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The subject, focus, and goals of the project

Research Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair (RCCT), which was built and put into operation by the Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR (IEM) within the Operational Programme Prague Competitiveness (OPPK) as part of the infrastructure for basic biomedical research. VCBT is financially supported by the National Programme sustainability Ministry of Education (NPU I - LO1309,) in the period 2014-2019.


VCBT builds on the successful implementation of the "Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair" (Research Centre - Ministry of Education, 1M0538, CEP12-MSM-1M-U/01:1), solved in 2000-2004 and 2005-2011, which coordinated the research and development in the field of cell therapy, cell sources and biocompatible materials and allowed the interconnection of scientific capacity and research groups in the field of cell therapy and tissue repair in the Czech Republic.


RCCT is primarily focused on basic research in the field of advanced therapies using stem cells, biomaterials and nanomaterials as tools for targeted experimental treatment of diseases incurable by conventional means, including studies on the safety of these methods.




The main objectives of the Centre project are based on a project implemented under the OPPK program and expand it as follows:
1. To obtain a deeper knowledge of new safe and effective treatments that offer therapies for incurable diseases or significantly shorten and/or reduce the price of current treatment.
2. The stabilization of conditions for generating high-quality scientific outputs of R&D&I, maintaining and increasing the number of jobs, and the effective utilization, expansion, and ongoing modernization of the existing research infrastructure.
3. To strengthen the interdisciplinarity of biomedical research by connecting the research fields of cell therapy, tissue repair, nanomaterials, functionalized nanofibers, and innovative biophysical methods.
4. The integration of the Centre into national and international structures and grant projects so as to provide additional sources for funding the further development of the Centre and strengthening its international contacts.
5. Establishing and intensifying collaboration between the Centre and application sector partners such as hospitals, clinical departments, businesses, and private investors.
6. The involvement of undergraduate and postgraduate medical and natural sciences students into research projects in collaboration with universities and the improvement of researcher training and workforce development.


The technological facilities and infrastructure of the Centre serve as utility rooms as well as access to equipment for the four research groups at the IEM:


alt-text Práce v laboratoři (laminární box) Práce v laboratoři
   Prof. Evžen Amler, DSc, PhD    Work in a laminar flow hood    Lab work


  • Department of Transplantation Immunology (Prof. Vladimír Holáň, DSc.)
  • Fig-Holan.JPG Isolace RNA pro detekci genové exprese ve sterilním PCR boxe Příprava kmenových buněk pro isolaci nukleových kyselin a studium diferenciace buněk prováděná v laminárním boxu Analýza dat ze studia genové exprese pomocí Real-time PCR
    Prof. Vladimír Holáň, DSc, PhD Isolation of RNA for detection of gene expression in a sterile PCR box Preparation of stem cells for nucleic acid isolation and the study of cell differentiation carried out in a laminar flow hood Analysis of data from studies of gene expression by real-time PCR



    Assoc. Prof. Pavla Jendelová, PhD and Šárka Kubinová, PhD



    Research programs have been established on the basis of trends in global scientific development, contacts with clinicians, and the long-term research focus of the working groups in the field of cell therapy and tissue repair:
    1. Study of the use of stem cells in tissue regeneration and the possibility of cell imaging using nanotechnology. Supervisor: Dr. Jendelová
    2. Targeted differentiation of stem cells and their use for regeneration of damaged ocular surfaces. Supervisor: Prof. Holáň
    3. Regulation of the immune response after stem cell transplantation. Supervisor: Prof. Holáň
    4. Preparation and characterization of functionalized nanofibers and microcapsules. Supervisor: Prof. Amler
    5. Biological characterization of newly developed advanced materials as delivery systems of bioactive substances. Supervisor: Prof. Amler
    6. The development of biomaterials for nerve tissue repair. Supervisor: Dr. Kubinová
    7. The development of biophysical methods for medical applications. Supervisor: Dr. Kubinová