MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 283-292, 2002

Localization effects for eigenfunctions near to the edge of a thin domain

Serguei A. Nazarov

Serguei A. Nazarov, Center for Techno-Mathematics and Scientific Computing Laboratory, Harrow School of Computer Science, Westminster University, London, UK, Watford Road, Northwick Park, Harrow Campus, Harrow HA1 3TP; e-mail:

Abstract: It is proved that the first eigenfunction of the mixed boundary-value problem for the Laplacian in a thin domain $\Omega_h$ is localized either at the whole lateral surface $\Gamma_h$ of the domain, or at a point of $\Gamma_h$, while the eigenfunction decays exponentially inside $\Omega_h$. Other effects, attributed to the high-frequency range of the spectrum, are discussed for eigenfunctions of the mixed boundary-value and Neumann problems, too.

Keywords: spectral problem, thin domain, boundary layer, trapped mode, localized eigenfunction

Classification (MSC 2000): 74B05, 74E10, 35B40

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