Projects started in:
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014| 2015
Projects |
Investigator |
Duration |
GA15-22474S Predictors of Generativy in Middle Adulthood: A longitudinal Study, RIV |
Marek Blatný | 2015-2017 |
GA15-16738S Individual differences in self-other distinction, RIV |
Kristína Czekóová | 2015-2017 |
GA15-11062S Psychosocial analysis of non-democratic character in a post-communist society: Empirical assessment of negative passivity and so called "bad mood", RIV |
Martina Klicperová | 2015-2017 |
GA15-03875S Psychological aspects of video game playing: three-generational study, RIV |
Petr Květon | 2015-2017 |
Defending victims of bullying: The longitudinal role of individual and group factors, RIV
Lenka Kollerová | 2015-2017 |
GA14-02098S Work enviroment quality and employee well-being in public higher education, RIV |
Kateřina Zábrodská | 2014-2016 |
GP14-02889P |
Iva Poláčková Šolcová | 2014-2016 |
GA13-25656S Determinants of intergroup relations: An integrated model of intergroup attitudes, contact, personality-, and socially-anchored factors, RIV |
Sylvie Graf | 2/2013-12/2016 |
LG13051 INGO II MŠMT Participation of Czech psychologists in boards of international psychological societies, RIV |
Marek Blatný | 3/2013-12/2015 |
GA13-23940S Personality and spontaneous brain activity during rest and movie watching: relation and structural determinants, RIV |
Jiří Lukavský | 2/2013-12/2015 |
GA13-26779S The acquisition of Czech grammar: rules, context, and the theory of mind, RIV |
Filip Smolík | 2/2013-12/2015 |
GA13-28709S Visual space perception in photographs, RIV |
Michal Šimeček | 2/2013-12/2015 |
GAP407/12/0706 Psychological aspects of reintegration and resocialisation of offenders into the society, RIV |
Veronika Polišenská | 2012-2015 |
GAP407/11/2421 Quality of life in children surviving cancer: longitudinal study, RIV |
Marek Blatný | 2011-2015 |