veřejná výzkumná instituce
The conference will take place on April 20 – 22, 2016 at the Czech Academy of Sciences Headquarters, Národní 3, Praha 1 as a part of the international cooperation between the Institute of Slavonic Studies CAS and the Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin Institute for Bulgarian Language BAS. At the conference theoretical and practical knowledge of Slavic lexicography at the beginning of the new century will be presented and discussed within the broad Slavic context.
Conference fee of 40 Euros (1,100 CZK) must be paid in cash at the check-in.
Paper length:
• plenary paper – max. 20 minutes
• section paper – max. 15 minutes
Rules for poster editing:
• There will be poster stands at your disposal in the foyer of the conference rooms no. 205 and 206. Maximum size of posters is A1, 59,4×84,1 cm.
• Kindly hand in your posters at the check-in./p>
Conference organisers address:
Mgr. Božana Niševa, Ph.D.
PhDr. David Blažek, Ph.D.
Slovanský ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Valentinská 1
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: +420 224 800 270
fax: +420 224800252
Preliminary programme HERE (pdf)
Attendant events:
• sightseeing tour round Prague (Wednesday late afternoon)
If you are interested, please register for the sightseeing at the check-in.
• banquet (Thursday)
Arkhanhelska Alla (Olomouc)
Atanasova Atanaska (Sofie)
Babenko Ludmila (Jekatěrinburg)
Bańko Mirosław (Varšava)
Becenko Tatjana (Sumy)
Belentschikow Renate (Mohuč)
Belentschikow Valentin (Mohuč)
Belousova Alla (Moskva)
Blagoeva Diana (Sofie)
Blažek David (Praha)
Borisoff Constantine Leo (Londýn)
Černá Alena M. (Praha)
Černyševa Margarita (Moskva)
Čoroleeva Marija (Sofie)
Čurdová Veronika (Praha)
Danylenko Ludmila (Kyjev)
Declerck Thierry (Saarbrücken)
Dejkova Christina (Sofie)
Deleva Nadežda (Sofie)
Dimitrova Tsvetana (Sofie)
Dubyčinskij Vladimir (Varšava)
Fink Arsovski Željka (Záhřeb)
Fjodorova Ludmila (Moskva)
Generalova Elena (Petrohrad)
Georgieva Cvetelina (Sofie)
Iomdin Leonid (Moskva)
Ivanová Martina (Prešov)
Ivanović Nenad (Bělehrad)
Jarošová Alexandra (Bratislava)
Janyšková Ilona (Brno)
Jelovšek Alenka (Lublaň)
Kaczmarska Elżbieta (Varšava)
Kalenčuk Marija (Moskva)
Kalinovskaja Valentina (Petrohrad)
Kettnerová Václava (Praha)
Kirova Ludmila (Bratislava – Sofie)
Koeva Svetla (Sofie)
Kolářová Veronika (Praha)
Kolev Dimităr (Sofie)
Konjik Ivana (Bělehrad)
Košková Maria (Bratislava)
Kovalenko Kira (Petrohrad)
Kovšova Marija (Moskva)
Kraevskaja Anna (Vinnycja)
Krejčová Elena (Brno)
Krjukova Irina (Volgograd)
Kroupová Magdalena (Praha)
Kuleva Anna (Moskva)
Lišková Michaela (Praha)
Lopatková Markéta (Praha)
Malyševa Irina (Perohrad)
Michajlova-Palanska Miglena (Sofie)
Michno Ludmila (Sumy)
Mirtič Tanja (Lublaň)
Mirzoeva Lejla (Kaskelen)
Movčun Larysa (Kyjev)
Mžourková Hana (Praha)
Nejedlý Petr (Praha)
Neprašová Renata (Praha)
Niševa Božana (Praha)
Novak Marija (Kazaň)
Oliva Karel (Praha)
Ološtiak Martin (Prešov)
Opavská Zdeňka (Praha)
Osenova Petja (Sofie)
Panevová Jarmila (Praha)
Pazio-Wlazłowska Dorota (Varšava)
Peňkova Jana (Moskva)
Perdih Andrej (Lublaň)
Pintarić Neda (Záhřeb)
Piringer Barbara (Vídeň)
Plotnikova Larisa (Bělgorod)
Ribarova Zdenka (Praha)
Ristić Stana (Bělehrad)
Satoła-Staśkowiak Joanna (Varšava)
Simov Kiril (Sofie)
Skljarevskaja Galina (Pretrohrad)
Skwarska Karolína (Praha)
Smejkalová Kamila (Praha)
Soboleva Aleksandra (Moskva)
Stankovska Petra (Lublaň)
Šapošnikov Aleksandr (Moskva)
Šestakova Larisa (Moskva)
Šuležkova Světlana (Magnitogorsk)
Tomov Milen (Sofie)
Urešová Zdeňka (Praha)
Vajdlová Miloslava (Praha)
Vašíček Michal (Praha)
Verner Inna (Moskva)
Voronina Tatjana (Jekatěrinburg)
Wandl-Vogt Eveline (Vídeň)
Waniakowa Jadwiga (Krakov)
Zaretskaja Světlana (Nová Tchaj-pej)
Żmigrodzki Piotr (Varšava)
Žagar Karer Mojca (Lublaň)
Žele Andreja (Lublaň)
Lodgings at the Krystal hotel must be paid at the check-in (the 1st conference day) in cash (in CZK or EUR).
Lodgings at the guest house Chaloupka and the Parkhotel PRAHA will be paid individually at the reception of accommodation premises.
Venue for the conference:
Akademie věd ČR, Národní 3, Praha 1 – Staré Město
Penzion Chaloupka
Nad hradním vodojemem 794/83
162 00 Praha - Střešovice
– situated in Prague 6 in cca 30 minutes distance from the Václav Havel Airport (bus no. 191 to the bus stop „Petřiny“ and to continue by tram no. 18 to the tram stop „Baterie“). It takes cca 20 minutes to get from the tram stop „Baterie“ to the CAS Headquarters at Národní street by tram no. 18.
Gest-house web site:
Hotel Krystal***
José Mártiho 2/407
162 00 Praha 6 - Veleslavín
– situated in Prague 6 in cca 30 minutes distance from the Václav Havel Airport (bus no. 119 to the bus stop „Divoká Šárka“ and to continue by bus no. 142 to the bus stop „Nad Džbánem“). It takes cca 30 minutes to get from the stop „Nad Džbánem“ to the CAS Headquarters at Národní street (by tram no. 26 to tram stop „Hradčanská“, then by tram 18 to the tram stop „Národní divadlo“).
Hotel web site:
Veletržní 1502/20
170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice
– situated in Prague 7 in cca 40 minutes distance from the Václav Havel Airport (by bus no. 119 to the bus stop „Divoká Šárka“ to continue by tram no. 26 to the tram top „Strossmayerovo náměstí“, then one stop by tram no. 17 to the tram stop „Veletržní palác“). It takes cca 15 minutes to get from the tram stop „Veletržní palác“ to the CAS Headquarters at Národní street by tram no. 17.
Hotel web site:
Contributions length:
• plenary paper text – max. 27,000 key depressions (including spaces)
• section paper text – max. 18,000 key depressions (including spaces)
Text editing rules: HERE (pdf)
Submission deadline: 31. 5. 2016
Conference contributions in given length must be submitted by May 31, 2016. The papers delivered after this date won’t be included to the proceedings. Kindly address your texts to
Foreign language abstract:
Each paper is supposed to contain an abstract written in English. It shouldn´t exceed 400-800 key depressions including spaces.