harassment (IAWBH) - Member
• The National Contact Centre for Women and Science, Czech Academy of Sciences - Member
• The Czech-Moravian Psychological Society (CMSP) - Member
• Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly - Editorial Board Member
• Conference on Qualitative Approach and Methods in Human Sciences - Program Committee Member
Recent publications
Davies, B. & Gannon, S. (Eds.), with Ellwood, C., Camden-Pratt, C., Zabrodska, K., & Bansel, P. (2009). Pedagogical Encounters. New York: Peter Lang.
Zábrodská, K. (2009). Variace na gender. Poststrukturalismus, diskurzivní analýza a genderová identita [Variations on the theme of gender. Poststructuralism, discourse analysis and gender identity]. Prague: Academia.
Book chapters
Zabrodska, K. & Kveton, P. (2015). The Czech Republic: Workplace abuse in a post-transitional country. In M. Omari, & M. Paull (Eds.), Workplace Abuse, Incivility and Bullying: Methodological and Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge (pp. 124-142).
Zabrodska, K. (2014). Between femininity and feminism: Negotiating the identity of a 'Czech socialist woman' in women's accounts of state socialism. In H. Havelkova & L. Oates-Indruchova (Eds.), The Politics of Gender Culture under State Socialism: An Expropriated Voice. London: Routledge (pp. 109-132).
Čermák, I., Chrz, V., Zábrodská, K., Urbánek, T. (2014). Kvalitativní metody [Qualitative Methods]. In Blatný, M. (Ed.), Člověk v kontextech celoživotního vývoje. Brno: Psychologický ústav AV ČR (pp. 243-264).
Zabrodska, K. & Petrjánošová, M. (2013). Metody diskurzivní analýzy [Methods of Discourse Analysis]. In I. Čermák, T. Řiháček, & R. Hytych (Eds.), Čtyři přístupy ke kvalitativní analýze [Four Approaches to Qualitative Analysis]. Brno: Masaryk University Press (pp. 105-139).
Refereed journal articles
Mudrak, J., & Zabrodska, K. (2015). Childhood giftedness, adolescent agency: A systemic multiple-case study. Gifted Child Quarterly, 59, 1, 55-70.
Zabrodska, K., Ellwood, C., Zaeemdar, S., & Mudrak, J. (2014). Workplace bullying as sensemaking: An analysis of target and actor perspectives on initial hostile interactions. Culture and Organization (Online First).
Zábrodská, K., Mudrák, J., Květon, P., Blatný, M., Machovcová, K., & Šolcová, I., (2014). Work environment and well-being of academic faculty in Czech universities. Studia Paedagogica, 19, 4, 121-144.
Janošová, P., Kollerová, L., Zábrodská, K. (2014). Školní šikana v současnosti - Její definice a operacionalizace. Československá psychologie, 58, 4.
Vitková, M., &, Zábrodská, K. (2014). Coping a rezistencia voči mobbingu v kontexte paradigmatického prístupu. Československá psychologie, 58, 254-269.
Zabrodska, K., & Kveton, P. (2013). Prevalence and forms of workplace bullying among university employees. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 25, 89-108.
Mudrák, J., & Zábrodská, K. (2013). Lidský potenciál jako psychologický konstrukt. Československá psychologie, 57, 201-217.
Zábrodská, K., & Květon, P. (2012). Šikana na pracovišti v prostředí českých univerzit: výskyt, formy a organizační souvislosti. [Workplace bullying in Czech universities: prevalence, forms and organizational context]. Czech Sociological Review, 48, 641-668.
Zabrodska, K., Linnell, S., Laws, C. & Davies, B. (2011). Bullying as intra-active process in neoliberal universities. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (8), 709-719.
Zábrodská, K. (2011). Mobbing ve vysokoškolském prostředí: zkušenosti ze zahraničního výzkumu [Mobbing in higher education: An overview of international research]. Czechoslovak Psychology, 55 (4), 333-345.
Zabrodska, K. & Ellwood, C. (2011). Subjectivity as a play of territorialization: Exploring affective attachments to place through collective biography. Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly, 21 (2), 180-191.
Zábrodská, K. (2010). Diskurzivní analýza v soudobé sociální psychologii: teorie, koncepty a aplikace. [Discourse analysis in contemporary social psychology: Theories, concepts, and applications]. Československá psychologie, 54 (3), 249-262.
Edited monographs
Zábrodská, K. & Čermák, I. (2010) (Eds.). Kvalitativní přístup a metody ve vědách o člověku IX.: Individualita a jedinečnost v kvalitativním výzkumu. [Qualitative Approach and Methods in Human Sciences. Individuality and Uniqueness in Qualitative Research]. Brno: Psychologický ústav AV ČR.
Selected conference presentations
Zabrodska, K. (2012, January). Šikana a zneužívání moci na pracovišti optikou kolektivní biografie [Bullying and abuse of power at work: A collective biography]. Kvalitatívny prístup a metódy vo vedách o človeku XI., January 23-24, 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Zabrodska, K. (2011, October). Změny pracovní dráhy v důsledku mobbingu: příběhy z vědy i odjinud [Effects of mobbing on targets' work trajectories: stories from science and elsewhere]. Životní dráhy z kvantitativní a kvalitativní perspektivy, October 20-21, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Zabrodska, K. & Kveton, P. (2011, July). Workplace bullying in academe: Findings from universities in the Czech Republic. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, July 4-8, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Zabrodska, K. (2011, May). On thin ice: Academic mobbing and strategies of resistance. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Zabrodska, K., Ellwood, C., Zaeemdaar, S. & Mudrak, J. (2011, May). Beyond the interview: Exploring different perspectives and methodologies in workplace bullying research. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Davies, B., Zabrodska, K., Linnell, S., & Laws, C. (2011, May). Bullying as intra-active process in neoliberal universities. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Zábrodská, K. (2010, July). Agency and resistance to change in Czech popular discourse: Examples from research on gender identity and gender-related bullying. Paper presented at the Psychology of Women Section Annual Conference 2010, BPS, Windsor, UK.
Zábrodská, K. (2010, January). Diskurzy, pozice, ideologie: utváření genderových identit v rozhovoru [Discourses, subject positions, and practical ideologies: Constructing gender identities in talk]. Paper presented at the Conference on Qualitative Approach and Methods in Human Sciences, Brno, CR.
Ellwood, C. & Zábrodská, K. (2009, May). Desires for the other place. Paper presented at The Fifth Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Zábrodská, K. (2009, February). Captives of gender determinism? Poststructural discourse analysis as an analytical and transformative practice. Paper presented at the Feminist Research Methods Conference, Stockholm University, Sweden.