Aktuality a akce/Aktuality
The Incubator Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies with the cooperation of the Institute of State and Law, Czech Academy of Sciences
cordially invites you and your colleagues to the conference and official kick-off event of the Incubator project entitled
‘The Interpretation and Functioning of the Right to Healthy Environment within the Central and Eastern European Region – Legal and Public Policy Frames’
Venue and date:
Hall 108, Czech Academy of Sciences, Narodni 3, 117 20 Prague 1
20 May 2016 (Friday), 10.a.m.
Opening, project introduction
Kecskés, Gábor PhD. (Institute for Legal Studies, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences)
Majtényi, Balázs PhD. (Institute for Legal Studies, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Misunderstood Fundamental Right? (The Right to Healthy Environment in Hungary)
Müllerová, Hana PhD. (Institute of State and Law, Czech Academy of Sciences)
The Right to Environment in the Czech Republic: Courts Finally Turning Green
Jančářová, Ilona PhD. (Masaryk University, Faculty of Law)
Right to Healthy Environment in Respect to Air Pollution in the Czech Republic
Maslen, Michal PhD. (Trnava University, Faculty of Law)
Legal Framework and Public Policy Transposing the Requirements of the Right to a Healthy
Environment in the Slovak Republic
Saribeyoglu-Skalar, Meltem PhD. (Marmara University, Faculty of Law)
The Right to a Healthy Environment in Turkey and the Question of Its Efficiency
Mauerhofer, Volker Dr. (University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences
A Right of/to a Healthy Environment: Overview on the Austrian Situation
Tomoszková, Veronika PhD. (Palacky University Olomouc)
Substantive Right to Healthy Environment - A Right Without Content?
Oleshchenko, Viacheslav PhD. (Koretsky Institute of State and Law,
Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences)
A Right of/to a Healthy Environment: Overview on the Ukrainian Legal Regulation
Kecskés, Gábor PhD. (Institute for Legal Studies, Centre for Social
Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
European Perspectives – Green Rights within the Practice of the European
Court of Human Rights
Zájemce o účast na workshopu prosíme o ohlášení na adrese mullerova@ilaw.cas.cz.
Ústav státu a práva AV ČR a Filosofický ústav AV ČRpořádají dne 26.5.2016
jednodenní konferenci
Milovat kočky, jíst krávy: etika a práva zvířat
15:00 - 15:30 Tomáš Hříbek
Jiné mysli, jiná vědomí
15:30 - 16:00 Michal Milko
Rawlsův kontraktualismus a morální status zvířat
16:00 - 16:30 Vlastimil Vohánka
Etický vegetarianismus a efektivní altruismus pro speciesisty
16:30 - 16:45 Přestávka na kávu
16:45 - 17:15 Josef Kuře
Russell a Burch: Mezi rétorikou a realitou
17:15 - 17:45 David Černý
Etika zabíjení zvířat
17:45 - 18:15 Adam Doležal
Postavení zvířat v právu: Historie a současnost
18:15 - 20:00 Banket
Konference se koná v sídle Akademie věd ČR, Národní 3, sál č. 206
CeLAPA Doctoral Full Speed workshopMay 11, 2016
Venue: Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Law and State, Narodni 18
Chair: Axel Gosseries, Franz Weyr Fellow
9h30-9h50 - Radek Píša, PhD. Candidate, Charles University, Constitutional Law
Do courts really vary from public opinion?
Courts are usually imagined as institutions providing additional, structural perspective; this is one of the very basic assumptions behind the most theories of judicial legitimacy (most notably Alexy’s argumentative representation). My presentation is going to explore reasons why this is possibly an incorrect assessment. I intend to use Czech and Israeli cases during this reasoning.
Discusssant: Tom Parr
9h50-10h10 - Darina Jandova, PhD. Candidate, Charles University, Labour Law
Obesity and discrimination. Did the CJEU go too far?
In the recent case Kaltoft vs. Denmark the CJEU has ruled that obesity can be in specific cases considered discriminative on the ground of disability. I will briefly summarize the case and then present arguments to encourage discussion whether this decision is right and desirable or whether the CJEU went beyond the provisions of the European anti-discrimination directives.
Discussant: Greg Bognar
10h30-10h50 - Tomas Strelecek, PhD. Candidate, Charles University, Civil Law
How to render Czech evidence-seeking in civil litigation law even more democratic?
I will present the main differences between material and formal truth in civil litigation in democratic and totalitarian regimes. I will then present how in the Czech republic we abolished the principle of material truth in contentious civil litigation as in order to render it more democratic and more in line with the idea of a rule of law. The current Czech law regulating contentious civil procedure is rather free of residuals from totalitarianism. However, I will identify points which can be changed to to make it even more democratic.
Discussant: Petr Agha
10h50-11h10 - Elmira Lyapina, PhD student, Charles University, Public International Law
What are the key challenges for creation the adequate legal basis for EU-RUSSIA gas relations?
In order to improve the current EU-RUSSIA gas relations, there is a need to establish the dispute resolution body. Moreover, to avoid unpredictable decisions, occurs a need to design substantive legal basis. In my presentation, I will identify which key requirements the dispute resolution body and the substantive legal framework should meet.
Discussant: Radek Píša
11h10-11h30 - Tomas Friedel, PhD. Candidate, Charles University, Dept. of Political Sc. and Sociology
Judicial Disqualification and Social Media Friendships
The presentation considers the impact of social media connections of judges on judicial impartiality. At first, the notion of judicial impartiality is introduced (distinction between actual impartiality and appearance of impartiality is mentioned). In the following part, the nature of social media connections is discussed and compared to the real-life connections with regard to threats they could mean to judicial impartiality.
Discussant: Axel Gosseries
Prague Spring Law and Public Policy workshops (CeLAPA)May 10-11, 2016
Convenor: Axel Gosseries
“What’s wrong with discrimination?”
CeLAPA Research workshop - May 10, 2016
Venue: Charles University, Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 901/7
Morning chair:
Jana Ondrejko (Charles University, Faculty of Law)
10h – 11h15 - Tom Parr (Essex)
The Wrongness of Discrimination: A Defence of Pluralism
Abstract: Some philosophers defend a harm-based account of the wrongness of discrimination, according to which we can explain the wrongness of discrimination with reference to the harmfulness of discriminatory acts. Against this view, I offer two objections. The conditions objection states that the harm-based account implausibly fails to recognize that harmless discrimination can be wrong. The explanation objection states that the harm-based account fails adequately to identify all of the wrong-making properties of discriminatory acts. On this basis, I argue that the structure of a satisfactory view cannot be exclusively outcome-focused. A more promising view must also incorporate a concern for the deliberation of the discriminator and, in particular, the reasons that motivate or fail to motivate her action. This result is not only philosophically interesting, it also has implications for the social and political institutions that we ought to support.
Discussant: Oscar Horta
11h30-12h45 – Miklós Könczöl (Pázmány Catholic Univ./Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Proxy votes for under-age citizens: Positive or negative discrimination?
Abstract: The idea that families with children could cast additional votes at elections has been raised, once again, during the debates surrounding the drafting of the new Fundamental Law of Hungary. While such solutions were never enacted, a good deal of legal and philosophical arguments have been formulated, both pro and con. My presentation first discusses rights-based arguments focusing on the discriminative character of voting age limits. Second, I turn to the broader issue of discrimination as it appeared in the Hungarian context. While age limits are arguably discriminative against under-age citizens, in the Hungarian debate the concern was raised that proxy votes cast by parents may be discriminative against non-parents on the one hand, and may lead to the over-representation of certain social groups (such as Christian or Gypsy families) on the other.
Discussant: Petr Agha
Afternoon chair:
Ondrej Preuss (Charles University)(TBC)
14h15-15h30 Oscar Horta (Santiago de Compostela)
Discrimination against vegans
Abstract : Discrimination against vegans has some features in common with others such as ageism and lookism, especially in that it remains mostly invisible, even if it affects a non-negligible number of people. However, discrimination against vegans has some distinctive characteristics. It is a form of discrimination whose victims are particularly well aware of. However, vegans typically choose not to fight it. This happens as it is in fact a second order discrimination resulting from discrimination against nonhuman animals, on which vegans focus. If the first order discrimination (the one against nonhuman animals) is wrong, then all instances of discrimination against vegans are wrong too. If discrimination against nonhuman animals is correct, or it is not really a form of discrimination at all, then many (though not all) forms of private discrimination against vegans can be right, but a number of instances of public discrimination against them will still be very hard t o defend.
Discussant : Axel Gosseries
15h45-17h Greg Bognar (Stockholm)
Disability Discrimination in Health Care
Many philosophers, health service researchers, and disability advocates worry that people with chronic or permanent disabilities may be unfairly discriminated against in health care, even when health care resources are allocated on the basis of standard prioritization methods (like cost-effectiveness analysis). In the first part of this talk, I present and clarify the disability discrimination objection. I explain and illustrate the ways in which people with disabilities may be disadvantaged in health care resource allocation, and discuss whether the disadvantages are unfair. In the second part, I ask whether the philosophical problem applies in real life; that is, whether real-life priority setting exercises would in fact result in unfair discrimination against people with disabilities.
Discussant: Tom Parr
Překrásný nový svět nebo ostrov?
Konference se tradičně uskuteční ve dnech 8. - 10. června 2016 v prostorách
Louckého kláštera ve Znojmě.
Budeme žít ve světě, který popsal Aldous Huxley ve svých románech, nebo se uzavřeme světu a budeme doufat, že přežijeme na ostrovech? Na země V4 lze pohlížet jako na lokalitu, která reaguje na globální problémy současnosti specifickým způsobem. Extrémní nárůst nerovnosti, nerespektování mezinárodního práva, rozpory mezi státy a jejich společenstvími, otevřené a hybridní války, mediální manipulace, tvorba simulaker a hyperrealit, masivní likvidace životního prostředí, negativní dopady globalizace, neschopnost mezinárodních institucí tyto problémy řešit atd., to vše klade zásadní otázky, kam vlastně naše civilizace směřuje. Jakou roli v této situaci hraje právo a je ve svém tradičním pojetí vůbec schopno nějakou roli hrát? Nezměnil se už homo sapiens sapiens na homo economicus? Mají vůbec takové pojmy jako demokracie, spravedlnost, rovnost a svoboda v dnešním světě nějaké místo, nebo budeme asistovat jejich postupnému opouštění? Jsme přesvědčeni, že tyto pojmy smysl mají a má cenu je bránit, slovy Bernarda Bolzana na každém místě a v každém čase. K evropským tradičním hodnotám patří mimo jiné schopnost postavit se kriticky k vlastnímu vidění světa. Je to první krok k možné nápravě. V tomto duchu přivítáme všechny příspěvky, které se otevřeně postaví k těmto výzvám a pokusí se navrhnou možná opatření. Konference je sice primárně zaměřena na země V4, ale obecnější formulaci problémů nic nebrání.
Příspěvek na konferenci není nikterak oborově omezen. Předpokládá se jeho přednes v délce 10 minut tak, aby mohl být ke každému vedena diskuse. Plné znění příspěvků bude publikováno v tištěném recenzovaném sborníku. Předsedající každého panelu připraví stručnou zprávu, která bude publikována jako úvod k jednotlivým kapitolám sborníku.
Přihlášení příspěvků na konferenci zasílejte organizačnímu výboru na níže uvedenou adresu do 30. 4. 2016.
Jednací jazyky:
čeština, slovenština, polština, maďarština a angličtina.
Příspěvky do sborníku: čeština, slovenština a angličtina.
Kontaktní adresy:
Organizační výbor: JUDr. Helena Jermanová, email: jermanov@ktp.zcu.cz
Obsahové otázky: doc. JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc., email: cvrcek@ilaw.cas.cz
Mgr. Petr Agha, LL.M, PhD., email: agha@ilaw.cas.cz
Navrhované tématické okruhy (definitivní program bude uzpůsoben podle témat jednotlivých příspěvků)
1. Filosofickoprávní a obecné otázky teorie práva
2. Legislativa a tvorba práva v zemích V4
3. Ústavní soudnictví a konstitucionalismus
4. Obecné soudnictví, státní zastupitelství a policie
5. Nové jevy v zemích V4 (rekodifikace, nové instituty atd.)
6. Státní správa a samospráva, rekonstrukce státu ( samostatný workshop)
7. Menšiny, migrace a problémy integrace
8. Politické strany a občanská společnost
9. Výuka práva a výzkum
Přihlášky na konferenci (vystoupení s příspěvkem nebo účast) podávejte nejpozději dne 31. 5. 2016 elektronicky na adrese:
Konferenční poplatek ve výši 2.500,- Kč prosím uhraďte do 31. 5. 2016
Č.ú. 4811530257/0100 v.s. 324004 (do pozn. uveďte jméno účastníka)
Pro účastníky je rezervován hotel Bermuda http://www.hotelbermuda.cz/
Další možnosti ubytování: www.ubytovani-znojmo.cz
Informace pro platby ze zahraničí:
Methods of Payment:
Beneficiary: Zapadoceska univerita v Plzni, Univerzitni 8, 30614 Plzen, Czech
Bank transfer to: Komerční banka (SWIFT address KOMBCZPPXXX)
KB, a.s.
Na Prikope 33/cp 969
11407 Praha 1, Czech
KB account number 4845500267/ EUR
IBAN format of KB account CZ0401000000004845500267
Bank Code: 0100