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October 25 – 26, 2016, Mikulov


The conference program, based on the received contributions, will be available here a week before the conference.


The conference fee depends on the date of registration and membership in CAS or student status.

till 17.9.2016 from 18.9.2016
CAS member 1600 Kč 1800 Kč
CAS non-member 1800 Kč 2000 Kč
student 1400 Kč 1600 Kč

The conference fee includes the proceedings, 2 lunches (25.10. and 26.10.), conference dinner (25.10), coffee breaks during the conference and lease of the conference room. The meeting will take place from October 25, 2016 (about 9:30 pm) to October 26, 2016 (noon).


Accommodation can be arranged at the hotel Zámeček Mikulov (Hotel Zámeček, K Vápence 1209/6, 692 01 Mikulov, tel.: 519 512 856, mob.: 725 806 991, Email: hotel@zamecekmikulov.cz), or it can be arranged by the participants elsewhere. Meals (lunch and conference dinner) are provided in the place of conference. Participants can choose lunch from the list included in registration form..


Please send the completed registration form by e-mail to mikuska@iach.cz (registration) and moravec@icpf.cas.cz (the invoice).

Registration form is available for download HERE (Excel file). Please complete the orange highlighted fields.

Registration of participants will begin at conference place on October 25, 2016 at 8:30 am. Payment of registration fee should be sent to the bank account of CAS no. 159904888/0300

contact persons:
Pavel Mikuška
Ústav analytické chemie AV ČR, v.v.i.
Veveří 97, 602 00 Brno
Tel: +420-532290167

Pavel Moravec
Ústav chemických procesů AV ČR, v.v.i.
Rozvojová 135, 192 02 Praha 6
Tel: +420-220390245


Instructions for authors and abstract template are available for download here: Word DOC a PDF

Abstracts should be sent electronically to: kubelova@icpf.cas.cz

contact person:
Lucie Kubelová
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals AS CR, v.v.i.
Rozvojová 135, 165 02 Praha 6
Tel: +420-220390354

Abstract deadline is 3.10.2016 - abstracts sended after the deadline will not be included in the proceedings!


Conference scope can be assessed from the conference proceedings from previous years that are available here.

During the conference dinner, there will be held tasting of some 10 samples of wine in the archive part of the cellar for those who are interested. Participation on the tasting of wines is not included in the conference fee and participants will pay it themselves. Price will depend on the number of tasted samples.