Opening Hours and Contact

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 8-12 AM | 1-4 PM


Institute of Computer Science CAS
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07 Praha 8

(show the map)

Library of ICS

See the photo gallery here.The library of the Institute of Computer Science is registered at the Ministry of Culture as a basic library with a specialized collection.

The library is a collective member of the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic.

Scientific Information Resources

ICS books and journals catalogue, full-text databases, citation databases, EZB (Electronic Journals Library), Union Catalogue of AS CR Institute Libraries, Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, Uniform Information Gateway

Employees‘ Publications

ASEP (publication database of AS CR employees), monographs and textbooks of ICS authors, selected bibliographies (compiled on the occasion of jubilees of ICS authors), AS CR publication activity lists and statistics

News from The Library

On Monday (7. 12. 2015), there was an autograph session in our library. The authors of monograpgs from our Institute signed their books.

See the photo gallery here. 

See the list of books here.

Contact Persons

  • Ludmila Nývltová
    tel. +420 266 053 820
    Library management, information resource acquisition, interlibrary loan service
  • RNDr. Nina Ramešová
    tel. +420 266 053 800
    ASEP, preparation of data for RIV, search, webmaster, EZB
  • PhDr. Tereza Šírová
    tel. +420 266 053 820
    electronic information sources, catalogue

Library Policy